毎日および毎週のトーナメントが個々のプロバイダーではなく Spinline によって開催されていることをなぜ繰り返し強調する必要があるのか、私にはわかりません。この点については最初に言及されたときに認識し、言及しました。現在のトーナメント システムの問題と欠陥を考えると、これは自慢する価値のあることではないと思います。代わりに、私が提起した質問に対処することに焦点を当てていただければ幸いです。これらの質問は未だに回答されていません。
1 月 8 日、私が約 1,500 ドルを賭けたのに、その日のトーナメントに参加していなかったというのはどういうことでしょうか?
あなたは私が 1 月 8 日のトーナメントに参加していなかったと主張していますが、1 月 9 日にカスタマー サービスに連絡したところ、そのトーナメントでの私の賞金について具体的に言及されていました。この矛盾をどのように説明しますか?
これら 2 つの回答は矛盾しています。どちらが正しいでしょうか?
出金手続きがボーナスの受け取りやトーナメントへの参加に本当に影響しなかったとしたら、1 月 8 日のトーナメントの賞金を受け取れず、1 月 9 日のトーナメントに参加できなかったのはなぜでしょうか?
ボーナス利用規約の第 7 項を参照しました:
私の撤退要請は 1 月 7 日、つまり 1 月 8 日のトーナメントが始まる前のことでした。そのため、トーナメントが始まったときには既に撤退要請を行っており、1 月 8 日の夕方まではトーナメントのリーダーボードで自分のポイントを追跡することができました。トーナメントが終了して順位を確認すると、リストに私の名前は表示されなくなっていました。
8- システムの正確性と透明性:
60 ドルをめぐってオンラインで議論するより、やるべきことがたくさんあることは確かです。おそらく、その金額は結局カジノに返すことになるでしょう。しかし、人為的ミスかシステムの問題かはわかりませんが、ここでは明らかに何かが間違っていました。
I’m unclear why there’s a repeated need to emphasize that the daily and weekly tournaments are organized by Spinline rather than individual providers. I acknowledged and referenced this point when it was first mentioned. Given the current issues and flaws in your tournament system, I don’t believe this is something worth boasting about. Instead, I’d appreciate a focus on addressing the questions I’ve raised, which continue to go unanswered.
Here are my concerns, which require clarification:
1-Tournament Participation on January 8:
How is it possible that I wasn’t part of the tournament on January 8 when I wagered approximately $1,500 that day?
2-Tournament Winnings as Bonus:
Where in the Terms and Conditions is it stated that winnings from a tournament are considered a bonus?
3-Conflicting Information from Customer Service:
You claim I wasn’t entered in the tournament on January 8, yet when I contacted customer service on January 9, they specifically referenced my winnings from that tournament. How do you explain this discrepancy?
4-Impact of Withdrawal Requests on Bonuses and Tournaments:
You stated, "The withdrawal process did not impact your ability to receive bonuses or participate in tournaments." However, when I inquired on January 9 about the winnings from January 8, I received an email stating:
"We apologize, our system automatically blocks the bonus issuing function when there is an active withdrawal request. Therefore, we are unable to credit your bonus."
These two responses are contradictory. Which one is correct?
5-Blocking Tournament Participation:
If the withdrawal process truly didn’t affect my ability to receive bonuses or participate in tournaments, then what prevented me from receiving the winnings from the January 8 tournament and not be able to participate in the January 9 tournament?
6-Unused Bonus Admission:
You referenced Section 7 of your Bonus Terms & Conditions:
"Players cannot activate previously unused bonuses after a withdrawal request."
This statement implies the existence of an unused bonus, contradicting your claim that everything was processed accurately.
7-Timing of Withdrawal Request:
My withdrawal request was made on January 7, before the January 8 tournament began. So when the tournament began, I had already made the withdrawal request, and up until the evening of January 8 I was able to track my points on the tournament leader board. When I check the standing once the tournament had completed, my name was no longer able to be found on the list.
If I was unable to collect winnings from the tournament, then I should not have been able to enter and track my points.
8- System Accuracy and Transparency:
You stated, "All tournament results and prize distributions are handled automatically by our system to ensure accuracy and transparency."
In theory, this sounds ideal, but it’s evident that your system is neither accurate nor transparent. It’s likely there’s an error in your system’s code or processes that caused this issue.
9-Investigation Results:
You claimed, "We confirm that you were credited for all tournaments you participated in, and no issues were identified during the investigation."
I firmly deny that I was credited for all tournaments I participated in. If your investigation couldn’t identify the issue, then it’s clear there are flaws in the process or overlooked errors.
I can assure you that I have far better things to do than argue my case online over $60—an amount that, in all likelihood, I would have ended up putting back into the casino anyway. However, something clearly went wrong here, whether due to human error or a system issue.
The only way for the casino to address and fix such issues is by players like myself bringing them to your attention. My hope is that by doing so, this problem can be resolved and prevented from affecting other players in the future.