私はこのオンラインカジノで運を試してみました.さて、私は€1400(£1200 +)に近いかなりの金額を獲得しました
技術的なエラーで、前日に承認されたにもかかわらず、私のドキュメントの 1 つが拒否されました。何かが少し怪しく見え始めました。
何も考えずに、まだ利益が出ているので、その資金でプレイを続けようと思いました。 1時間のプレイ時間の後で気づいたのですが、うまくいっていませんでした。これ以上支払いをしないようにスイッチを入れたようなものです。
翌日、「ティム」から電話がかかってきて、自分のアカウント マネージャーかカジノの担当者だと名乗っていました。彼は、私が獲得してトーナメントで勝ったボーナスについては大したことではありません。次回プレイするときにこれらを確認する必要があります。
6 日目 - まだ出金がありません。私はお金で遊んで、今度は出金プロセスが完了することを期待して、サポート エージェントにもチップを渡すことにしました。どちらもうまくいかなかった大きな太ったNOPE...
第 2 週 - 銀行口座にそのお金が表示されることはないと確信しているので、資金で遊び続けました。私は再び勝ち始めますが、1時間は過ぎ去り、スイッチが再びオンになったようです。この時点で、それも非常に不正であると信じており、引き出しプロセスは再び拒否されました.そして、私は最後の €500 まで減っています。
1 か月後 - サポートと多くの会話をしましたが、今では怒って腹を立てています。
私は、すべての新しい書類をアップロードし、それらが確認されるのを待つと言いました. (ギブ・オア・テイク40分で全員確定)
まあ、yetiwincasino.com のこのひどいレビューを残すためにここにいるので、おそらく引き出しが機能しなかったと推測できます.
1 日の終わりに、私は合計 200 ユーロの資金を失いましたが、それがすべてであることを知って、立ち去ることができてとても幸せでした。しかし、このカジノは閉鎖する必要があります。派手な見た目の詐欺に過ぎません!
I tried my luck on this online casino just cause i fancied a little dabble. Well i won a substantial amount close to €1400 (£1200+)
After winning i thought brilliant let me see if my documents have gone through and have been accepted.
Well after multiple back and forths with the customer support i finally got my documents all registered for them to tell me withdrawals can be 3-36hrs. No problem, i could wait.
Well 2 days later i checked and noticed nothing had gone into my bank. So i tried again with the withdrawal request, and further contacted support to see what the issue was.
It was a technical error and one of my documents was rejected even though it was approved the previous day. Something was starting to look a little fishy.
Not thinking anything of it too much, i thought I'd continue to play on with those funds as i was still in a profit. Though i noticed after of 1 hour play time, things were not going well. It's like a switch was flicked on to say no more payouts.
So, I was down to €1000. Which was still a profit so I started the withdrawal process again.
The next day I received a phone call from a 'Tim' claiming to be my account manager or something like that from the casino. No big deal he spoke of bonuses that I had acquired and won a tournament and I should check these out when I next play.
I asked about the withdrawal process and got a very quick answer to say all my documents were approved and I could now withdraw my funds when I wanted to, also if I felt like it to give him a tip. I just remember thinking you cheeky bastard all you've done is drop call my phone 3 times then wants a tip for being for spouting off some nonsense that's probably just on a script in front of him.
Anyway the following day still no withdrawal gone through speak to Tim again and he says he doesn't know why it's being refused as all my documents are in order, but he'll personally check for me. He also gave me an additional €10 to play with while he sorted it.
I got back to €1145 thought lovely I'll stay there and request the refund.
Day 6 - No withdrawal still, figured I'd play with the money then tip the support agent too in they hope that the withdrawal process went through this time. Big fat NOPE that didn't work either...
Well the withdrawal part didn't but by no surprise the tip went through no problem and came out of my funds instantly.
Week 2 - I'm pretty sure I'm never going to see that money in my bank account so I Continued to play with the funds. I start winning again but the an hour comes and goes and its like the switch has been turned on again. I believe it too be very much rigged at this point the withdrawal process again has been rejected. And I'm down to my last €500.
1 month later - I've had many conversations with support now angry and getting pissed off.
I said I'll upload all new documents and wait for them to be confirmed. (All were confirmed in 40 mins give or take)
Then secondly re-attempt for the last time to do the withdrawal on this casino. If it doesn't go through this time I'll just drain it to nothing and leave for good.
Well, as I'm here to leave this abysmal review for yetiwincasino.com you can probably guess that the withdrawal never worked.
At the end of the day I lost a total of €200 of my funds and was quite happy to walk away knowing that's all it was. But, this casino needs to be shut down, its nothing more than a glitzy looking scam!