何かポジティブなことを付け加えるとしたらどうでしょうか? 🙂 たとえば、どれくらいの頻度で引き出しができましたか? カジノはどれくらい早くリクエストを処理しましたか?
What about something positive to add? 🙂 For instance, how often have you been able to withdraw, and how quickly does the casino handle requests?
何かポジティブなことを付け加えるとしたらどうでしょうか? 🙂 たとえば、どれくらいの頻度で引き出しができましたか? カジノはどれくらい早くリクエストを処理しましたか?
What about something positive to add? 🙂 For instance, how often have you been able to withdraw, and how quickly does the casino handle requests?
私の意見では、1win は無能なブックメーカーです。プラットフォームに登録し、入金してゲームを始めましたが、確認の類は求められず、勝って出金した日に、出金が何日も保留され、サポートにチャットで問い合わせたところ、アカウントの本人確認が必要だと言われました。問題ありません。確認に必要な書類をすべて提出し、セキュリティ チームが確認を完了するのに 14 日以上かかり、ようやく完了して確認が成功したと宣言され、出金が処理されました。それから間もなく、わずか 1 か月ちょっとで、ランダムな日に再度出金を試みると、再び確認対象になりました。これはまったくひどいことです。詐欺行為は何もしていないので、必要なものは何でも送信することをためらいません。気にせず、賭け続け、勝ったり負けたりを繰り返しています。また、確認中のアカウントでは、2 回目の確認に 25 日以上かかり、ランダムな朝にログインしようとすると、アカウントがブロックされていると言われました。サポートにチャットで問い合わせたところ、そして彼らはメールで私をセキュリティチームに紹介し、私は彼らと話をしましたが、私が第9.7条に違反したとだけ言われました。私には何の証拠も示されず、まったく何も示されませんでした。なぜなら、実のところ私はそれを正当化するようなことは何もしていないからです。これは彼らの不正行為です。
1win in my opinion is an incompetent bookie, I registered on your platform, deposited and started playing games, no verification of sorts of requested, on the day I win and I place a withdrawal, you hold my withdrawal in pending for days, I have to chat support and then I’m told that I have to verify my account identity, no problem, I provide all the needed documents for verification, it takes the security team over 14 days to complete verification and then they finally conclude and declare my verification successful, and my withdrawal is processed, shortly after, barely over a month, I attempt to withdraw again on a random day and I’m placed under verification again, that’s absolute rubbish, I do not hesitate to send anything required, because I’m not doing anything fraudulent, I am not bothered, I continue staking and winning and loosing also, on my account under verification, it takes them over 25 days while I’m on verification for the second time, and then I try to login on a random morning and I’m told my account has been blocked, I chat support and they refer me to the security team via mail, I talk to them and all I’m told is I violated clause 9.7 . No evidence is shown to me, absolutely nothing because in truth I did nothing to warrant that, that is fraudulent on their part.
とにかく、あなたの書き込みからすると、あなたはスポーツだけに賭けているように思えますが、それは本当ですか、それともこの場合スロットもプレイしましたか? それは事件全体の中でかなり重要です。
一方、一度認証に合格すると、カジノ側が追加の認証を求める可能性もあることは理解していますが、2 回目に合格しなかった理由を述べることは困難です。苦情がどのように展開し、さらに詳細が判明するかを見ていきますが、スポーツに賭けるだけかどうかも重要です。当社はこの分野を扱っておらず、専門家もいないため、お客様をサポートすることはできません。
I understand that often players would like to hear a clear reason why an account is blocked, but I also know from experience that casinos do not provide such evidence to players because it could backfire on them.
Anyway, from what you write it seems to me that you bet only on sports, is that true or did you also play slots in this case? That's pretty important in the whole case.
On the other hand, I understand that once you pass verification, sometimes it is possible that casinos will ask for additional verification, but it is hard to say on what basis you didn't pass it the second time. We'll see how the complaint develops and if we find out more, but it will also be important if you just bet on sports or not, because we don't deal with this area and since we don't have any experts in it, we can't help you.
But I won't get ahead of myself and I hope it can be sorted out somehow.
こんにちは、こんにちは、Jaro。スロットへの賭けはごくわずかです。Aviator やその他のゲームを数回プレイしましたが、あまりよく予測する方法がわからないからです。主にスポーツをプレイしています。皆さんにお願いです。Casino Guru が最後の助けの手段です。私のケースを放棄しないでください。戦うチャンスがなければ、アカウントのお金をすべて失うことになります。
Hello, good day Jaro, my bets on slots is very minimal, I played aviator and others a few times because I do not know how to predict that so well, I play mostly sports, please I’m begging y’all Casino Guru is my last resort for help, do not abandon my case, I’ll lose all my money in my account without a fighting chance.
If you uploaded your balance using also aviator games then it shouldn't happen. It would be worse if the whole balance came from sports betting, then I would be afraid it would be closed. But you're dealing with everything in a complaint, so hopefully we'll be able to help you. However, I certainly don't want to make any promises. 😕
こんにちは、Jaro。良い一日をお過ごしのことと思います。私のケースを支援するために尽力してくださりありがとうございます。どうかこのケースを放棄しないでください。私のアカウントで多額のお金が失われてしまいます。このケースに 1win を招待してもらいたいです。私は彼らの決定に異議を唱えます。
Hello Jaro, I hope you’re having a good day, thank you for all you’re doing to help my case, please do not abandon it, I will lose too much money in my account, I want 1win to be invited to this case, I’m contesting their decision.
Please how do I know the progress of my complaint? I want 1win to be invited to this conversation, those guys are trying to take my money unfairly from me
I see that Nick also wrote basically the same thing that if it's about sports betting we won't be able to help.
But I have some pages where you could get help and I'll try to share them with you so that you can file a complaint there as well.
You can find them here:
The process or progress of the complaint will probably not be that important in this case but nevertheless if in the future you would also enter one in this guide you will find everything you need.
Fingers crossed.🤞
友人の勧めでこのサイトでプレイし始めました。カジノについてはあまり詳しくありませんが、1win は良いサイトだと思います。ゲームも気に入っていますし、すぐにお金を引き出せるのも気に入っています。
I started playing on this site on the recommendation of a friend. I don't know much about casinos, but in my opinion, 1win is a good site. I like the games and the fact that I can withdraw money quickly.
Empecé a jugar en este sitio por recomendación de un amigo. No entiendo mucho de casinos, pero en mi opinión, 1win es un buen sitio. Me gustan los juegos y el hecho de que puedo retirar el dinero rápidamente.
こんにちは。1win でアカウントを開設したのですが、出金したいのですが、出金できません。すべての出金が拒否され、アカウントに問題はないと言われましたが、出金できません。
Hello, I opened an account at 1win and now I want to withdraw and it won't let me, it rejects all withdrawals, they say my account has no problem but I can't withdraw.
Hola abrí una cuenta en 1win y ahora quiero retirar y no me deja me rechaza todos los retiros, dicen que mi cuenta no tiene problema pero no puedo retirar
友人の勧めでこのサイトでプレイし始めました。カジノについてはあまり詳しくありませんが、1win は良いサイトだと思います。ゲームも気に入っていますし、すぐにお金を引き出せるのも気に入っています。
I started playing on this site on the recommendation of a friend. I don't know much about casinos, but in my opinion, 1win is a good site. I like the games and the fact that I can withdraw money quickly.
Empecé a jugar en este sitio por recomendación de un amigo. No entiendo mucho de casinos, pero en mi opinión, 1win es un buen sitio. Me gustan los juegos y el hecho de que puedo retirar el dinero rápidamente.
こんにちは。1win でアカウントを開設したのですが、出金したいのですが、出金できません。すべての出金が拒否され、アカウントに問題はないと言われましたが、出金できません。
Hello, I opened an account at 1win and now I want to withdraw and it won't let me, it rejects all withdrawals, they say my account has no problem but I can't withdraw.
Hola abrí una cuenta en 1win y ahora quiero retirar y no me deja me rechaza todos los retiros, dicen que mi cuenta no tiene problema pero no puedo retirar
Hey, I find it quite strange if they tell you that your account has no problems but you can't withdraw. Is this your first withdrawal? Are you already verified here or not? Did you ask what is the reason for the rejection?
Please let me know. 😉
その後、彼らは私に KYC を発行し、私は彼らが要求したことをすべて実行しましたが、15 日経ってもまだ入金したお金が戻ってきません。連絡したところ、ただ待つように言われました。このカジノには多くの問題があります。
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem arose a month later
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The account from which I withdrew my deposit was reported as a voice phishing account, and all my accounts were also suspended.
I reported this fact to them, but they are not taking any action or solving any problem.
And since then they issued me a kyc and I did everything they wanted but it's been 15 days and I still haven't received my deposit back. When I contact them they just tell me to wait. This is a casino with a lot of problems
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem rose after a month.
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The deposit withdrawal account was reported as a voice phishing account, so all my accounts were suspended.
I reported this to them, but they did not do anything to solve the problem.
And after that, they issued a KYC to me and I did everything they wanted, but even after 15 days, I still have not received my deposit back. When I contacted them, they just told me to wait. This casino has a lot of problems.
나는 이 카지노을 한 달간 이용했습니다. 처음부터 보증금 입금은 3분 출금은 빠르면 3시간 늦으면 익일에나되었습나다.
문제는 한달 후에 생겼습니다
어느날 보증금 출금을 하고 그 다음날에 나의 머든 한국의 은행 계좌 전부가 지급정지 되었습니다. 보증금 출금 계좌가 보이스피싱 계좌로 신고되어 나의 계좌 전부도 지급정지를 당했습니다.
나는 이 사실을 그들에게 보고했지만 그들은 어떠한 노략도 해결도 하지 않고 있습니다
그리고 그 이후 그들은 나에게 kyc를 발효했고 나는 모든 것을 그들이 원하는데로 해주었지만 15일이 지난 지금에도 나는 나의 보증금을 돌려 받지 못하고 있습니다.. 그들에게 연락하면 그저 기다리라는 말뿐입니다. 문제가 정말 많은 카지노입니다
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem arose after a month.
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The deposit withdrawal account was reported as a voice phishing account, so all my accounts were suspended.
I reported this to them, but they did not do anything to solve the problem.
And after that, they issued a KYC to me and I did everything they wanted, but even after 15 days, I still have not received my deposit back. When I contacted them, they just told me to wait. This casino has a lot of problems.
It's good that I read this thread before going to play, now the desire has suddenly gone away, I'll have to look for another project
Хорошо что я прочитал данную ветку перед тем как идти играть, теперь желание резко ушло придеться искать другой проект
その後、彼らは私に KYC を発行し、私は彼らが要求したことをすべて実行しましたが、15 日経ってもまだ入金したお金が戻ってきません。連絡したところ、ただ待つように言われました。このカジノには多くの問題があります。
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem arose a month later
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The account from which I withdrew my deposit was reported as a voice phishing account, and all my accounts were also suspended.
I reported this fact to them, but they are not taking any action or solving any problem.
And since then they issued me a kyc and I did everything they wanted but it's been 15 days and I still haven't received my deposit back. When I contact them they just tell me to wait. This is a casino with a lot of problems
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem rose after a month.
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The deposit withdrawal account was reported as a voice phishing account, so all my accounts were suspended.
I reported this to them, but they did not do anything to solve the problem.
And after that, they issued a KYC to me and I did everything they wanted, but even after 15 days, I still have not received my deposit back. When I contacted them, they just told me to wait. This casino has a lot of problems.
나는 이 카지노을 한 달간 이용했습니다. 처음부터 보증금 입금은 3분 출금은 빠르면 3시간 늦으면 익일에나되었습나다.
문제는 한달 후에 생겼습니다
어느날 보증금 출금을 하고 그 다음날에 나의 머든 한국의 은행 계좌 전부가 지급정지 되었습니다. 보증금 출금 계좌가 보이스피싱 계좌로 신고되어 나의 계좌 전부도 지급정지를 당했습니다.
나는 이 사실을 그들에게 보고했지만 그들은 어떠한 노략도 해결도 하지 않고 있습니다
그리고 그 이후 그들은 나에게 kyc를 발효했고 나는 모든 것을 그들이 원하는데로 해주었지만 15일이 지난 지금에도 나는 나의 보증금을 돌려 받지 못하고 있습니다.. 그들에게 연락하면 그저 기다리라는 말뿐입니다. 문제가 정말 많은 카지노입니다
I have been using this casino for a month. From the beginning, deposits were made in 3 minutes and withdrawals were made in 3 hours at the earliest and the next day at the latest.
The problem arose after a month.
One day, I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The deposit withdrawal account was reported as a voice phishing account, so all my accounts were suspended.
I reported this to them, but they did not do anything to solve the problem.
And after that, they issued a KYC to me and I did everything they wanted, but even after 15 days, I still have not received my deposit back. When I contacted them, they just told me to wait. This casino has a lot of problems.
こんにちは。これはかなり複雑なケースだとわかります。アカウントの問題について連絡したとのことですが、具体的なことは何も言われず、ただ待つ必要があると言われ、まだ何も解決されていないのですか? いつ連絡しましたか? KYC を行っているときに、それを完了しましたか?
Hi, I can see that this is quite a complex case. You say you contacted them about a problem with your account. They didn't tell you anything specific, just that you had to wait and nothing has been resolved yet? When did you contact them? When you were going through the KYC, did you complete it or not?
Nevertheless, since you have opened a complaint, we will try to investigate and see what we can find out and if it can be resolved.
If you have anything new, please let me know.
それはよかったです。もしよろしければ、ひとつだけお手伝いいただきたいことがあります。あなたのアカウントが「ボイスフィッシング アカウント」として報告されたとおっしゃいましたが、それは銀行口座のことですか、それともカジノ アカウントのことですか?
That's good. There is one thing I'd like you to help me with if you do not mind - when you said that your account had been reported for "voice phishing account" do you mean your bank account or casino account, please?
It says " I withdrew my deposit and the next day, all my Korean bank accounts were suspended. The account from which I withdrew my deposit was reported as a voice phishing account, and all my accounts were also suspended." Additionally, how do you think these two events are linked to each other?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on that, and I hope the complaint also brings us more clues.
Casino account. The account that withdraws the deposit of the Korean branch from me at the casino has been reported as voice phishing, and my account deposit from the account has been buried now.
They are not notifying me why they are investigating or how long they are going to do it. I have sent a letter requesting a water-type chulgeum, but they do not respond anymore. Nevertheless, they do not stop playing and refuse to withdraw. Who would play in a casino where money cannot be withdrawn? This is a private enterprise. I ask them why they are the problem, but they don't answer.
It's the first time I've been investigating a game player for more than 20 days on the grounds of investigation. In my opinion, research is an excuse and it's just that this casino doesn't want to pay
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