私を含めて何千人も詐欺に遭った人が 3 人いるのに、あなたのウェブサイトはそんなクズどもに 8/10 の評価を与えるべきだとお考えですか?
Including me there are 3 people who have been scammed in thousands, you think your website should be giving 8/10 rating to such scums ?
私を含めて何千人も詐欺に遭った人が 3 人いるのに、あなたのウェブサイトはそんなクズどもに 8/10 の評価を与えるべきだとお考えですか?
Including me there are 3 people who have been scammed in thousands, you think your website should be giving 8/10 rating to such scums ?
Jaro, no link opens except the first but after having carefully filled in all the fields, there is no possibility to send the complaint, an error appears. However, I repeat: this is about unpaid winnings and unfortunately many of us have been scammed. You must intervene, in 2024 you cannot leave open a gaming platform that commits crimes by committing thefts and CRIMES that should be punished by law
Jaro, nessun link si apre tranne il primo ma dopo aver compilato accuratamente tutti i campi, non c'è possibilità di inviare il reclamo, compare un'errore. Comunque ribadisco: qui si tratta di vincite non pagate e purtroppo siamo in tanti ad essere stati truffati. Dovete intervenire, nel 2024 non si può lasciare aperta una piattaforma di gioco che delinque commettendo dei furti e dei REATI che dovrebbero essere puniti dalla legge
あなたの意見は理解できますが、プレイヤーがこのサイトやあのサイトについて情報を得るためにここに来ていることもわかっています。その後、そのサイトが 8/10 と評価されているのがわかり、かなりの金額を獲得した後に詐欺に遭うと、プレイヤーにとって良い経験にはなりません。つまり、8/10 はサイト betplays.com の真の価値を反映していません。私は 00/10 を付けていますが、それで十分です。あなたの評価はプレイヤーにとって罠です。失礼ですが、だからこそ、あなたの仕事が完成し、サイトの信頼性が高まるように、スポーツ ベッティングにも投資する必要があると思います。したがって、カジノであれスポーツ ベッティングであれ、お金はお金なのです。
I understand your point of view, but also know that players come here to get an idea about this or that site, if they subsequently find that it is rated 8/10 then they get scammed once they have won a considerable amount, it will not be a good experience for them..i meant by that, 8/10 does not reflect the true value of the site betplays.com I give them 00/10 and I am good with them. your rating is a trap for players, excuse me for telling you, that's why I think you have to invest in sports betting too so that your work is complete and that gives more credibility to your site, therefore casino or sports betting, money is money..
I also understand what you are saying and maybe one day we will resort to this and we will have people for sports betting as well. However, it is not a priority yet and so if people know us or go through the information, they know that we are not dealing with it.
It would certainly have added value, but it can't be done just like that, with one person's mind. I think we both get each other and hopefully, like you, other players will have a better experience than this.
All the gaming platforms you evaluate offer both the casino section and the sports section, so I don't agree with the fact that you only deal with casino complaints. It's illogical, money won is money won regardless of the game mode
Tutte le piattaforme che di gioco che valutate, offrono sia la sezione casinò che la sezione sport, quindi non condivido il fatto che voi vi occupiate solo di reclami casinò. È illogico, i soldi vinti sono soldi vinti indipendentemente dalla modalità di gioco
Well, that's your opinion and our position on it is different. I'll say it for the last time, since we don't have people who understand sports betting how we would probably intervene in such cases. That is illogical to me. To defend a player and not even know what I'm getting into because I don't understand it. Is that logical to you?
I know that players are sad if they lose money by fraud, but you have other sites, like the ones I posted, that might be able to help you.
So I hope I have made myself clear and we don't have to go round and round about the same thing.
Jaro, no link opens except the first but after having carefully filled in all the fields, there is no possibility to send the complaint, an error appears. However, I repeat: this is about unpaid winnings and unfortunately many of us have been scammed. You must intervene, in 2024 you cannot leave open a gaming platform that commits crimes by committing thefts and CRIMES that should be punished by law
Jaro, nessun link si apre tranne il primo ma dopo aver compilato accuratamente tutti i campi, non c'è possibilità di inviare il reclamo, compare un'errore. Comunque ribadisco: qui si tratta di vincite non pagate e purtroppo siamo in tanti ad essere stati truffati. Dovete intervenire, nel 2024 non si può lasciare aperta una piattaforma di gioco che delinque commettendo dei furti e dei REATI che dovrebbero essere puniti dalla legge
It opened all the links for me. If you can't access any complaints and you get an error, have you contacted any support on those sites ?
Also, have you tried contacting the authority in your situation ?
こんにちは、ジャメルさん。キュラソーのライセンス代理店に問い合わせました。 complaints@gaming-curacao.com
Hi jamel, I turned to the Curacao licensing agent: complaints@gaming-curacao.com
They replied to me, I sent all the documentation in my possession
Ciao jamel mi sono rivolto al conessionario delle licenze di Curacao: complaints@gaming-curacao.com
Mi hanno risposto, ho inviato tutta la documentazione in mio possesso
こんにちは、友人。次の宛先にメールを送信してみてください: complaints@gaming-curacao.com
Hi friend, try sending an email to: complaints@gaming-curacao.com
They responded to me
Ciao amico, prova a inviare una mail a: complaints@gaming-curacao.com
A me hanno risposto
Good news, i will email them for sure yes , is it just an email or they have a website please?
Hi jamel, I found the direct authority for our complaints!!!
Ciao jamel, ho trovato l'autorità diretta per i nostri reclami!!!
1 件の苦情は却下されました。これは、当社がスポーツ賭博を扱っていないためです。ちなみに、この説明を読むことができる理由は次のとおりです。
すべてのオンライン カジノの最新レビュー、ボーナス データベース、グローバル コミュニティ、苦情サポートなど。"
2 番目のプレーヤーは問題について苦情を一切提出しておらず、カジノに対する調査や処罰は行われていません。
Hey there!
Not that I want to take your words lightly, but the point is that:
One complaint was rejected, because we do not deal with sports betting here. By the way, this is the reason why you can read this description:
"Explore the world's biggest source of information about online casinos
Up-to-date reviews of all online casinos, bonus database, global community, complaint help, and more."
None of the casino reviews say a word about sports betting qualities. The same goes for the Safety Index.
I'm sorry you have probably been mistaken, we deal with the wrong expectations almost daily.
The second player has not submitted a complaint about his issue at all, there has been no investigation or penalization for the casino.
Finally, your complaint was rejected as unjustified.
Meaning, according to the Fair Gambling Codex, you have not been scammed, hence the casino won't be penalized.
We lack a valid reason to change this specific casino's Safety Index in such a situation.
Sorry to hear you are disappointed, but we have to maintain our objectivity, and the present assessment will not change in the absence of evidence.
Or details in the casino review:
Gaming Curaçao (GC)
Not sure whether anyone has mentioned this email.
The regulators are "in" with the casino, curacao casinos are known for such behaviour, this is unfortunatley a lost cause, nobody cares. The casino is so pathetic that they even refused to return my deposit, they beggars need every dollar it seems.
The same happened to me. I complained to them, I waited nearly a month and they sided with the operator. The casino didn’t even reply on the thread
私を驚かせ、言葉も出ないのは、betplays.com がまだアクセス可能でオープンだということです。他の貧しい世間知らずの人々を騙してお金を盗む準備ができています。当局がまだ介入して、この忌まわしい犯罪者を阻止していない可能性はありますか? 彼らは平気で人々を騙します。プレイヤーの保護はどこにありますか? しかし、私の戦いは続いており、私はあきらめていません。要求に応じて、すべての文書をギャンブル キュラソーに送りました。今後の展開を見守ります。
The thing that leaves me shocked and speechless is that betplays.com is still accessible and open! Ready to deceive and steal money from other poor naive people. Is it possible that the authorities still haven't intervened to inhibit those damned criminals? They cheat people undisturbed, where is the protection of the players??????? However my battle continues and I am not giving up, I have sent, as requested, all the documentation to gambling curacao, we will see the developments
La cosa che mi lascia allibito e senza parole è che betplays.com è ancora accessibile e aperto! Pronto a ingannare e a rubare soldi ad altra povera gente ingenua. Possibile che ancora le autorità non siano intervenute per inibire quei maledetti delinquenti? Truffano indisturbati le persone, la tutela dei giocatori dov'è??????? Comunque la mia battaglia continua e non mi arrendo, ho inviato, come richiesto, tutta la documentazione alla gambling curacao, vedremo gli sviluppi
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com