How can the casino have such good reviews when everyone just complains.
I myself have been waiting for my payment for 40 days.
Always a new excuse
Avoid Casino!
There is nothing more to say
Wie kann das Casino so gute Bewertungen haben wenn sich jeder nur beschwert.
ich selbst warte seid 40 Tagen auf meine Audzahlug .
Ständig eine neue Ausrede
Casino Vermeiden!
Mehr ist nicht zu sagen
確かに、引き出しを待つのに 40 日間というのは非常に長い時間です。
そうするには、 このリンクに従ってください。
どう思いますか? それをやってみますか?
40 days is a really long time to wait for withdrawal, for sure.
May I ask what is the reason for this delay, though?
I would suggest you file a complaint here with our team so they can investigate the matter and try to help in solving the issue.
Please follow this link to do so.
What do you say? Will you try that?
こんにちは。拒否された書類をもっと具体的に教えていただけますか? 送った書類はすべて不適合ですか? 書類が拒否された理由をカジノに尋ねましたか?
Hello, could you tell me more specifically what documents are rejected? Is everything you send not compliant? Did you ask the casino the reason why the documents were rejected?
Can you explain the situation more, please, I would be grateful and maybe we find out something together.🙂
Hello, about 2 weeks ago I won 3700€ at 1bruce.bet online casino. I have done everything in terms of verification, uploaded everything via PDF, bills, passport, selfie with ID and Paysafe screenshot with my name, but there are always some excuses and no real reason. We don't know what to do, if anyone has had the same problem and can help me that would be super helpful. Thank you very much
Hallo, ich habe vor circa 2 Wochen einen Gewinn über 1bruce.bet online Casino 3700€ gewonnen. Ich habe bezüglich Verifizierung alles gemacht per PDF alles hochgeladen Rechnungen, Pass, Selfie mit Ausweis und Paysafe Screenshot mit meinem Namen aber immer sind irgendwelche Ausreden und keine richtige Begründung. Wir wissen nicht weiter wenn jemand das selbe Problem hatte und mir helfen kann wäre super hilfreich. Vielen Dank
いずれにせよ、2 週間以上経過している場合は、これ以上待たずに当社に苦情を申し立てていただければ、当社がサポートいたします。
Hey, can you tell me what the casino sees as the real problem? Are there any documents rejected and you haven't gone through verification yet or what is behind it?
Anyway, if it's been more than 2 weeks, I wouldn't wait any longer and you can open a complaint with us and we'll try to help you.
What do you say?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com