We can keep in touch if you want my email address
Nous pouvons garder contact si vous voulez mon adresse mail dcharlet05@gmail.com
We can keep in touch if you want my email address
Nous pouvons garder contact si vous voulez mon adresse mail dcharlet05@gmail.com
ただし、この特定のカジノは、アンジュアン ライセンスの下で運営されています。私たちも、このライセンスは弱いと考えています。一方、多くのカジノは、新しいキュラソー法の下でライセンス申請を提出するための要件とオプションが明確になり、利用可能になるまで、完全に無ライセンスのままでいることを好みます。もう 1 つの選択肢は、最も議論されている代替案であるコスタリカまたはアンジュアンを取得することです...
Hi there,
you are quite correct, though this is not the only reason why casinos have turned to Costa Rica or Anjuan.
However, this specific casino operates under the Anjuan license. We also consider it a weak license. On the other hand, many casinos prefer to remain completely unlicensed until the requirements and options for submitting license requests under the new Curacao law become clear and available. The other option is to acquire the most discussed alternatives - Costa Rica or Anjuan...
I bet the casino support is not ready to explain that to the players. I hope this conversation demonstrates that it is always better to say the whole story, not just some convenient phrase, for instance.
In any case, I'm confident that the majority of you will be excited to explore the list.
私は、一団の人々からの証拠(Discord での通信と WhatsApp アプリでの通信)を見ましたが、共謀者は 1 人か 2 人だけであることが判明しました。
質問は、「Casino Guru に支払いますか?」というもので、「別のアカウント」からの答えは「はい」です。
これこそが証拠です! 😂 スクリーンショットをお見せできないのが残念です...
私たちがそのことに気づいたのは、彼が Casino Guru の複数のアカウントでまったく同じカジノに対していくつかの苦情を提出した時でした。私たちはそれを冗談として受け止めました。TP にそれを説明するのは地獄の業火でした。
I saw the evidence—discord communication and WhatsApp app communication—from a group of people, but it turned out to be just one or two conspirators.
The question was, like, Do you pay Casino Guru? the answer from "another account": yes!
This is what I call evidence! 😂 It's a pity I can't show you the screenshot...
We came to find it when he submitted a few complaints against the very same casino per different Casino Guru accounts. We took that as a joke; explaining that to TP would be hell.
よろしければ、あなたは新メンバーなので、他の人の印象だけに基づいて意見を形成しているだけだと思います。あなたも、私たちの活動を本当に理解するために少し時間を費やしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 🙂
If I may, you are a new member, and I guess you are just forming your opinion solely under the impression from the others. How about you also invest some time to truly understand what we do? 🙂
Yes, casinos pay us through commissions, and if a casino demonstrates clear unfairness towards players, we terminate our cooperation. However, we continue to keep the review visible to inform players about the events, among other things.
I suggest you read this so you really understand how it works 👈
can you explain to me why my review has been pending for 3 days 🤭
pouvez vous m'expliquer pourquoi mon avis est en attente depuis 3 jours 🤭
こんにちは。週末のため、それぞれ手動でチェックしています。これを説明する自動生成メールを受け取ったと思います。メールを確認してください 🙂
Hi there, because of the weekend, each one is manually checked. I believe you received the auto-generated email explaining this. Check out your email 🙂
それ以外は、これらは単なる一般的な非難です。偽の Anjuan ライセンスをめぐる「誤解」にも同じことが当てはまると思います。🙂
This is truly interesting how many French players have suddenly read and reached this thread using the very same diction as our friend here. 🙂
Well, present your opinions. I bet the casino representative has much to add.
If you personally experienced anything unfair, do submit a free-of-charge compaint - this is the way to prove casino wrong.
Please do not post your so-called complaints on this forum; these are merely posts.
Otherwise, these are just general accusations. The same applies to the "misunderstanding" surrounding the fake Anjuan license, I believe. 🙂
Maybe you should tell your friends to stop lying, they are not on Curacao!
I heard the list of course
Il faut peut être dire à vos amis de stopper les mensonges ils ne sont pas sous curaçao !
jai bien entendu la liste
素敵な週末をお過ごしいただけたでしょうか。何かご相談したいことがありましたら、ぜひメールでお問い合わせください。 。
Dear dcharlet05,
Hope you had a nice weekend. If there is a specific matter you would like to discuss we welcome you to email us at support@delorocasino.com.
Wishing you all the best!
Kind regards,
Del Oro Casino
金曜日に理由もなく私のアカウントを閉鎖した理由をここで説明してください。メールに返信しないからです。評判を恐れているからこそ、ここでもっと反応するのです😅 しかし、あなたが言うように最高のカジノなら、苦情はないはずです...
Of gold
Explain to us here why you closed my account on Friday without reason? Since you do not respond to emails. You are more responsive here because you are afraid of your reputation😅 However, if you are the best casino as you say there should be no complaints ...
Del oro
Expliquez nous ici pourquoi vous avez clôturer mon compte vendredi sans motif ? Puisque vous ne répondez pas aux mails. Vous êtes plus réactif ici car vous avez peur de votre réputation😅 Pourtant si vous êtes le meilleur casino comme vous dîtes il ne devrait pas y avoir de plaintes ...
すでにここでお伝えしましたが、カジノは Anjuan ライセンス機関の認可を受けています。率直に言って、私はカジノで働いていないので、カジノサポート関連の質問に答える権限はありません。その件はカジノ自体に任せます。
Hi there,
Concentrate on your writing and post each piece of information just once for me. I may be so bold to ask...
I believe it is quite obvious that only the casino staff can respond to your next polite post. Do we really need to keep circling back and forth?
I already told you here the casino is licensed under the Anjuan licensing authority. Frankly, I don't have the authority to answer your casino-support-related questions, as I don't work for any casino. I'll leave that for the casino itself.
Also, mind using the reply button when responding to the rep, please. Thank you.
金曜日に理由もなく私のアカウントを閉鎖した理由をここで説明してください。メールに返信しないからです。評判を恐れているからこそ、ここでもっと反応するのです😅 しかし、あなたが言うように最高のカジノなら、苦情はないはずです...
Of gold
Explain to us here why you closed my account on Friday without reason? Since you do not respond to emails. You are more responsive here because you are afraid of your reputation😅 However, if you are the best casino as you say there should be no complaints ...
Del oro
Expliquez nous ici pourquoi vous avez clôturer mon compte vendredi sans motif ? Puisque vous ne répondez pas aux mails. Vous êtes plus réactif ici car vous avez peur de votre réputation😅 Pourtant si vous êtes le meilleur casino comme vous dîtes il ne devrait pas y avoir de plaintes ...
その点について、正式な苦情を申し立てられない理由を教えていただけますか? この場合、何が問題なのか知りたいです。
I am not sure if this post is simply a publicly accessible response, but at least I have some observations:
You are far from being precise when you assert, "If you are the best casino, as you say, there should be no complaints." This is just a usual general simplification.
Actually, players tend to complain more when a casino grows in size; this is just basic math, so a more crucial aspect of this concept should be whether the casino cooperated to resolve the complaint or if it showed no concern at all.
On that note, could you please tell me what has been preventing you from filing an official complaint, please? I'm curious to know what appears to be the problem in this case.
Dear user.
It is against our terms of service to create multiple accounts in order to plot fictitious conversations that appear to be from a large number of people rather than a small group or a single person. Posts that contain blatant misinterpretations or false information will be hidden. We have collected enough proof to ban each and every one of these accounts.
Furthermore, the casino representative, as I personally informed you in the email, asserts—and provides proof—that the system has never listed your email address or any other information you provided when you submitted the user review against this casino. The email asked you to provide screenshots confirming your casino account, but surprisingly, instead of complying, you expressed concern about a similar account posting false information on the forum.
Based on the relevant information, I am also banning your account for violating the community guidelines.
They are scammers, do something about this casino, they are scammers, they are stealing from people, they are playing with their own returns, they are scammers, do something about this casino.
Ειναι απατεώνεσ κάντε ρε κάτι με αυτό το καζίνο μπάσταρδοι απατεώνεσ είναι κλέβουν τον κοσμο παίζουν με δικές τους επιστροφές είναι απατεώνεσ κάντε κατιιιιιιιιι με αυτό το καζινο
彼らは詐欺師です。Deloro には良いところが何一つありません。
They are scammers.. There's nothing good about Deloro..
Do not waste your money here, i repeat, do not waste your money here..
Their customer care acts so nice at the beginning, but when they scam you, they switch immediately like monsters..
They are so good at pretending to be nice in the beginning, untill they strike, then You'll see the real monsters
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com