はい、すぐに行う必要があります。私がこのカジノに登録してプレイし始めたのは、このサイトが高得点を付けていたからです。Trust Pilot も同様でした。Trust Pilot とはすでに協力して、このカジノの評価を 1 つ星に下げようとしています。このカジノはひどいもので、引き出しが受け取れず、資金の引き出しリクエストがさまざまな理由で拒否されたという話をたくさん見てきました。
Yes they need to immediately! That's the reason why I signed up with them and started playing was because this site gave them a high score and trust pilot did too, who I've already been working with to get them down to a 1 star review with them as well because this casino is full of crap and I've seen a lot of stories where people said that they were unable to receive their withdrawals and every request to withdraw funds would get denied for various reasons.
カジノで問題を経験した他の人に出会った場合は、その人を Casino Guru に紹介して、正式な苦情を申し立て、カジノの行動を調査できるようにしてください。🙏
Hello. Please take a look at my reply to the other player, if I may.
Your concern is well placed given the circumstances, and my colleagues will act accordingly, but it takes time. The first one has to prove they violated the fair principles.
If you come across anyone else who has experienced an issue in any casino, kindly send this person to Casino Guru so the official complaint may be lodged and the casino's actions investigated. 🙏
If this casino refuses to pay the winnings, its rating should be lowered.
By escalating the issue and leaving reviews, players can potentially lower the casino's rating and warn others about the problem.
Safety Index の概念にあまり馴染みがないようですので、説明させてください。
Hi there!
I see you are not familiar with the Safety Index concept, so let me help with that:
The user reviews have no impact on the Safety Index rating. The complaints do. So, to correct your suggestion:
"By escalating the issue through the complaint process, players can potentially lower the casino's rating and warn others about the problem, which is also good to share on the forum where many others may spot the issues too."
Good intentions though; thank you for your support!
新しいカジノの評価であることはわかっています。その結果、評価が間違っていることは避けられません。それは、Casino Guruの調査員が調べるためにプレイしないからです。問題は、このフォーラムのメンバーが実際に何が起こったかについて騒いでいるときでも、Casino Guruが通常のカジノと同じように評価を管理しようとしていることです。あなたのルールは、プレイすることで発生する問題への対応が遅いです。詐欺師はその間に稼ぐことができます。新興カジノの評価はもっと簡単に変動するべきです。ブラックポイントで締めるには時間がかかりすぎます。出金の問題がある場合は、すぐに変更するか、状況をわかりやすくする必要があります
I know it's a new casino rating. As a result, it is inevitable that the rating will be wrong. That's because Casino Guru investigators don't play to find out. The problem is that even when members of this forum are making noise about what has actually happened, Casino Guru is trying to manage ratings in the same way as a regular casino. Your rules are slow to react to the problems that arise by playing. Scammers can earn in between. Ratings of emerging casinos should fluctuate more easily. It takes too much time to tighten it up at the black point. If there is a withdrawal problem, it should be changed immediately or the situation should be made easier to understand
こんにちは。別のブラウザまたはシークレット モードでもう一度お試しください。残念ながら、最近の Google アップデートにより Cookie の動作に大きな影響が出ているため、通常はこれが問題となります...
Hi. Would you please try again with a different browser or in incognito mode? Sadly, the last few Google updates effected the cookie behaviour significantly, so it is usually the problem...
新しいカジノの評価であることはわかっています。その結果、評価が間違っていることは避けられません。それは、Casino Guruの調査員が調べるためにプレイしないからです。問題は、このフォーラムのメンバーが実際に何が起こったかについて騒いでいるときでも、Casino Guruが通常のカジノと同じように評価を管理しようとしていることです。あなたのルールは、プレイすることで発生する問題への対応が遅いです。詐欺師はその間に稼ぐことができます。新興カジノの評価はもっと簡単に変動するべきです。ブラックポイントで締めるには時間がかかりすぎます。出金の問題がある場合は、すぐに変更するか、状況をわかりやすくする必要があります
I know it's a new casino rating. As a result, it is inevitable that the rating will be wrong. That's because Casino Guru investigators don't play to find out. The problem is that even when members of this forum are making noise about what has actually happened, Casino Guru is trying to manage ratings in the same way as a regular casino. Your rules are slow to react to the problems that arise by playing. Scammers can earn in between. Ratings of emerging casinos should fluctuate more easily. It takes too much time to tighten it up at the black point. If there is a withdrawal problem, it should be changed immediately or the situation should be made easier to understand
今日このカジノを試してみようと考え始めたら、チャンスをつかむのは良い考えだと思いますか? アクティブな苦情を閲覧しますか? 時間をかけてフォーラムを閲覧しますか? それとも、インデックス番号だけをチェックして、残りは、私がすでに送信した説明も含めて無視しますか?
Although you are somewhat right, it takes a long time because players must confront a casino in order to demonstrate its evil intent. I therefore reiterate that players should learn to check both the forum and the complaints. I will respond with a question:
Would you think it would be a good idea to take a chance if you started considering trying out this casino today? Would you browse the active complaints? and took the time to browse the forum? Or would you just check the index number and ignore the rest, even the description I already sent to you?
This is not a way me trying to outsmart you. My intention is to help players use all the relevant information to avoid possible traps. In this moment, without thorough investigation of each complaint, no one can say with certainty what is going to happen.
Believe me, I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you. Still, until the first few players lodge a complaint and start posting on the forum, we have little chance to confront the casino.I would not say that ordering a bunch of testers to play and possibly withdraw from a fresh casino would be quicker than what we can gain from players through forum or complaints. More importantly, if we ever tried to confront the casino with tester withdrawals, our independence would be ruined because these guys work for us. Do you know what I mean?
ラドカは何を心配しているのでしょうか? カジノからの独立とプレイヤーからの独立です。確かに、悪意のある人が被害者を装い、優良カジノの評判を傷つけることを検討するかもしれません。したがって、調査が必要であることは理解できます。
しかし、捜査に時間がかかるのであれば、それは犯罪カジノにとっては朗報です。その場合、犯罪カジノで手伝うことになります。新しいカジノの評価やレビューに関しては柔軟に対応してはどうか?と言いたいところです。新しくて情報が少ないので不正確かもしれません。当然です。プレイ情報もないので出金が行われているかどうかもわかりませんよね?Casino Guruは情報なしでもすでに評価しています。新しい情報に予想外のことがあれば、評価やレビューを変更するのは当然です。カジノ、レビューサイト、プレイヤーのつながりを強めることで、悪いカジノを市場から排除することができます。(もちろん、カジノサポートは忙しくなります。)
そして、偽カジノを排除し、安全な市場を作るためには、情報収集の場として強力なレビューサイトが必要ではないでしょうか? 早くて正確な情報を掲載しているサイトを目指すのも悪くないのかもしれません。
Is Radka worried about? Independence from the casino and independence from the players. Certainly, unscrupulous people may consider posing as victims and damaging the reputation of a good casino. Therefore, it is understandable that an investigation is necessary.
However, if the investigation takes time, it is good news for crime casinos. In that case, you will be helping out at a crime casino. Why don't I be flexible in terms of ratings and reviews for new casinos? I want to say. It may be inaccurate because it is new and there is little information. Obviously. Since there is no play information, you have no idea if withdrawals are being carried out, right? Casino Guru has already rated it without any information. If there's something unexpected about the new information, it's perfectly reasonable to change your rating or review. By strengthening the connection between casinos, review sites, and players, bad casinos can be eliminated from the market. (Of course, casino support will be busy.)
And in order to get rid of fake casinos and create a safe market, don't you think you need a strong review site as a place to collect information? Maybe there's no reason to aim for a site that has quick and accurate information.
Maybe we need a review site to know if the information on the review site is accurate. Oh, it's complicated、、、
あなたの懸念は理解できます。 1〜2人 このカジノは詐欺です!叫ぶだけで評価を上げたり下げたりすることはできません。 ただし、良いカジノであればそうです。 ただし、まったくないインチキカジノもあります。 おそらく今後もニセカジノは増えると思います。 生成AIデザイン、チャットボット、基本的なカジノテンプレートを組み合わせた使い捨ての詐欺サイトがたくさん登場するでしょう。 これらの使い捨てカジノは、おそらく1〜2か月ほどでサイトを存続させ、被害者がふらりと立ち寄って入金するのを待ちます。
I understand your concerns. 1~2 people This casino is a scam! There is no way you can increase or decrease the rating just by shouting. However, I think that is true if it is a good casino. However, there are bogus casinos that don't have at all. I think that there will probably be more and more fake casinos in the future. There will be a lot of throwaway scam sites that combine generative AI designs, chatbots, and basic casino templates. These disposable casinos will probably keep the site alive in about 1~2 months, waiting for the victim to wander in and make a deposit.
How many complaints do we need to lower those ratings? And how many months does it take? In the meantime, players who mistakenly think that "I don't have a problem with depositing" will wander from the guru, right? Well, it's not a story that hurts your wallet, and it's natural for players to do their research and make a deposit based on the player's responsibility
Of course not. I'm still waiting for an update on my case I have open with Guru
I agree with your overview of the situation. You are correct The system is not perfect, but this is how it works because we have no better solution that could be applied immediately.
At least we state that pretty clearly in all our guides so players understand how we try to make the gambling a safer activity.
Since the severity of the issue is determined by the disputed amount, no one can tell how many complaints are needed or how much time all the complaints would take. Sadly, this is unmeasurable.
運が良ければ?私も同じような経験をしていますが、Rival の Jack Frost をプレイしたところ、テーブル ゲームだとして賞金を没収されたそうです。彼らのポリシーでは賞金の 2 倍しか出金できないのですが、このゲームはテーブル ゲームではありません。彼らはそれが彼らの側の「不具合」だと認めましたが、「プロバイダーを待つ」と言っていましたが、どれも信じられません。
Any luck? I am having a similar experience just they’re saying I played Jack Frost by Rival and confiscated my winnings claiming that is was a table game.that their policy is you can only cash out 2x your winnings, but the game is not a table game. They admitted it was a "glitch " on their end, but they have "wait for the provider " none of which I believe.
Same! 😡. And Smith just doesn’t respond just leaves me hanging.
I have still have no luck at all. Now pretty much whenever i talk to them in the chat they literally ignore me
つまり、この詐欺カジノの評価 (現在 6.9) を下げるには、どれだけの争議額が必要でしょうか? そもそも、正当な理由なく出金を拒否すると、たとえ 1 ドルでも評価は大幅に下がるはずです。
Namely, how much disputed amount does it take to lower the rating of this scam casino (6.9 right now)? In the first place, refusal to withdraw without a valid reason should greatly lower the valuation even by one dollar.
There are casinos that have already been introduced as scam casinos in "New Casino". How did you find out?
Aren't you guys trying to downplay your mistakes?
what amount? I won and they confiscated my winnings, paid out 2k but then confiscated the rest. Good luck, let us know if they paid you.
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