つまり、この詐欺カジノの評価 (現在 6.9) を下げるには、どれだけの争議額が必要でしょうか? そもそも、正当な理由なく出金を拒否すると、たとえ 1 ドルでも評価は大幅に下がるはずです。
Namely, how much disputed amount does it take to lower the rating of this scam casino (6.9 right now)? In the first place, refusal to withdraw without a valid reason should greatly lower the valuation even by one dollar.
There are casinos that have already been introduced as scam casinos in "New Casino". How did you find out?
Aren't you guys trying to downplay your mistakes?
また、すべての苦情がまったく同じではないことを考慮してください。苦情の具体的内容によって異なります。私の発言を誤解する必要があると感じている限り、これはいずれにせよ重要ではないと思います。🙂 私たちが間違いを犯したとは思いません。
時々、安全性指数が低い赤のカジノがリリースされました。そのようなカジノは、すでに苦情を提出しているプレイヤーのグループによって Casino Guru に紹介されました。そのため、苦情が終わるまで待ってから、苦情によって増加した全体的なブラックポイントの量に比例して、評価を非常に低い量に設定しました。
I can't tell you how many players have to lodge complaints and with what amounts to being obvious that this casino is not fair. A number is gained from a formula calculated by an algorithm. But as I said, it is just a portion of all the information we provide about casinos. Don't forget that, please.
Also, kindly try to consider that not every complaint is exactly the same, so it depends on the concrete complaints. I believe this is not the point anyway, as long as you feel the need to missinterpret anything I say. 🙂 I do not believe we have made a mistake.
I will repeat the most important part:
In order to lower the casino's Safety Index, as well as to get the issue investigated, the complaint is the best tool for that. Untill players come here to do so, we have little to investigate.
It is a bit simplified, but I feel it is necessary to say that.
Occasionally, some casinos were released with red - lower safety index. Such casinos have been introduced to Casino Guru by a group of players with already submitted complaints. So, we waited for the complaints to end, and then the rating was set to a very low amount in proportion to the overall black point amount escalated from the complaints.
This is nothing weird, as long as players may submit complaints against unlisted casinos.