I know. There’s no recourse, they’re just thieves, and scammers. I really hope they go out of business.
Yep, complete pieces of fucking scamming stealing fucking scam shit heads. I literally hate them. They Fucking stole $6513 from me
Hello, I completely understand why you are so angry. Still, I wanted to express my gratitude to you both for taking the time to file the complaints. The casino's reputation will soon be a complete mess, in my opinion, thanks to you. I am sorry you went through this, but I hope that all of these experiences will make other players reconsider visiting new casinos or casinos with similar awfully ignored complaints.
私もエレガント スピンについて非常に懐疑的だったと言わざるを得ません... 特に、私が最初と 2 回目の出金リクエストを開始したときにサポートから受け取ったのとまったく同じ返信をいくつか読んだ後ではなおさらです。
最初の引き出しは 50 ドルでした... 彼らはボーナスだと言いましたが、そうではありませんでした。 彼らは本当に何を言っているのかわかっていませんでした。 彼らに関係のない愚かなことを言わせないようにし、私が実際に言っていることに直接返信してもらうために、私は多くの時間を無駄にしました...
提出しなければならなかった書類の量と、何度も提出しなければならなかったこと(入金に 2 枚の異なるデビット カードを使用し、確認する必要がありました)を考えると、支払いを受け取れないだけでなく、支払い情報や個人情報を盗まれるのではないかと心配になり始めました...
興味深いと思いました...しかし、最終的に LTC 50 ドルが送られてきたときは、うれしい驚きでした...
それで、先日、実際に 300 ドル以上勝ったとき、初めての引き出しから遅延か何かのようだったので、さらに多くの書類などを提出しなければならないのではないかと恐れて、レビューを真剣に探し始めました... よくわからなかったし、読みにくかったし、でも、初めて受け取ったし... でも、金額が高かったので、他の人の意見も聞きたかったのです。そこで、このスレッドを見つけました...
とにかく、今日の早朝にまた勝ちました... 出金をリクエストしました(325ドル)が、今回はリクエストすらせず、辛抱強く待って真夜中過ぎに確認することにしました...
だから、もし人々が勝ち金をただ持っていったと言っているのなら... おそらく利用規約にボーナスがあったのでしょう... (だから私は実際の入金でボーナスを選ぶことはありません) あるいは、複数のアカウントがあって、相当な金額が勝ったのに支払われず、今は少し事実を歪曲していることに腹を立てているだけなのかもしれません... 信じてください、私も同じ経験をしたので、その怒りと憤りの気持ちはよくわかります...
結論としては、あまり文句を言うことはできません... 要求された賞金と引き出しはすべて支払われ、時々奇妙な対応があった以外は、カスタマーサービスは丁寧で親切で、入金不要ボーナスを連続して提供しています.....そして、ゲームは他のほとんどのプラットフォームよりも優れています.... 全体として、stake.us、metawin、wsm casino、duckyluck、ignition、bovadaなどよりもはるかに高い評価を与えます。これらすべてでプレイして負けました.... 考えてみると、実際にはこれに正式に感銘を受けています.... 正直、他のものは行き止まりです....
Please read....
I just have to say that I was very skeptical about Elegant spins as well..... Especially after reading some of the exact same replies people got from support when I initiated my first and second withdrawal requests.
My first withdrawal was 50$... They tried to say it was a bonus, but it wasn't. They just really had no idea what they were talking about. I wasted a lot of time trying to get them to quit saying stupid irrelevant things.... and to directly reply to what I was actually saying....
The amount of documents I had to submit, and more than once,(I used two different debit cards to deposit and had to verify) I actually started to worry that not only I may not get my payout, but were they going to try and steal my payment info/identity....
It was all just discombobulated it seemed like....
However, on the other hand, each time I emailed them the info they requested, they processed it much quicker than any other casino who performs manual verification.
Which I thought was interesting.... But when I finally got the LTC 50$ sent, I was pleasantly surprised....
Then I started feeling bad for how impatient I had been, and really thought that, wow, they were trying to resolve the identification issues in real time... which again, is like very rare...
So then the other day when I actually won more than 300$, I started really searching for reviews, in fear that I may have to submit even more documents or something, as it seemed from my first ever withdrawal that they were delaying or something..... I just wasn't sure.. hard to read.. but hey I had gotten my first one... so.. But with the amount being higher, I still wanted to see what others were saying.. Thats when I found this thread...
And then I really started to worry... Because here I went again with support.... They said 2-4 hours.... Then shortly.... Then soon....However, I was probably driving them crazy rather than just being patient...
When I was finally told that it would sent right after midnight I just thought well if i do i do, if i don't...... I didnt want to get my hopes up, but couldn't forget that I had gotten the first one... Just not instant...
So, I quit bugging them and just waited....
When I checked... It was right on time..... Got the 300$ LTC....
So now I felt kinda bad again giving them such a hard time, and that maybe they are just lacking experience or just trying to get on their feet....
and we all know that every casino no matter what, hopes that anyone who requests to withdraw, will eventually cancel it... Many of them try this tactic... Not unique... This is probably in part why they do not have instant available....
Anyways, So now just earlier today I won again.... requested the withdraw ($325), but this time I decided not to even ask and to just be patient and check after midnight....
Yep, it was there......
So now I feel like I have to say something.... and stick up for them a little.... because of all my requests... Ive gotten them all... Even though the first time they asked for the same documents... more than once... they processed them much faster than any other manual verification platforms... and even though they give different timelines.... because maybe some people, just like me are being really pushy.... they just don't know what else to say to get people to back off a bit.... so they say soon.... or some other weird response....
Bottom line is they have paid every withdrawal request i've made now which is over 600$....
So if people are saying that they just up and took their winnings... Maybe there was a bonus with T&C's.... (thats why I never opt for bonuses on actual deposits) or maybe there were multiple accounts and it's just angering that they aren't paying out if there was a decent amount of money won and now are maybe distorting things a bit... trust me, I've been there and I can relate to the amount of pissed off and rageful it feels...
But this site's games are decent and it's not impossible to win like others.... I actually hit bonuses unlike others who just relentlessly take and take and the game just never budges....
Conclusion is that I really cant complain much... They have paid all requested winnings and withdrawals, other than the weird responses at time, customer service is attentive and nice, they give consecutive no deposit bonuses..... and the games are better than most other platforms.... all in all, i give it a way better rating than like, stake.us, metawin, wsm casino, duckyluck, ignition, bovada, I've played and lost on them all.... I'm officially impressed actually with this one when I think about it.... Those other ones are just dead ends honestly....
Anyways, just sayin.........
I can't even imagine why you were able to withdraw. What I'm thinking about is whether or not you're one of the casino's friends. If you're using a bonus and it's not against the rules, the casino should pay for it. A casino that doesn't do that is a fake casino. It's just a piggy bank
同じプラットフォームであるElegant Spinsでの私の経験に関する投稿をご覧いただける機会があれば幸いです。
I hope you get the change to see my post concerning my experience with the same platform, Elegant Spins....
I felt obligated to share it.....
That’s how they get you. I was paid out at first too. Matter of fact , so were many people , Small amounts. You’re talking 350, while those on here are owed thousands. Gamble at your own risk there. Don’t be shocked when you get a "game glitched" your winnings are voided or, blatant lie that you played a table game which I highly advise you to check what games are listed under their table games. They also lied repeatedly to us. Now regarding bonus money. I played on a clean deposit, no bonus and never played a table game. Confiscated 6k and then lied to repeatedly that they were contacting the game provider. Well I contact the game provider too! And was informed that’s not even a thing. So stole winnings and lied. But hey, you do you it’s your money. Then they lied again and said they paid me my eligible winnings THEY.DID.NOT.
私はあのようなウェブサイトでプレイして負けるだけです... おそらく他のみんなと同じです。私はただこれまでの経験を語りたかっただけです... 受け入れて... 放っておいて... 燃やして... あまり気にしません...
I just play and lose at websites like that one... probly same as everyone else. I just wanted to give my expierence so far... take it... leave it.... burn it... dont care much....
Just sayin.....
最初に支払いをして、その後は支払いをやめる、と実際に言う人を私は聞いたことがないようです... 数日前にあなたの投稿を読みましたが、それが、おそらくそれほど大きな支払いは見られないだろうと思うようになったきっかけです。
いいえ、問題は彼らがそれをやりたがっていることではありません...。ただ、それを放っておくのは不可能だということです...。MF はいつかそれを手に入れるでしょう...。私は、それはすべて完全に廃止されるべきだと思います。なぜなら、頻繁に飛行機に乗る人にとってはもう「楽しい」ことではないと思うからです...。みんな私のようにただ追いかけているだけです...。
I guess I never heard anyone really say that they pay out at first then stop... I read through your posts a few days ago and thats what got me thinking that I was probably not going to see that bigger payout.
Im a bit of a pessimist so anything that isn't a total bust Im usually pretty surprised with lol....
Yeah I mean I believe that people/websites are capable of just about anything..... Everyone is out for themselves with zero regard for the lives they are affecting.... and Im really sorry you're going through that.
Ive lost so much money in the last few years that I have such a deep disdain for their existence honestly....
Its about impossible to just walk away though and accept the fact that they just get to take peoples money like that and give nothing back... It makes me more than pissed off and angry..... The smart thing is to just walk away... but then it's all just gone..... Ugh... thats so hard to just settle on.... so then what do people who have lost and lost do.... try and get it back.... But they count on that dont they.... and then the cycle just continues.... Honestly is gambling an addiction that people who have lost a lot of money are just so happy to continue going back over and over.... I dont think so... I think it's completely miscatagorized... When you lose money like that.... to a place that have given zero..zilch... nada in return... I think people keep going back, not because they are "addicted" or have a problem... Well no they do have a problem....
It's that they exist in the first place just to rob people.....
No, the problem isnt that they keep wanting to do it.... It's just that again, it's impossible to just let it go...... MF's will get theres though some day.... I think it should ALL be done away with entirely because I imagine it isn't "fun" for the frequent flyers anymore.... everyone just chasing like I am....
Sorry for the rant.....
Anyways, just sayin.....
There’s better places. This one isn’t trust worthy IMO and experience. Good luck 🍀👍
私もエレガント スピンについて非常に懐疑的だったと言わざるを得ません... 特に、私が最初と 2 回目の出金リクエストを開始したときにサポートから受け取ったのとまったく同じ返信をいくつか読んだ後ではなおさらです。
最初の引き出しは 50 ドルでした... 彼らはボーナスだと言いましたが、そうではありませんでした。 彼らは本当に何を言っているのかわかっていませんでした。 彼らに関係のない愚かなことを言わせないようにし、私が実際に言っていることに直接返信してもらうために、私は多くの時間を無駄にしました...
提出しなければならなかった書類の量と、何度も提出しなければならなかったこと(入金に 2 枚の異なるデビット カードを使用し、確認する必要がありました)を考えると、支払いを受け取れないだけでなく、支払い情報や個人情報を盗まれるのではないかと心配になり始めました...
興味深いと思いました...しかし、最終的に LTC 50 ドルが送られてきたときは、うれしい驚きでした...
それで、先日、実際に 300 ドル以上勝ったとき、初めての引き出しから遅延か何かのようだったので、さらに多くの書類などを提出しなければならないのではないかと恐れて、レビューを真剣に探し始めました... よくわからなかったし、読みにくかったし、でも、初めて受け取ったし... でも、金額が高かったので、他の人の意見も聞きたかったのです。そこで、このスレッドを見つけました...
とにかく、今日の早朝にまた勝ちました... 出金をリクエストしました(325ドル)が、今回はリクエストすらせず、辛抱強く待って真夜中過ぎに確認することにしました...
だから、もし人々が勝ち金をただ持っていったと言っているのなら... おそらく利用規約にボーナスがあったのでしょう... (だから私は実際の入金でボーナスを選ぶことはありません) あるいは、複数のアカウントがあって、相当な金額が勝ったのに支払われず、今は少し事実を歪曲していることに腹を立てているだけなのかもしれません... 信じてください、私も同じ経験をしたので、その怒りと憤りの気持ちはよくわかります...
結論としては、あまり文句を言うことはできません... 要求された賞金と引き出しはすべて支払われ、時々奇妙な対応があった以外は、カスタマーサービスは丁寧で親切で、入金不要ボーナスを連続して提供しています.....そして、ゲームは他のほとんどのプラットフォームよりも優れています.... 全体として、stake.us、metawin、wsm casino、duckyluck、ignition、bovadaなどよりもはるかに高い評価を与えます。これらすべてでプレイして負けました.... 考えてみると、実際にはこれに正式に感銘を受けています.... 正直、他のものは行き止まりです....
Please read....
I just have to say that I was very skeptical about Elegant spins as well..... Especially after reading some of the exact same replies people got from support when I initiated my first and second withdrawal requests.
My first withdrawal was 50$... They tried to say it was a bonus, but it wasn't. They just really had no idea what they were talking about. I wasted a lot of time trying to get them to quit saying stupid irrelevant things.... and to directly reply to what I was actually saying....
The amount of documents I had to submit, and more than once,(I used two different debit cards to deposit and had to verify) I actually started to worry that not only I may not get my payout, but were they going to try and steal my payment info/identity....
It was all just discombobulated it seemed like....
However, on the other hand, each time I emailed them the info they requested, they processed it much quicker than any other casino who performs manual verification.
Which I thought was interesting.... But when I finally got the LTC 50$ sent, I was pleasantly surprised....
Then I started feeling bad for how impatient I had been, and really thought that, wow, they were trying to resolve the identification issues in real time... which again, is like very rare...
So then the other day when I actually won more than 300$, I started really searching for reviews, in fear that I may have to submit even more documents or something, as it seemed from my first ever withdrawal that they were delaying or something..... I just wasn't sure.. hard to read.. but hey I had gotten my first one... so.. But with the amount being higher, I still wanted to see what others were saying.. Thats when I found this thread...
And then I really started to worry... Because here I went again with support.... They said 2-4 hours.... Then shortly.... Then soon....However, I was probably driving them crazy rather than just being patient...
When I was finally told that it would sent right after midnight I just thought well if i do i do, if i don't...... I didnt want to get my hopes up, but couldn't forget that I had gotten the first one... Just not instant...
So, I quit bugging them and just waited....
When I checked... It was right on time..... Got the 300$ LTC....
So now I felt kinda bad again giving them such a hard time, and that maybe they are just lacking experience or just trying to get on their feet....
and we all know that every casino no matter what, hopes that anyone who requests to withdraw, will eventually cancel it... Many of them try this tactic... Not unique... This is probably in part why they do not have instant available....
Anyways, So now just earlier today I won again.... requested the withdraw ($325), but this time I decided not to even ask and to just be patient and check after midnight....
Yep, it was there......
So now I feel like I have to say something.... and stick up for them a little.... because of all my requests... Ive gotten them all... Even though the first time they asked for the same documents... more than once... they processed them much faster than any other manual verification platforms... and even though they give different timelines.... because maybe some people, just like me are being really pushy.... they just don't know what else to say to get people to back off a bit.... so they say soon.... or some other weird response....
Bottom line is they have paid every withdrawal request i've made now which is over 600$....
So if people are saying that they just up and took their winnings... Maybe there was a bonus with T&C's.... (thats why I never opt for bonuses on actual deposits) or maybe there were multiple accounts and it's just angering that they aren't paying out if there was a decent amount of money won and now are maybe distorting things a bit... trust me, I've been there and I can relate to the amount of pissed off and rageful it feels...
But this site's games are decent and it's not impossible to win like others.... I actually hit bonuses unlike others who just relentlessly take and take and the game just never budges....
Conclusion is that I really cant complain much... They have paid all requested winnings and withdrawals, other than the weird responses at time, customer service is attentive and nice, they give consecutive no deposit bonuses..... and the games are better than most other platforms.... all in all, i give it a way better rating than like, stake.us, metawin, wsm casino, duckyluck, ignition, bovada, I've played and lost on them all.... I'm officially impressed actually with this one when I think about it.... Those other ones are just dead ends honestly....
Anyways, just sayin.........
Well, if I may, I believe that it is nice of you to share your experience here on our forum. We really appreciate it.
It looks like you like the casino now, and I'm glad you found one that works for you. Everyone, of course, has different stories to write, so it is only logical that not everyone will be happy with this casino. It is also not a very good sign when the safety index is this low, so for sure everyone should be more careful.
What do you say? Will you continue playing there?
もっと多くのカジノをご覧になりたい場合は、VPN を自由にご利用ください。ただし、将来問題が発生しないように、どこでプレイできるかをよく確認し、十分に注意してください。
Well, we can actually show up only those casinos that are okay to be shown on our website with the legislation of your country.
If you wish to see some more casinos, please feel free to use the VPN; just be very careful and check well where you are allowed to play to avoid any future issues.
わかりました、ありがとうございます。Elegant Spins はもともと Casino Guru 経由で見つけたものです。そのため、ポリシーが更新されたことに気づきませんでした。VPN が何なのかよくわかりませんが、情報をありがとうございます。さらに、このプラットフォーム経由ではもう見つけられないのは良いことです。なぜなら、これは詐欺サイトだからです (IMO)。ありがとうございます!
Ok thank you, I originally found Elegant Spins via Casino Guru. So I didn’t realize policies have updated. I don’t really know what a VPN is, but thank you for your information. In addition it is good that it can’t be found via this platform anymore, since it is a scam sight (IMO) Thank you!
VPN (仮想プライベートネットワーク) は、インターネット上のさまざまな場所にあるコンピューターを単一の仮想コンピューター ネットワークに接続するコンピューター ネットワークです。
No problem at all.
A VPN ( virtual private network ) is a computer network that connects computers in different locations on the Internet into a single virtual computer network.
Sometimes it can be really helpful, but it is okay if you don't use it, of course.
https://casino.guru/casino-reviews 👈
Your sharing of fair experiences was excellent, so I would not say you are just saying that!
I wish we could adjust each safety index based on your recommendations, as complaints typically result in a decrease in the index. It is not immediately apparent that there are very few options for raising the score that have nothing to do with complaints. Which is not ideal because happy players are unlikely to voice their displeasure.
Would you mind submitting honest user reviews, perhaps?
https://casino.guru/casino-reviews 👈
It is a way to affect the user rating.
One way or another, I believe your input is amazing.
リアルマネーでプレイする場合のみ、VPN の使用を許可するカジノもあります。ただし、ボーナスを請求した場合は、残念ながら VPN は使用できません。将来の問題を回避するために、VPN を使用する前に、まずカジノの利用規約を読む必要があります。
Yes, that is correct.
there some casino's that allow players to use VPN when they only played with a real money. However, if you claimed the bonus, unfortunately you cant use a VPN. Before using a VPN they should read the terms of the casino first, to avoid any future issues.
カジノでプレイするときに VPN を使用しますか、それとも使用する必要がないのでしょうか?
Well said indeed.
Do you use VPN when playing at some casinos, or is there no need to?
プレイする場合は、自分の国のプロフィールを身元を隠すことなく使用できます。一部のプレイヤーは、プレイしているカジノのボーナスを悪用するために VPN を使用するだけです。これはよくありません。私たちはすべての人に対して公平である必要があります。
No, I don't use a VPN.
if you're going to play you can use your own country profile without masking your Identity, because some of the player they just gonna use the VPN in order to abuse the bonuses of the casinos that they've playing. And this is not good, we need to be fair with everyone.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com