This is a small snippet...
Nothing is clear yet
Only delayed again with requesting documents that I sent several times a month ago.
My token payout, which is not paid out, was simply ignored
Das ist ein kleiner Ausschnitt..
Geklärt ist noch nichts,
Nur wieder Zeit hinaus gezögert mit Unterlagen anfordern die ich mehrfach vor nem monat gesendet habe.
Meine Token Auszahlung die nicht ausgezahlt wird, wurde auch einfach ignoriert
私は数か月間アカウントを持っており、いくつかの引き出しリクエストを行いましたが、キャンセルされ、サポートを求めるたびに、待つように言われました.トランザクションには 10 営業日かかると読みましたが、私の最後の引き出しリクエストは 2 月 14 日に行われました。つまり、これは 10 日目です。私は彼らからメッセージやメールを受け取っていません.
I have my account for a few months now, and have made a few withdraw requests, but they got canceled, and everytime I ask for support they tell me to wait. I read that a transaction can take up 10 working days, and my last wirhdraw request has been made on 14 february, that means this is the tenth day. I haven't gotten any messages or emails from them, and when I asked, the staff told me i have to wait some more, and they can't tell me how much..
アカウントが正常に確認され、ゲーム履歴が確認され、カジノによって出金が承認され、出金をリクエストしてから 14 日経ってもまだ賞金を受け取っていない場合は、私たちが介入し、あなたを助けるために最善を尽くします。あなたがしなければならないことは、苦情を提出することだけです。
このリンクをクリックまたはタップして開始してください。 🤞
Hey there,
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you. The only thing you must do is submit the complaint.
Click or tap this link to begin, please. 🤞
Why my complaint, what ended up unresolved had no effect on Fairspin’s rating??
「これがあなたの問題に対する満足のいく解決策ではないことは理解しています。しかし、未解決の苦情による評価の低下は、カジノのアプローチを変更するのに役立つ可能性があります。カジノが対応することを決定した場合、苦情を再開し、 Eメール。"
It has - the casino was awarded 1270 black points, and the amount is equal disputed amount.
Allow me to quote here from the complaint:
"I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in ratings caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email."
Did you ask the authority as suggested, please?
イースターを楽しもう! ✨🙌
I must admit it's quite hidden down there 😀.
Thank you for keeping us updated! We really appreciate all concerned players.
Enjoy Easter!✨🙌
フェアスピンはどうした?私の国の推奨カジノリストでトップ3になる前.今、私はそれを推奨でまったく見つけることができませんでした。彼らは購読料を払っていませんか? )))
電報チャンネルでは、彼らはボーナス賞金で数十万ドル (!) をほとんどすぐに支払い、最近 1 人の幸運なスロット プレーヤーが 400 万ドルを獲得し (注意深く読んでください)、24 時間以内に支払いを受けたと言っています!!!なんて冗談だ!ここでの主な不満は、誰にとっても劇的に長い引き出しです。
運が良ければ、わずか 4000 米ドルのペイアウトが得られることを願っています。 24時間が過ぎました..
What happenned to Fairspin? Before it was TOP 3 in recommended casinos list for my country. Now I couldn't find it in recommended at all. They didn't pay for subscribtion? ))
In telegram channel they say they pay hundreds thousands dollars (!) in bonus winnings almost immediately and one lucky slot player recently won (read it carefully) 4 million dollars and got paid in 24hrs!!! What a joke! Main complaint here is dramatically long withdrawals to everyone.
I hope I'm lucky enogh to get tiny 4000 usd payout. 24 hrs ran over already..
答えを見つける最も簡単な方法は、カジノのレビューを確認することです。 🙂
自分で確認してください: https://casino.guru/complaints/unresolved
The easiest way to find the answer is by checking the casino review. 🙂
Such a review is not for sale, so once it drops - it just drops down.
Regarding the complaints, well, a few were closed as unresolved, but that was quite some time ago...
Check for yourself: https://casino.guru/complaints/unresolved
I wouldn't worry much about the payment, still if you struggle, come here.
「苦情」とは、直接苦情セクションではなく、カジノの概要で長い支払いの遅延について言っている人々を意味します。公式回答 - 最大 10 営業日。
By 'complaints' I meant people saying about long payments delay in casino overiviews, not in complaint section directly. Official answer - upto 10 working days.
As for 'subscription' to recommended casinos - sorry, but it was a joke of course. Nonetheless it's kinda strange that casino from TOP3 three dropped off the list of 150 casinos suddenly.
If one signups for a 'perfect reputation' casino that suddenly appears to be just 'good'. Their misguiding advertising say they pay a lot and fast in fact people waiting for weeks for much smaller amounts. This not adds trust to this casino.
ええ、私はそのような変化が非常に疑わしいことを理解しています.ドロップが即座に行われたのか、それともタイムリーなプロセスだったのかはわかりません。主なことは、最も評判の良いカジノのみを公平に表示することを目指していることです。見つけたらまずい、おすすめの中でも「疑問」としましょう。 Fairpin のスコアは、推奨リストに挙げるには十分ではありません。これが最終段階でないことを祈りましょう。
Thanks for the explanation 🙂
Yeah, I understand such a change is quite suspicious. I must say I don't know whether the drop was instant or it was a timely process. The main thing is we aim to keep fairly visible only the most reputable casinos. It wouldn't feel right if you found, let's say a "questionable" among the recommended. Fairpin's score is not good enough to be listed among the recommended anymore. Let's hope this isn't the final stage.
I would prefer to see those players from the screenshots approving all those withdrawals, I'm usually very skeptical about such tables.
これはひどいことだ。どれだけの人が文句を言わなければならないかは明らかではないでしょうか。私は、貪欲なオーナーが利益を優先させようとするため、カジノが期限内に支払いができないときに、まさにこれと同じことが起こるのを見てきました。さらに狂っているのは、実際にフェアスピンに行ってプレイする人々です。きっと彼らは「私の撤退は永遠に続くリスト」に載ることになるでしょう。お金が入ったら、たとえルールなしのボーナスとして 100 ドルをくれたとしても、私はこのサイトには近づきません。ああ、ボーナスが 60 倍なんて、冗談ですね。
This is horrible. How many people have to complain isn’t it obvious. I seen this exact thing happen when t her casinos they can’t pay in time cuz there greedy owners wana Take profits first. What is more insane is all these people who actually go and play at fairspin. I’m sure they will end up on the " my withdraw is taking forever list. When and if I get my money I’ll stay away from this site even if you give me $100 no rules bonus. Oh their bonus 60x lmao what a joke.
Same here. I signed up for their telegram channel where they provide a lot of false advertising on huge payouts. In fact I cannot get my payment since 27 May. I was participating in tournament ended on 31 May. I lost a lot but tool prize place. Cannot get back the rest of the money and no prizes credited to my account. Online chat support of no help just say wait for 10 working days and that's it. Why they post every week they pay million dollars within 24 hours. This is lie!
私の苦情からもわかるように、彼らは嘘つきであり、偽の IP を提供することさえあります。
Hey Casino Guru.... No solution from the Operator who didn't explain to me anything and just closed my complaint.... No refund was made.
They are liars as you can see in my complaint and even provide fake IP.
The debt on my credit was never credited like others people complaining, and they confess that I will never be paid because I'm french (screenshots)... Can someone help ?
Thank you
驚かないでください、それはキュラソー島です。 🙁
(引用: 「苦情がライセンス当局に提出されたことを確認したため、この苦情はライセンス当局からの決定を待つ間、一時的に終了されます。
Hello Tamera,
Not surprised, it's Curacao. 🙁
As stated in the complaint - we're waiting for you to update us by providing the regulator's decision, so it would be best to send all you got from all concerned parties and update the complaint.
(quoting now: "As you have confirmed that the complaint has been submitted to the licensing authority, this complaint will now be closed temporarily while we await a decision from them.
Once the outcome of their investigation is known, this complaint will be reopened and we will proceed accordingly.")
Feel free to do so right here.
Thank you!
わかりません。オペレーターは私に何も提供しませんでした。カジノの第一人者は、証拠が提供されたためカジノが嘘をついていたことを知っていました。そして、私が苦情を再開した今、オペレーターが何もしなかったため、彼らはただ閉鎖しただけです... 私は混乱していますが、苦情が 50 件あるカジノ (これが新しいカジノであることを考えると、かなりの数です) には、カジノの第一人者からの適切な表記がまだあります。
I don't understand, the operator didn't provide me anything, and Casino Guru know the casino was lying because of evidence provided, and now that I"'ve reopened the complaint they just closed it because the operator didn't do anything... I'm confused, and the casino which has 50 complaints (considering that this is a new casino its a lot) is still with a good notation from casino guru....
My complaint wasn't handle as it should
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com