Something similar happened to me too.
Si tambien me paso ami algo parecido asi
Something similar happened to me too.
Si tambien me paso ami algo parecido asi
Today is my ninth day and I still haven't received anything, and the live chat always gives me the same answers. It's getting a little tiring, to be honest...
Yo hoy ya es mi noveno dia y sigo sin recibir nada y el chat en vivo siempre me da las mismas respuestas ya cansa un poquito la verdad...
Hello, I imagine it is very unpleasant. Based on what we know from player complaints or reviews, this casino pays out eventually; however, it is just so slow. Try to hold on, please.
Hi 🙋♀️I have the exact same problem... I can't close my account, they keep reopening it 🙈, I have the same problem with all their sister casinos. Try to ignore it, stay strong, and don't gamble ✌🏻
hi 🙋♀️hab genau das gleiche Problem… unmöglich das Konto zu schließen, sie öffnen es immer wieder 🙈, das gleiche hab ich mit den ganzen Schwestern Casinos von denen auch . Versuch zu ignorieren, auf jeden Fall , stark bleiben und nicht spielen ✌🏻
Hi 🙋♀️I have the same problem and have stated every time I close my account that I have a gambling problem.... They don't care. Neither support nor email have blocked or closed my account. They open all accounts without warning and send out advertisements... best regards 🌻🌻🌻
hi 🙋♀️hab das gleiche Problem und habe bei jeder Schließung angegeben , das ich ein Glücksspiel Problem habe …. Das ist denen egal , weder der Support noch über e Mail wird das Konto gesperrt bzw. geschlossen. Sie eröffnen alle wahrlos und schicken Werbung … liebe grüße 🌻🌻🌻
こんにちは、Radka さん。このカジノの平均支払い期間はどれくらいですか? 10 日? 15 日?
Hi Radka, what's the average payout period at this casino? 10 days? 15 days?
Hola Radka, cuál es el periodo medio de pago de este casino? 10 días? 15 días?
We'll see, but it's embarrassing. I needed my money urgently...
Veremos aver , pero es vergonzoso yo necesitaba mi dinero urgente…
すべてのカジノに連絡しましたが、まだアカウントがブロックされていません... おい、Jaro、見て🙈 一度に7つのテキストメッセージがあり、Legianoがまたそこにいます... うわー、疲れた😥 またすべてのRabidi NVカジノ... 一度にすべてに対して苦情を申し立てることはできますか? それとも個別に行う必要がありますか? そうでなければ、私はそれについてよく考えます🤔 ご多幸をお祈りします、そしてあなたが元気であることを祈ります🌻✌🏻
I've contacted every casino and they still haven't blocked my accounts... hey Jaro, look 🙈 7 texts at once and Legiano is in there again... wow, exhausting 😥 all the Rabidi NV casinos again... can I file a complaint against all of them at once? Or does it have to be done individually? Otherwise, I'd think twice about it 🤔 best wishes and hope you're well 🌻✌🏻
Ich habe jedes Casino angeschrieben und sie sperren immer noch nicht meine Kontos … hey jaro guck mal 🙈gleich 7 sms aufeinmal und legiano auch wieder dabei … boah anstrengend 😥 alle Casinos vom rabidi nv wieder … kann man eine Beschwerde gegen alle aufeinmal machen ? Oder muss das auch einzeln erfolgen? Ich würde mir das sonst langsam überlegen 🤔 ganz liebe grüße und hoffe es geht dir gut 🌻✌🏻
こうした状況は面倒であり、避けるべきであることには同意します。しかし、常に何らかの落とし穴があります。このようなメールがアフィリエイト パートナーやプロモーション パートナー経由ではなく、カジノの公式メールから送信された場合のみ、支援を試みることができると考えています。第三者は、どう思われるかもしれませんが、私たちの手の届かないところにあります。
この問題について苦情を申し立てたくなるのも無理はありません。そこで私は、苦情申し立てチーム全体に、1 つの苦情申し立てが最善のスタートなのか、それともグループ全体で申し立てた方が良いのかをアドバイスするよう依頼しました。
提案をさせていただきます。🙏 どうか抵抗してみてください!
To me, the list and also obviously similar text would indicate this group of casinos uses the same partners to take care of their promotions.
It was just last Wednesday during a call focused on complicated player issues when my colleagues mentioned the increasing trend of such massive group promotions and casinos inability to ensure excluding addicted players from email campaigns once their accounts have been closed due to addiction.
We agreed such a situation is troublesome and should be avoided. However, there is always some catch. We believe we can try to help only if such emails are sent from the official casino email, not through affiliate partners or promo partners. Third parties, despite how it may sound, are beyond our reach.
No wonder you would like to complain about this problem, and I just asked the whole complaint team to advise whether one complaint would be the best start or if they prefer the whole group.
I'll get back to you with a suggestion. 🙏 Try to resist, please!
Hi 🙋♀️I have the same problem and have stated every time I close my account that I have a gambling problem.... They don't care. Neither support nor email have blocked or closed my account. They open all accounts without warning and send out advertisements... best regards 🌻🌻🌻
hi 🙋♀️hab das gleiche Problem und habe bei jeder Schließung angegeben , das ich ein Glücksspiel Problem habe …. Das ist denen egal , weder der Support noch über e Mail wird das Konto gesperrt bzw. geschlossen. Sie eröffnen alle wahrlos und schicken Werbung … liebe grüße 🌻🌻🌻
I see the situation is getting really desperate. Sadly, the best advice I currently have is to submit a complaint against every casino that has reopened your self-excluded account without your permission.
Make it clear that you had even problems to let the account be closed despite you keeping mentioning gambling issues. You may then copy and paste the problem description to all complaints you are about to submit. Details will be carried out once the complaints get approved.
I know it is complicated, but at this moment we are unable to handle group complaints, and what is worse, I can confirm many other vulnerable players are currently experiencing the same situation.
It must be so frustrating; we are willing to help and investigate this unbelievable mess.
そういえば、私が頼んだ URL を送ってもらえますか? 苦情は自分で提出する必要があるので、キャプチャの問題を解決することも重要です。お手伝いしますので、完全な URL を教えてください。
I understand that, though my colleagues from the Complaint Team have been fighting to get the casino pay eventually. As you may read in this thread, this casino has become at least very unpredictable, not just in the manner of payouts.
I still suggest filling the complaint; the more, the better, especially under such circumstances.
Speaking of which, can you send me the URL I asked for? Resolving the captcha problem is also important, because you are required to submit the complaint on your own. Let me help; provide the full URL, please.
こんにちは、ありがとうございます... 困ったことに、私はメールと SMS で広告をブロックしていますが、それでも広告が送られてきます... 現在、引越しの真っ最中で、体調もかなり悪いのですが、元気になったらすぐに苦情を申し立てたいと思います (各カジノに対して個別にでも構いません)。 ご返信とサポートをありがとうございます。
Hey, thank you very much... The bad thing is, I block the ads via email and SMS, and they still manage to send me ads... I'm currently in the middle of a move and am also in pretty bad health, but as soon as I'm well again, I'd like to file a complaint (even against each of their casinos individually). Best wishes and thank you for your response and support.
Hey , vielen Dank … Schlimme ist auch, ich blockiere die Werbung über e Mail und über sms und trotzdem, schaffen sie es immer wieder Werbung zu schicken … ich befinde mich grade mitten in einem Umzug und bin auch grade gesundheitlich stark angeschlagen ,aber sobald ich wieder fit bin , würde ich dann gerne Beschwerde einreichen ( auch einzeln gegen jedes Casino von denen ) . Ganz liebe Grüße und vielen Dank für eure Antwort und Unterstützung 🫶
I'm sorry to say that some players have been waiting for months
quoting from complaint
"The player from France is experiencing significant issues with Legiano Casino regarding the non-payment of her winnings totaling €11,774, with three pending withdrawals of €1,500. After two weeks of waiting, misleading advice from support regarding the speed of crypto withdrawals led to further delays and unsatisfactory explanations from customer service."
Submitted on January...
こんにちは、ありがとうございます... 困ったことに、私はメールと SMS で広告をブロックしていますが、それでも広告が送られてきます... 現在、引越しの真っ最中で、体調もかなり悪いのですが、元気になったらすぐに苦情を申し立てたいと思います (各カジノに対して個別にでも構いません)。 ご返信とサポートをありがとうございます。
Hey, thank you very much... The bad thing is, I block the ads via email and SMS, and they still manage to send me ads... I'm currently in the middle of a move and am also in pretty bad health, but as soon as I'm well again, I'd like to file a complaint (even against each of their casinos individually). Best wishes and thank you for your response and support.
Hey , vielen Dank … Schlimme ist auch, ich blockiere die Werbung über e Mail und über sms und trotzdem, schaffen sie es immer wieder Werbung zu schicken … ich befinde mich grade mitten in einem Umzug und bin auch grade gesundheitlich stark angeschlagen ,aber sobald ich wieder fit bin , würde ich dann gerne Beschwerde einreichen ( auch einzeln gegen jedes Casino von denen ) . Ganz liebe Grüße und vielen Dank für eure Antwort und Unterstützung 🫶
Oh my. I'm truly sorry to hear this!
If the company uses different senders or phone/email exchanges, it is impossible to block it all. 🙁
Get well soon; take your time to rest. There is no rush; complaints can wait.
私の苦情はすでに投稿されています https://casinogurues.com/legiano-casino-se-ha-retrasado-el-pago-de-las-ganancias-2。
これが私の苦情の URL です。これが解決されなければ、私はこのカジノを個人的に報告せざるを得なくなります。私は緊急にお金が必要でしたが、カジノは私の状況を気にしていないようです。
Look, my complaint has already been posted https://casinogurues.com/legiano-casino-se-ha-retrasado-el-pago-de-las-ganancias-2.
Here's the URL of my complaint. If this isn't resolved, I'll be forced to personally report this casino. I needed the money urgently, and it seems like the casino doesn't care about my situation.
If they're as behind as they say they are with those evasive answers they give me, they should work on Saturdays and Sundays. It's not my problem that they've been so behind for months and months, from what I've seen...
There are things that just don't fit into this puzzle...
Mira ya esta puesta mi queja puesta https://casinogurues.com/legiano-casino-se-ha-retrasado-el-pago-de-las-ganancias-2.
Hay te dejo la url de mi queja , si esto ya no se soluciona me vere obligado a denunciar personalmente a este casino , el dinero me urgía bastante y parece que les da igual mi situación a los del casino.
Si tan retrasados van como dicen ellos con esas respuestas evasisas que me dan , que trabajen los sabados y domingos , no es mi problema que tengan tanto retraso durante meses y meses por lo que eh visto...
Hay cosas que no termina de encajar en este puzzle...
私の苦情はすでに投稿されています https://casinogurues.com/legiano-casino-se-ha-retrasado-el-pago-de-las-ganancias-2。
これが私の苦情の URL です。これが解決されなければ、私はこのカジノを個人的に報告せざるを得なくなります。私は緊急にお金が必要でしたが、カジノは私の状況を気にしていないようです。
Look, my complaint has already been posted https://casinogurues.com/legiano-casino-se-ha-retrasado-el-pago-de-las-ganancias-2.
Here's the URL of my complaint. If this isn't resolved, I'll be forced to personally report this casino. I needed the money urgently, and it seems like the casino doesn't care about my situation.
If they're as behind as they say they are with those evasive answers they give me, they should work on Saturdays and Sundays. It's not my problem that they've been so behind for months and months, from what I've seen...
There are things that just don't fit into this puzzle...
Mira ya esta puesta mi queja puesta https://casinogurues.com/legiano-casino-se-ha-retrasado-el-pago-de-las-ganancias-2.
Hay te dejo la url de mi queja , si esto ya no se soluciona me vere obligado a denunciar personalmente a este casino , el dinero me urgía bastante y parece que les da igual mi situación a los del casino.
Si tan retrasados van como dicen ellos con esas respuestas evasisas que me dan , que trabajen los sabados y domingos , no es mi problema que tengan tanto retraso durante meses y meses por lo que eh visto...
Hay cosas que no termina de encajar en este puzzle...
Now I see the complaint as accepted and publicly visible—thank you.
I very much agree with your opinion. What, in my opinion, however, does not fit the puzzle, is the money. It is not very responsible to assume without having proof, so let's just say, you may work 24/7 but if you lack the "primary component," it won't work anyway.
Well, I'm done speculating,... I really hope the casino is going to resolve this mess soon.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com