I don't know your country's state laws regarding gambling.
Yo no conozco las leyes estatales de tu país en materia de juego
No problem at all. That is why every complaint has its own timer, actually. You can see it on the top right corner.😉
問題は、タイマーを 2 回 0 に設定しているため、すでに 2 か月が経過していることです。カジノが協力したくないのは明らかです。お金を失うことは気にしませんが、関連するブラック ポイントを割り当てる必要があります。
The thing is that I'm already going for 2 months because they have set the timer to 0 twice. It is obvious that the casino does not want to cooperate. I don't care about losing the money but they should assign the relevant black points.
El caso que yo ya voy para 2 meses pq han puesto el temporizador a 0 dos veces. Es evidente que el casino no quiere colaborar. Me da igual perder el dinero pero que le asignen los puntos negros pertinentes
Romi help me please let's try to recover at least these 1000 euros
Romi aiutatemi per favore cerchiamo di recuperare almeno questi 1000 euro
問題は、タイマーを 2 回 0 に設定しているため、すでに 2 か月が経過していることです。カジノが協力したくないのは明らかです。お金を失うことは気にしませんが、関連するブラック ポイントを割り当てる必要があります。
The thing is that I'm already going for 2 months because they have set the timer to 0 twice. It is obvious that the casino does not want to cooperate. I don't care about losing the money but they should assign the relevant black points.
El caso que yo ya voy para 2 meses pq han puesto el temporizador a 0 dos veces. Es evidente que el casino no quiere colaborar. Me da igual perder el dinero pero que le asignen los puntos negros pertinentes
I explained that in the other thread. Hope you mind checking my response regarding the timer 🙏.
I am aware that you are under stress. You in no way have to ask us for such deeds because this is not how the process works. Sadly, this casino has been ignoring the other complaints too, so, technically, it is about whether their approach will change or not. A word of advice: try to relax and find some things to do, because this may take the next couple of weeks, and the outcome is currently very uncertain.
I wish I had better news; I really do.
They told me that the withdrawal was confirmed and the money was sent but I have to wait 3-5 business days
Mi hanno detto che il prelievo e stato confermato e i soldi inviati mo devo aspettare i 3-5 giorni lavorativi
Once this is done I think no other excuses can come true right? I just have to wait for the money to arrive
Una volta fatto cosi credo che non possono inverarsi altre scuse giusto? Devo aspettare solo l arrivo dei soldi
Hi, when they accept your withdrawal, do they send you an email saying withdrawal confirmed? And then with which method did you withdraw?
Ciao quando ti accettano il prelievo ti mandano un email con scritto prelievo confermato? E poi con quale metodo hai prelevato
Antonio, did the money arrive on your MasterCard?
Antonio ma i soldi ti sono arrivati su mastercard?
I am going to report them to the Spanish authorities because they cannot operate in Spain.
Yo los voy a denunciar a las autoridades españolas pq no pueden operar en España
Congratulations. 😉
So, how would you rate the casino now?
If you wish, you can write your user review here.
I have already rated it. A nightmare to withdraw money.
It operates illegally in Spain, does not comply with the rules, allows banned addicted players to play... promoting gambling addiction and evading taxes
Yo ya lo he calificado. Una pesadilla para retirar dinero.
Opera ilegalmente en España, no cumple las normas, permite jugar a jugadores adictos prohibidos...fomentando la adicción al juego y evade impuestos
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