私がRollinoカジノで経験していることをここに残しておきたいと思います。登録時に 100 スピンを獲得しました。Book of Books スロット、2023 年 8 月 22 日 04:36:56 ID 1707160967。$78.00 レアルを獲得しました。プレイを続けたところ、幸運にも Pragmatic スロットで X10 を 2 回獲得することができました
ロールオーバーは $3,200.00 以上でした。ロールオーバーを実行することができ、まだ $1,369.00 が残っていましたが、ロールオーバーを実行すると自動的に $630.00 に下がりました。許可された引き出しは$500.00なので、カジノが支払ったかどうかをテストしたかったので、この金額を引き出すように設定しましたが、サイトで書類を確認するように求められたので、手順に従いました。その後、メールで受け取りました、
この標準化されたメール。要求された書類を送信しましたが、驚いたことに、本日 2008 年 8 月 28 日に再びこの資料要求のメールが届きました。余計な情報は何も入れずに再送しました。投稿で 14 日間待たなければならないと読んだので、まだ苦情を申し立てていません。かなり長いと思いますが、大丈夫です。私はすべての要件を満たしましたが、サイトには何か不満があるようです。私の理解では、サイトが停滞しているため、14 日間待って苦情を申し立てます。必要であればすべての写真があります。いいえ、このサイトの RTP は公正であると言わざるを得ません。みなさんこんにちは!
私の Rollino ウェブサイトのメールアドレス: rezendepaulo13@yahoo.com
I would like to leave here what I am going through with the Rollino casino. I won 100 spins on registration, Book of Books slot, 22.08.2023 04:36:56 ID 1707160967. Where I won $78.00 reais. I kept playing and was lucky enough to get 2 times X10 on Pragmatic slots
The rollover was over $3,200.00. I managed to fulfill the rollover and I still had $1,369.00, but automatically when I fulfilled the rollover it dropped to $630.00. The allowed withdrawal is $500.00, so I wanted to test to see if the casino paid and I set to withdraw this amount, However, the site asked me to verify the documents, I followed the procedure. Then I received in my email,
this standardized email. I sent the requested documents, and to my surprise today, 28/08 I received this email requesting documents again. Without any kind of extra information, I sent it again. I haven't opened a complaint yet, because I read in the post that you have to wait 14 days, I think it's a lot, but that's ok. I fulfilled all the requirements, but the site is leaving something to be desired, because from my understanding, they are stalling, I will wait the 14 days, and I will open a complaint. I have pictures of everything if needed. No, I can't help but mention that the site's RTP is fair. Greetings everyone!
My Rollino website email: rezendepaulo13@yahoo.com
Gostaria de deixar aqui o que estou passando com o cassino Rollino. Ganhei 100 rodadas no cadastro, no slot Book of Books, 22.08.2023 04:36:56 ID 1707160967. Onde ganhei $ 78.00 reais. Continuei jogando e tive a sorte de pegar 2 vezes X10 nos slots da Pragmatic
O rollover passava de $ 3.200,00. Consegui cumprir o rollover e ainda estava com $ 1.369,00, porém automaticamente ao cumprir o rollover caiu para $630,00. A retirada permitida é de $500,00, sendo assim quis testar pra ver se o cassino paga e coloquei pra retirar esse valor, Porém, o site pediu que fizesse verificação de documentos, segui o procedimento. Em seguida recebi no meu e-mail,
esse e-mail padronizado. Enviei os documentos solicitados, e pra minha surpresa hj, 28/08 recebi esse e-mail solicitando documentos de novo. Sem qualquer tipo de informação extra, enviei de novo. Não abri reclamação ainda, porque li no post que é necessário esperar 14 dias, eu acho muito, mas tudo bem. Cumpri todos os requisitos, porém o site, esta deixando a desejar, pois pelo meu entendimento, estão enrolando, vou aguardar os 14 dias, e abrirei uma reclamação. Tenho fotos de tudo, caso seja necessário. Não, posso deixar de mencionar que o RTP do site é justo. Saudações a todos!
Meu e-mail do site Rollino: rezendepaulo13@yahoo.com