貴重なお時間を割いてご経験を共有していただき、ありがとうございます。当社の Web サイトには組み込みの翻訳機能が搭載されており、ご希望の言語で入力するだけで「うまくいきます」。
標準的でよく知られている KYC (顧客確認) だけが実行されるわけではないことをお伝えしておきます。したがって、アカウントの所有権が完全に確認されているとしても、カジノ側が調査する必要があると感じるその他の詳細が多数あります。
Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences. Perhaps you would like to know that our website supports an inbuilt translator; you only have to write in your preferred language to "do the trick."
I have to admit that I did not understand the first paragraph well. As far as I can guess, though, the problem seems to be the ongoing "verification." Am I close, please?
I'd like to say that the standard and well-known KYC (Know Your Customer) is not the only one that may take place. So, even if your account may have been fully verified in the matter of ownership, there are many other details the casino may feel need to investigate too.
Of course the player should be informed about events to come.
I would also like to say there is very little chance that casino support will read your forum post. As you may see, only players have been contributing in this thread so far. So, can you reach out to the casino's support, or do you wish to continue here, please?
標準的でよく知られている KYC (顧客確認) だけが実行されるわけではないことをお伝えしておきます。したがって、アカウントの所有権が完全に確認されているとしても、カジノ側が調査する必要があると感じるその他の詳細が多数あります。
I'd like to say that the standard and well-known KYC (Know Your Customer) is not the only one that may take place. So, even if your account may have been fully verified in the matter of ownership, there are many other details the casino may feel need to investigate too.
We know all too well the 3 weeks that shuffle is so infamous for manually checking accounts which have already passed verifications, while there are software solutions which are by far more accurate and cost effective than paying a lazy greedy owner who will surely misappropriate the document for their own uses later on a competitors casino 😁
Please guru, enough defending with these frauds. It’s very plain to see, even Ray Charles himself could pin the tail on this donkey my man.
I would highly suggest guru come up with some other auditing process for testing experience similar to the ones so very prevalent here. Not only that, combined with the fact they have advertised across social media using even partners and brands in the regions where in which they’re not legally allowed to just further highlights the lengths they will go to defraud a person from their money.
支払いを受け取っていただければとても嬉しいです。しかし!これらの詐欺師を個人的に知っており、Trustpilot のレビューを参照すると、状況は正反対です。Trustpilot のレビューを読めば、すべてがわかります。1 つ理解できないのは、なぜこれらの詐欺師が Casinoguru でこれほど高い評価を受けているのかということです。そして、なぜ彼らは彼らを保護しているのでしょうか)
I would be very happy if you received the payment. But! Knowing these scammers personally, and referring to the reviews on trustpilot, the situation says the opposite. Read the reviews on trustpilot and you will understand everything. I don't understand one thing, why do these scammers have such a high rating in casinoguru?! And why do they protect them)
最初は、彼らはあらゆる方法で時間を引き延ばし、あなたが彼らに支援の手紙を書くと、彼らはこう言うでしょう。「私たちに手紙を書く必要はありません。私たちからあなたに手紙を書きます。」しかし、冗談は、彼らが決して手紙を書かないということです。))) これは、最高度の皮肉です。
At first they will drag out time by all sorts of methods, when you write to them in support they will say: You don't need to write to us, we will write to you ourselves. But the joke is that they will never write ))) This is cynicism of the highest degree.
私や他の人のために仲裁することを避けてくれたグルにも感謝します。そのため、私は https://fused.gg を作成しました。ここで、困難な状況で仲裁人を必要としている私と同じように他の人々を見つけ、彼らが切実に必要としている代理店を見つけるのを手伝うつもりです。
To the nth degree. They’re hoping you tell them where to shove it so then you’ll be banned like me for threats and dehumanized and character damaged on public forums across the internet. They’ll call you crazy and say you have mental problems and even so far as to that you are violent and their safety is in danger knowing dam well I’m not legally allowed to enter Australia. Good luck !
The legal route is nearly impossible and even if it were the cost is outrageous and unbearable given they’re holding quite literally millions of my commissions while I struggle thru homelessness and new partnerships where I’m killing it but only barely given the rent in my city is $4500 a month for a small studio.
Thank you also to guru for avoiding to mediate on my behalf and others too and that’s why I have created https://fused.gg where I plan to find others just like myself who need mediators in difficult circumstances and help them find the agency they so desperately need.
That's exactly what they write to me. I don't understand where their representative is.
вот именно так мне и пишут. я не понимаю где их представитель.
標準的でよく知られている KYC (顧客確認) だけが実行されるわけではないことをお伝えしておきます。したがって、アカウントの所有権が完全に確認されているとしても、カジノ側が調査する必要があると感じるその他の詳細が多数あります。
I'd like to say that the standard and well-known KYC (Know Your Customer) is not the only one that may take place. So, even if your account may have been fully verified in the matter of ownership, there are many other details the casino may feel need to investigate too.
We know all too well the 3 weeks that shuffle is so infamous for manually checking accounts which have already passed verifications, while there are software solutions which are by far more accurate and cost effective than paying a lazy greedy owner who will surely misappropriate the document for their own uses later on a competitors casino 😁
Please guru, enough defending with these frauds. It’s very plain to see, even Ray Charles himself could pin the tail on this donkey my man.
I would highly suggest guru come up with some other auditing process for testing experience similar to the ones so very prevalent here. Not only that, combined with the fact they have advertised across social media using even partners and brands in the regions where in which they’re not legally allowed to just further highlights the lengths they will go to defraud a person from their money.
あなたのおっしゃることは理解していますので、あなたが部分的に言及したにもかかわらず、当社の審査プロセスには KYC 手続きが組み込まれていないことを明確にすることが重要だと思います。これは、ユーザーが標準として認識している標準から大きく逸脱することが多いためです。たとえば、引き出し速度についても同様です。
したがって、各カジノとそのレビューについて私たちが提供する詳細を見ると、これらのことはどこにも言及されていないと結論付けるかもしれません。簡単に言えば、出金プロセスの速度と KYC プロセスの品質は、含めるのに十分なほど測定できません。「安全性指数」というフレーズは、賞金がカジノの規制に従って分配される可能性を指します。これが基本です。
今に集中して、レイのことを忘れましょう。そうしましょうか? 🙂 多くのプレイヤーが KYC が間違って処理されたと思った理由は完全に理解できます。それでは、ユーザーレビューでプロセス全体を共有しましょう。
代わりに、KYC に合格できない場合は苦情を申し立ててください。問題は、カジノの慣行に異議を唱えるために、プレイヤーの視点を理解して調査しない限り、大きな変化は起こらないということです。プレイヤー フォーラムで表明された意見は興味深いものですが、カジノが何が間違っていたか、不公平だったかを判断し、その結果として処罰の根拠を決定するためには、まずその意見を検証する必要があります。それだけです。
あなた自身で調査を行ってカジノの反証を証明できますか? ぜひそうしてください。私たちはプレイヤーの証明された主張をサポートする準備ができています。
Hi there.
I recognize what you are saying, so I believe it is crucial to clarify that, despite your partial mention, our reviewing process does not incorporate the KYC procedure because it frequently deviates greatly from standards users recognize as standards. The same goes, for instance, for the withdrawal speed.
So, if you look at the details we give for each casino and its review, you might conclude that neither of those things is mentioned anywhere. To put it simply, the speed of the withdrawal process and the quality of the KYC process cannot be measured sufficiently to be included. The phrase "Safety Index" refers to the likelihood that your winnings will be distributed in compliance with casino regulations. That is the fundamental.
Let us focus on the present and forget about Ray - shall we? 🙂. I completely understand why a lot of players thought the KYC was handled incorrectly. Alright, let us share the entire process in a user review.
Instead, file a complaint if you are unable to pass the KYC. The problem is that there will not be much change unless we comprehend and look into players' perspectives in order to challenge the casino's practices. Although opinions expressed in player forums are interesting, they must first be validated in order for the casino to determine what was wrong or unfair and, consequently, the basis for the punishment. That's it.
Only four of the 24 complaints that have been filed against this casino have reached the final stage and been settled.
Are you able to go through the investigation yourself and disprove the casino? Please do so; we are ready to support players proven claims.
支払いを受け取っていただければとても嬉しいです。しかし!これらの詐欺師を個人的に知っており、Trustpilot のレビューを参照すると、状況は正反対です。Trustpilot のレビューを読めば、すべてがわかります。1 つ理解できないのは、なぜこれらの詐欺師が Casinoguru でこれほど高い評価を受けているのかということです。そして、なぜ彼らは彼らを保護しているのでしょうか)
I would be very happy if you received the payment. But! Knowing these scammers personally, and referring to the reviews on trustpilot, the situation says the opposite. Read the reviews on trustpilot and you will understand everything. I don't understand one thing, why do these scammers have such a high rating in casinoguru?! And why do they protect them)
「カジノチームから、あなたが同じ VPN サービスを使用していた別のアカウントとともに、いわゆる「過去の投稿」をスポーツ賭博に行なったという情報を受け取りました。このような行為は、一般的にすべての評判の良いカジノで厳しく禁止されています。あなたの苦情は純粋にスポーツ賭博に関連したものであるため、残念ながらこれ以上のサポートは提供できません。当社にはスポーツ賭博を扱う部門がないため、適切なアドバイスを行うことができません。まだご存じないかもしれませんが、当社の Casino Guru 苦情フォーラムは、オンラインカジノとオンラインカジノゲームに関する苦情のみを扱っています。」
( 苦情全文はこちら)
このような状況では、最初の KYC が完了した後でもアカウントが慎重に検査されるのは当然のことです。申し訳ありません。
I believe it would be more appropriate to provide the following explanation for why your complaint had no effect on the Safety Index:
"We have received information from the casino team that you were involved in so-called "past-posting" in sports betting, alongside another account that was using the same VPN service. Such actions are generally strictly prohibited in all reputable casinos. Because your complaint is purely sports betting-related I regret to inform you that I cannot offer any further assistance. We don't have a branch dealing with sports betting, thus we wouldn't be able to advise you correctly. If you haven’t known that yet, our Casino Guru complaint forum deals with complaints regarding online casinos and online casino games only."
In these situations, it makes perfect sense that your account was carefully examined even after the initial KYC was completed. I'm sorry.
Since your situation was fairly obvious and outside of our purview, I hope it is now clear that we have little need for defending casinos.
I suggest you seek help on forums dedicated to sportsbooks rather than casinos:
- 支払い遅延。
- アフィリエイトをオファーしました。
- 名誉を傷つけられた/傷つけられた。
- 収入が減った。
- 不誠実。
- 不当なアカウント閉鎖。
- 2 年後に不当利得を得るか、エアドロップで「資格を得るには 1 回の賭けを行う」。
1. 免許保有者は、以下の者をギャンブルに参加させることを禁止される。
c. ライセンシーの従業員/役員または主要人物、またはUBOである人物、または適格な利害関係を有する事業体の従業員/役員。
1. ライセンシーは、少なくとも電子的に連絡が取れる、プレイヤーからの苦情を処理するための透明でシンプルかつ無料の手順を提供しなければなりません。
2. 第一項に規定する手続は、いかなる場合においても、次のとおり規定する。
e. 苦情はできるだけ早く、遅くとも8週間以内に処理されます。
4. プレイヤーには、提供されるリモート ギャンブル ゲームに引き続き参加するかどうかを判断できるように、利用規約の変更を十分に明確に確認する機会が与えられなければなりません。リモート ギャンブル ゲームがライセンシーのゲーム ウェブサイトの公開部分から利用できるときはいつでも、これらの変更内容を参照できる必要があります。プレイヤーは、ゲーム ウェブサイトのどのページからでもこの情報にアクセスできなければなりません。
3. ライセンシーは、すべてのプレーヤーの個人データおよび取引が、個人情報保護条例を含むすべての適用法および規制に従って、安全かつ確実に処理および保管されるようにするものとします。
4. ライセンシーは、その業務全体が非の打ちどころのない行為を行う者によって行われるようにしなければならない。
Because your complaint is purely sports betting-related I regret to inform you that I cannot offer any further assistance.
Then why jump to the defense of this operator that has hundreds of complaints being lodged against them? Whether they are substantiated or not, the mere presence of so many is cause for concern. They are for ALL players activity, not merely casino or sports it seems to me.
Me personally I experienced the following:
- Delayed Payment.
- Offed affiliates.
- Disparaged / Damaged Reputation.
- Lost income.
- Dishonesty.
- Unjust account closures.
- Unjust Enrichment following 2 years or "place 1 bet to be eligible" in an airdrop.
Article 4
General prohibitions
1. The licensee is prohibited from admitting persons from participating in games of chance if they are:
c. an employee/officer or any key person of the licensee or any person who is a UBO or any employee/officer of any entity which has a qualifying interest;
Article 12
Complaints handling
1. The licensee must provide a transparent, simple and free procedure for handling complaints from players that can be reached at least electronically.
2. The procedure, referred to in the first paragraph, in any case provides that:
e. the complaint is dealt with as soon as possible but no later than within eight weeks;
Article 11
General terms and conditions
4. Players must be given the opportunity to review changes to the terms and conditions in a sufficiently clear manner in order to determine whether they wish to continue to participate in the offered remote games of chance. It must be possible to consult these at all times the remote games of chance are available via the publicly accessible part of the licensee's game website. The player must be able to access this information from any page of the game website.
Article 6
Safe and secure environment
3. The licensee shall ensure that all players’ personal data and transactions are processed and stored in a safe and secure manner in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Ordinance.
4. The licensee shall ensure that its entire operation is conducted by persons of impeccable conduct.
- 支払い遅延。
- アフィリエイトをオファーしました。
- 名誉を傷つけられた/傷つけられた。
- 収入が減った。
- 不誠実。
- 不当なアカウント閉鎖。
- 2 年後に不当利得を得るか、エアドロップで「資格を得るには 1 回の賭けを行う」。
1. 免許保有者は、以下の者をギャンブルに参加させることを禁止される。
c. ライセンシーの従業員/役員または主要人物、またはUBOである人物、または適格な利害関係を有する事業体の従業員/役員。
1. ライセンシーは、少なくとも電子的に連絡が取れる、プレイヤーからの苦情を処理するための透明でシンプルかつ無料の手順を提供しなければなりません。
2. 第一項に規定する手続は、いかなる場合においても、次のとおり規定する。
e. 苦情はできるだけ早く、遅くとも8週間以内に処理されます。
4. プレイヤーには、提供されるリモート ギャンブル ゲームに引き続き参加するかどうかを判断できるように、利用規約の変更を十分に明確に確認する機会が与えられなければなりません。リモート ギャンブル ゲームがライセンシーのゲーム ウェブサイトの公開部分から利用できるときはいつでも、これらの変更内容を参照できる必要があります。プレイヤーは、ゲーム ウェブサイトのどのページからでもこの情報にアクセスできなければなりません。
3. ライセンシーは、すべてのプレーヤーの個人データおよび取引が、個人情報保護条例を含むすべての適用法および規制に従って、安全かつ確実に処理および保管されるようにするものとします。
4. ライセンシーは、その業務全体が非の打ちどころのない行為を行う者によって行われるようにしなければならない。
Because your complaint is purely sports betting-related I regret to inform you that I cannot offer any further assistance.
Then why jump to the defense of this operator that has hundreds of complaints being lodged against them? Whether they are substantiated or not, the mere presence of so many is cause for concern. They are for ALL players activity, not merely casino or sports it seems to me.
Me personally I experienced the following:
- Delayed Payment.
- Offed affiliates.
- Disparaged / Damaged Reputation.
- Lost income.
- Dishonesty.
- Unjust account closures.
- Unjust Enrichment following 2 years or "place 1 bet to be eligible" in an airdrop.
Article 4
General prohibitions
1. The licensee is prohibited from admitting persons from participating in games of chance if they are:
c. an employee/officer or any key person of the licensee or any person who is a UBO or any employee/officer of any entity which has a qualifying interest;
Article 12
Complaints handling
1. The licensee must provide a transparent, simple and free procedure for handling complaints from players that can be reached at least electronically.
2. The procedure, referred to in the first paragraph, in any case provides that:
e. the complaint is dealt with as soon as possible but no later than within eight weeks;
Article 11
General terms and conditions
4. Players must be given the opportunity to review changes to the terms and conditions in a sufficiently clear manner in order to determine whether they wish to continue to participate in the offered remote games of chance. It must be possible to consult these at all times the remote games of chance are available via the publicly accessible part of the licensee's game website. The player must be able to access this information from any page of the game website.
Article 6
Safe and secure environment
3. The licensee shall ensure that all players’ personal data and transactions are processed and stored in a safe and secure manner in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Ordinance.
4. The licensee shall ensure that its entire operation is conducted by persons of impeccable conduct.
As I understand it, you can write a complaint directly to the person who issued the license?
я так понимаю можно писать непосредственно жалобу тому, кто выдавал лицензию?
1)「過去投稿」という用語はどういう意味ですか? 誰も私に説明してくれません!
2) カジノによると、私が何かに違反した場合、少なくともスクリーンショットの形でこれを証明する必要があります。私は証拠を見たことがありませんので、これはすべて空虚な言葉であり、それ以上のものではありません。
3) あなたがスポーツ賭博に精通していないのなら、どうして私がルールや条件に違反したと結論づけることができるのですか?
4) 別の質問: このカジノがあなたのリソースで高い評価を得ているのはなぜですか? あなたのチームはカジノの評価を生成する際にどのような情報に頼っていますか?
1)What does this term "past-posting" mean? No one has explained it to me!
2) If I violated something, according to the casino, then this must be proven at least in the form of screenshots! I have not seen any evidence, so all this is empty words, nothing more.
3) If you are not competent in sports betting, then how can you conclude that I have violated any rules or conditions?!
4) Another question: Why does this casino have a high rating on your resource? What information does your team rely on when generating a casino rating?
- 支払い遅延。
- アフィリエイトをオファーしました。
- 名誉を傷つけられた/傷つけられた。
- 収入が減った。
- 不誠実。
- 不当なアカウント閉鎖。
- 2 年後に不当利得を得るか、エアドロップで「資格を得るには 1 回の賭けを行う」。
1. 免許保有者は、以下の者をギャンブルに参加させることを禁止される。
c. ライセンシーの従業員/役員または主要人物、またはUBOである人物、または適格な利害関係を有する事業体の従業員/役員。
1. ライセンシーは、少なくとも電子的に連絡が取れる、プレイヤーからの苦情を処理するための透明でシンプルかつ無料の手順を提供しなければなりません。
2. 第一項に規定する手続は、いかなる場合においても、次のとおり規定する。
e. 苦情はできるだけ早く、遅くとも8週間以内に処理されます。
4. プレイヤーには、提供されるリモート ギャンブル ゲームに引き続き参加するかどうかを判断できるように、利用規約の変更を十分に明確に確認する機会が与えられなければなりません。リモート ギャンブル ゲームがライセンシーのゲーム ウェブサイトの公開部分から利用できるときはいつでも、これらの変更内容を参照できる必要があります。プレイヤーは、ゲーム ウェブサイトのどのページからでもこの情報にアクセスできなければなりません。
3. ライセンシーは、すべてのプレーヤーの個人データおよび取引が、個人情報保護条例を含むすべての適用法および規制に従って、安全かつ確実に処理および保管されるようにするものとします。
4. ライセンシーは、その業務全体が非の打ちどころのない行為を行う者によって行われるようにしなければならない。
Because your complaint is purely sports betting-related I regret to inform you that I cannot offer any further assistance.
Then why jump to the defense of this operator that has hundreds of complaints being lodged against them? Whether they are substantiated or not, the mere presence of so many is cause for concern. They are for ALL players activity, not merely casino or sports it seems to me.
Me personally I experienced the following:
- Delayed Payment.
- Offed affiliates.
- Disparaged / Damaged Reputation.
- Lost income.
- Dishonesty.
- Unjust account closures.
- Unjust Enrichment following 2 years or "place 1 bet to be eligible" in an airdrop.
Article 4
General prohibitions
1. The licensee is prohibited from admitting persons from participating in games of chance if they are:
c. an employee/officer or any key person of the licensee or any person who is a UBO or any employee/officer of any entity which has a qualifying interest;
Article 12
Complaints handling
1. The licensee must provide a transparent, simple and free procedure for handling complaints from players that can be reached at least electronically.
2. The procedure, referred to in the first paragraph, in any case provides that:
e. the complaint is dealt with as soon as possible but no later than within eight weeks;
Article 11
General terms and conditions
4. Players must be given the opportunity to review changes to the terms and conditions in a sufficiently clear manner in order to determine whether they wish to continue to participate in the offered remote games of chance. It must be possible to consult these at all times the remote games of chance are available via the publicly accessible part of the licensee's game website. The player must be able to access this information from any page of the game website.
Article 6
Safe and secure environment
3. The licensee shall ensure that all players’ personal data and transactions are processed and stored in a safe and secure manner in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Data Protection Ordinance.
4. The licensee shall ensure that its entire operation is conducted by persons of impeccable conduct.
あなたは、私たちが何とかしてカジノを守るべきだと主張し、また、カジノを宣伝し、何らかの理由で安全指数を下げるべきだとも主張しています。しかし、私のチームメンバーの 1 人がこのカジノに対する行動を求めるあなたの呼びかけに応じるたびに、あなたはその応答を「カジノを守る」とマークしています。
弊社では、Casino Guru に直接関連するご質問や問題にのみ回答していることにご留意ください。そのために弊社はここにいます 🙂。
もう 1 つの重要な事実は、当社はスポーツブックのルールを見直したり、関連する行動を調査したりしていないということです。したがって、スポーツブックの評価を求めてここに来て、スポーツブック関連の苦情に対処すべきだと私たちに知らせる場合、残念ながらここは間違った場所であると言わざるを得ません。
当サイトはカジノプレイヤー専用ですが、現代のカジノは当然ながらすべての人に開かれています。Casino Guru でスポーツベッティングに関する記事、レビュー、ガイドをどれくらい見たことがありますか? 聞きたくはありませんが、これは理想的な例です。最初に当サイトに問い合わせた方がよかったかもしれません。
Hello, not sure whether this post was meant for me, but I guess it was.
Let me describe a few things first, please:
You insist that we somehow protect the casino, and you also insist that we advertise the casino and that we ought to reduce the Safety Index for some reason. However, you mark the response as "defending the casino" each time one of my team members answers your calls for action against this casino.
Please take note that we have only been answering your questions and issues that are directly related to Casino Guru. We are here for this reason 🙂.
You continue to misinterpret our explanations as defending posts in our current predicament, and regrettably, you are largely unaware of the specifics we have already covered. Kindly go over the thread once more. Because this is getting nowhere.
The mere fact that there are many complaints does not prove anything. For the simple reason that no casino would be entirely free of "complaints" Therefore, the only way to penalize the casino is to demonstrate the validity of the issue. You obviously cannot accept this part, and as a result, you incorrectly interpret our lack of interest in unverified information as a defense reserved for the casino.
Please tell me if I understood correctly.
Another important fact is that we do not review sportsbook rules and do not investigate related actions. So if you come here to seek sportsbook ratings and inform us that we should react on sportsbook-related complaints, I'm sorry to say that this is the wrong place.
Although we are here exclusively for casino players, the modern casinos are obviously open to everyone. How often have you seen articles, reviews, or guides about sports betting on Casino Guru? I hate to ask, but it is the ideal example. You might have been better off asking us first.
Well, nothing related to sports betting will change the Index calculated for casino activities.
I hope that this post will help us both understand how to communicate and handle situations in the future.
1)「過去投稿」という用語はどういう意味ですか? 誰も私に説明してくれません!
2) カジノによると、私が何かに違反した場合、少なくともスクリーンショットの形でこれを証明する必要があります。私は証拠を見たことがありませんので、これはすべて空虚な言葉であり、それ以上のものではありません。
3) あなたがスポーツ賭博に精通していないのなら、どうして私がルールや条件に違反したと結論づけることができるのですか?
4) 別の質問: このカジノがあなたのリソースで高い評価を得ているのはなぜですか? あなたのチームはカジノの評価を生成する際にどのような情報に頼っていますか?
1)What does this term "past-posting" mean? No one has explained it to me!
2) If I violated something, according to the casino, then this must be proven at least in the form of screenshots! I have not seen any evidence, so all this is empty words, nothing more.
3) If you are not competent in sports betting, then how can you conclude that I have violated any rules or conditions?!
4) Another question: Why does this casino have a high rating on your resource? What information does your team rely on when generating a casino rating?
1) Google で次のような説明を見つけました:
2) よく言ったものですが、例えばカジノ関連の詐欺の場合でも、カジノがプレイヤーを完全に無視する理由はたくさんあります。一般的に言えば、何らかの複雑な詐欺行為が関与しているかどうかによって異なります。🙁
3) いいえ、カジノからの説明をそのまま転送しただけです。
4) 素晴らしい質問です。あなたの評価レビューで他のプレイヤーに説明したように、ユーザーもカジノもカジノ活動にのみ焦点を当てています。プレイヤーは、安全なカジノは公正で安全なスポーツブックも提供していると考える傾向があります。私はそれほど確信はありません...
「Casino Guru レビュー – カジノのレビューと評価のプロセスについて学ぶ」という完全なガイドがあるので、ぜひ読んでみてください👈👈
わからなくても心配しないでください。良い点は、各カジノのレビューに常に基本情報が直接表示されていることです。 「安全性指数の説明」というタブを見つけるだけです。👈👈詳細を読むには PC のスクリーンショットの方がはるかにわかりやすいので、スクリーンショットでお手伝いします。
お気づきかと思いますが、スポーツブックについては一言も触れられていません。奇妙に聞こえるかもしれませんが、Casino Guru がスポーツ ベッティングを専門にしているとは一度も述べていないことをご理解ください。その言葉が見られるのは、フォーラムとカジノの長所と短所だけです。これ以上の説明はできないのだと思います。
I'll take that step by step too. Thank you for using the points! It's so much easier to respond properly
1) I found this description given by Google:
"Late betting or past posting is making a bet after the time when no more bets are to be taken. It is considered cheating; information may have become available, including the outcome of the event, that was not available to those making earlier bets."
2) Well said, but there are many reasons why, even in the case of casino-related frauds, for instance, the casino ignores the players completely. Generarly speaking, it depends whether some sort of complex, fradulent activity gets involved. 🙁
3) We did not; we just forwarded the explanation given by the casino.
4) Great question. As I just explained to the other player in your ratings reviews, both users and casinos alike are solely focused on casino activities. Players tend to think that safe casinos also provide a fair and safe sportsbook. I would not be that sure...
I hope you love reading, because there is a complete guide called "Casino Guru Reviews – Learn About Our Casino Review And Rating Process" 👈👈
Don't worry if you don't. The good thing is that the fundamentals are always shown directly in each casino review; just find the tab called "Safety Index Explained." 👈👈 I'll help out with a PC screenshot since it is much better for reading the details:
As I hope you will notice, there is not a single mention of sportsbook. Although it might sound strange, please realize that we have never stated that Casino Guru specializes in sports betting; the only indications of that word are found in the forum and the pros and cons of the casino. I suppose we are simply unable to provide you with any additional explanation.
If the casino/sportsbook operates under a license that supports player disputes, you should try to reach out to the authority.
Sadly, in this case, the casino seemed to be licensed by Antillepnone, a Curacao sub-license.
Due to ongoing legislation changes, the sub-licenses are no longer valid.
Currently, many casinos remain unlicensed, waiting for the new regulatory company to be settled in Curacao or seeking temporary and commonly weaker licenses.
If the casino/sportsbook operates under a license that supports player disputes, you should try to reach out to the authority.
Sadly, in this case, the casino seemed to be licensed by Antillepnone, a Curacao sub-license.
Due to ongoing legislation changes, the sub-licenses are no longer valid.
Currently, many casinos remain unlicensed, waiting for the new regulatory company to be settled in Curacao or seeking temporary and commonly weaker licenses.
質問させてください、私はどう感じるべきですか? というか、1年以上も詐欺の被害者になって、答えを見つけようともがいていて、何よりも彼らの悪ふざけで引き起こした損害を修復しようともがいていて、こんなに長い間立ち往生しているのをどう感じるでしょうか。 もちろん、私は腹を立てています。誰もが腹を立てるのは当然です。 これは不公平であり、信頼度評価を通じて、または直接仲裁を通じて彼らに責任を負わせるために、何らかの対策を講じることを要求します。
I apologize let me be more direct. By not allowing me to utilize your services to arbitrate on my behalf, I am left with nothing but legal options which let’s face it we all know this is nearly impossible for most people.
The entire point of arbitration is to avoid costly and lengthy legal battles but when there is no arbitration you essentially are cutting my throat.
Let me ask, how should I feel? Or rather, how would you feel being stuck for so long after being the victim of a scam now for more than a year, struggling to find answers and most importantly to repair the damage they have caused with their shenanigans. Of course I am pissed as anybody should be in their own right. It isn’t fair and I demand something be done about it to hold them accountable either thru their trust rating or directly with mediation.
Noah and his entire staff are a bunch of low lives who have alcoholic fathers that beat them for fun or what? No son of mine would ever dare treat somebody on such a way and then laugh about.
つまり、ライセンス プロバイダーに連絡する確実な方法は実際には存在しないということです。今後 1 年で状況は変わると予想されます。キュラソーとそのギャンブル法改正に焦点を当てたギャンブル ニュースをインターネットで自由に検索してください。🙏。例: 「キュラソー議会は 12 月 16 日月曜日に同国のギャンブル改革法について議論する予定です。」
It means that actually there is no certain way to contact its license provider. We expect that to change in the upcoming year. Feel free to browse internet for gambling news focused on Curacao and its gambling legal changes. 🙏. Just an example: "Curaçao’s parliament intends to discuss the country’s gambling reform law on Monday 16 December."
質問させてください、私はどう感じるべきですか? というか、1年以上も詐欺の被害者になって、答えを見つけようともがいていて、何よりも彼らの悪ふざけで引き起こした損害を修復しようともがいていて、こんなに長い間立ち往生しているのをどう感じるでしょうか。 もちろん、私は腹を立てています。誰もが腹を立てるのは当然です。 これは不公平であり、信頼度評価を通じて、または直接仲裁を通じて彼らに責任を負わせるために、何らかの対策を講じることを要求します。
I apologize let me be more direct. By not allowing me to utilize your services to arbitrate on my behalf, I am left with nothing but legal options which let’s face it we all know this is nearly impossible for most people.
The entire point of arbitration is to avoid costly and lengthy legal battles but when there is no arbitration you essentially are cutting my throat.
Let me ask, how should I feel? Or rather, how would you feel being stuck for so long after being the victim of a scam now for more than a year, struggling to find answers and most importantly to repair the damage they have caused with their shenanigans. Of course I am pissed as anybody should be in their own right. It isn’t fair and I demand something be done about it to hold them accountable either thru their trust rating or directly with mediation.
Noah and his entire staff are a bunch of low lives who have alcoholic fathers that beat them for fun or what? No son of mine would ever dare treat somebody on such a way and then laugh about.
まったく同じ理由で、仲裁に関して付け加えることはほとんどありません。私たちは仲裁人ではないので、仲裁には何の関係もありません。スポーツ賭博の弁護士を探しましたか? もちろん、私はあなたがすべての目標を達成することを心から願っています。
Well, I have no idea what you aim to hear from me at this point. I bet anyone in your situation would feel upset and disappointed.
I also imagine my last post has only deepened your feelings. On the other hand, I have already explained that we can't help you because you have mistaken us for sports book reviewers, which we are not. 🙁
For the very same reason, there is little to add for the arbitration. We have nothing to do with it, as long as we are not arbiters. Have you sought out sports betting attroney? I honestly wish you to accomplish all your goals, of course.
When it comes to sports betting, though, I suggest you find yourself a good sportsbook-oriented website in the future. I'm sorry it ended like this.
Shuffle is funny lol. Their support says vpn is not allowed, while they have streamers on kick stream from US with vpn, and US is not allowed at all lol. But if you turn on the vpn to access some slots from a legal jurisdiction they still accept, they ban and they dont pay lol. I asked support and they told me vpn not allowed. I told the lady they have streamers streaming from US lol. Live support ladybsaid she will inform the appropriate department hahaha.
Lady, that streamer gets paid for his time and management who paid him knows he is from US. Shuffle such scam 🤣🤣. At least stake lets u use vpn lol.
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