My congratulations. I would post that casino doesn't pay only if I'm certain though 😀.
I am happy you were not entirely correct at this point ✨.
My congratulations. I would post that casino doesn't pay only if I'm certain though 😀.
I am happy you were not entirely correct at this point ✨.
確かに嘘です。彼らは、私が何の許可も与えずに、毎日 24 時間テキスト メッセージで私を虐殺しており、彼らは恥ずべきことであるチャットにさえ応答しません。
Certainly false they are massacring me with text messages every day at all hours without me giving any authorization and they don't even answer the chat they are shameful
Certamente falsa mi stanno massacrando con sms tutti i giorni a tutte le ore senza che io abbia dato alcuna autorizzazione e non rispondono nemmeno alla chat sono vergognosi
こんにちは。 14日前にSilverplay Casinoに出金をリクエストしました。本人確認済みなので書類はすべて揃っています。しかし、残念ながらお金はありません。誰か助けてくれませんか。どうもありがとう。
Hello. I requested a withdrawal at Silverplay Casino 14 days ago. I am verified so all documents are there. But unfortunately not the money. Can someone help me. Thanks very much.
Hallo. Ich habe vor 14 Tagen eine Auszahlung im Silverplay Casino beantragt. Verifiziert bin ich also alle Unterlagen sind da. Aber das Geld leider nicht. Kann mir jemand Helfen. Vielen Dank.
Long story short - I would submit a complaint.
Read the guide here then submit one:
Don't worry it is free!
最悪のカジノはベローナ NV のものです。彼らはあなたの賞金を奪うためにあらゆる手段を尽くします。念のため、ベローナ NV、BIG SCAM のこれらのカジノではプレイしないでください。
worst possible casinos are from Bellona NV they do everything to take your winnings, for God's sake don't play at these casinos from Bellona NV, BIG SCAM
sämsta tänkbara casinon är från Bellona NV de gör allt för att ta dina vinster ,för gud skull spela inte på dessa casinon från Bellona NV ,BIG SCAM
できれば、その安全性指数へのリンクを追加したいと思います。これは非常に低く、さらに、悪いと計算されたユーザーのフィードバックへのリンクも追加します。 🙁
If I may, I would like to add a link to its safety index - which is quite low plus a link to user feedback calculated as bad. 🙁
Thank you for the warning!
Hello there.
I suggest you read this thread, all the tips are here. Especially the safety index, and user reviews - both have been mentioned. Browse this thread to see other player's experiences. Honestly, I would be cautious, check out the casino review:
Hello, have all the people that complained about the waiting times eventually got their money? i have submitted a withdrawal request almost 9 days ago now and nothing. Same copy and paste reply from live chat, should i forget about ever getting paid ? should this casino be blacklisted at this stage?
とにかく、かなり時間がかかることについてカジノは何と答えますか?出金リクエストを解決するためにカジノには 14 日間の猶予期間が与えられます。完全に認証されたアカウントをお持ちですか?
Hi, I see that you have the same problem as most of the players who have filed a complaint against this casino. However, from what I've seen, almost all of the complaints have been resolved, even though it took quite a long time. I see that you have filed one as well, and I firmly believe that even though it is dragging on, you will eventually get paid.
Anyway, what is the casino's answer to you about it taking quite a long time ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawal requests. Do you have a fully verified account ?
I'll wait for the answer.
Yes iv been told my account is verified and they have all the documents needed by live chat, when asked about my withdrawal its the same copy and paste answer from live chat… ‘different department’ ‘its still being reviewed’ ‘keep an eye on your email’…
同じ答えが返ってくることがどのようなものかを私は知っているので、この状況であなたに心から同情します。 12日経ちましたね?あと 2 回続けても何も変わらない場合は、私たちのチームが状況をさらに詳しく調べてお手伝いします。どうなるか見てみましょう。新しい情報がありましたら、お知らせいただけますか?
I absolutely sympathize with you in this situation because I know what it must be like to keep getting the same answer. It's been 12 days, right? If nothing changes in another two, our team will try to go deeper into the situation and help you. We'll see where it goes. If you have any new information, would it be possible to let us know ?
現在 12 日経ちます。毎日ログインしてライブチャットにアップデートを依頼する以外に新しい情報はありません。彼らは同じことを何度も言うだけで、非常にイライラします。それで、2週間になったら手伝ってもらえませんか?
12 days now yes, i dont have any new info, apart from logging in every day and asking live chat for an update, and they just say the same thing over and over, very frustrating. So you guys can help when its two weeks?
私たちのチームは、出金を解決するためにカジノに与えた期限が過ぎるまでにこれを実行しようとします。うまくいけば、すべてが公平に解決されます。成功を祈っている。 🤞🤞
Our team will try to do this as the deadline we give casinos to resolve the withdrawal passes. Hopefully it will be successful and everything will be resolved fairly. Fingers crossed. 🤞🤞
そうですね、ようやくお金を受け取ってもらえてとてもうれしいです。 🎉😊
2週間がかなり長くなってきたので、ホッとしたと思います。ただし、 この情報を受け取ったかどうかにかかわらず、トーマスは回答を待っているため、苦情の中でトーマスにこの情報を確認するようお願いします。
Well, I'm very glad to see you finally got your money. 🎉😊
Two weeks was getting to be quite a lot, so I believe it's a relief for you. However, I would also ask you to confirm this information to Tomas in the complaint, because he is waiting for an answer whether you have received it or not.
Anyway, are you going to stay with this casino or are you going to find another one ?
I am very satisfied with the service and the winnings payout. Of course it is a game of chance, everyone should be aware of that. Of course you lose sometimes, but in comparison, it is a very good casino and the service is absolutely recommendable.
The casino manager Diana is always approachable and absolutely customer-friendly when it comes to questions and problems and she takes care of them immediately.
Best regards
Ich bin von der Service und auch der gewinn Ausgabe sehr zufrieden…. Klar es ist ein Glücksspiel , dass sollte jedem bewusst sein ., natürlich verliert man auch mal, aber im Verhältnis , ist es ein sehr gutes Casino und der Service ist absolut empfehlenswert.
Die Casino Managerin Diana ist immer ansprechbar und absolut kundenfreundlich bei Fragen und Problemen und sie kümmert sich sofort darum.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
That sounds great. May I ask with what kind of issue the support helped you there? It is always great to have good support at an online casino who is able and willing to solve problems, right?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com