おはようございます、Elsabiiio27さん。このフォーラム以外で連絡を取り、助けてもらえないかと思っています。slotsvilで2,000ユーロの出金をしたところ、保留中になっているようです。チャットでは、担当部門がリクエストを確認して連絡するとは言われていますが、いつ支払いを受け取れるかなど具体的な情報はほとんどありません… 遅れたり邪魔されたりしないようにするにはどうしたらいいのかわかりません… 別の方法で連絡して、問題を解決してもらうことはできますか? ありがとうございます。
Good morning Elsabiiio27, I would like to be able to contact you outside of this forum to see if you can help me. I have just made a withdrawal of €2,000 at slotsvil and it appears pending and through the chat they tell me that the corresponding department will review the request and will contact me but little information about when I will receive the payment or anything specific….I don't know what I should do so that they don't delay me and put obstacles in my way…can we contact them in another way and you can help me with my problem? Thanks.
Buenos dias Elsabiiio27, me gustaría poder contactar contigo fuera de este foro para ver si me puedes echar una mano. acabo de realizar una retirada de 2.000€ en slotsvil y me aparece pendiente y por el chat me dicen que el departamento correspondiente revisará la solicitud y se pondrán en contacto conmigo pero poca información de cuando recibiré el pago ni nada concreto….no sé cómo he de hacer para que no se demoren y me pongan trabas…podemos contactar de otra manera y me echas una mano con mi problema? Gracias.
こんにちは。お伺いしたいのですが、出金はどのくらい保留になっていますか? これは初めての選択ですか? 私の理解が正しければ、あなたも検証を受けているようですので、出金するにはまずそれを通過する必要があります。 私の理解が正しければ、ボーナスも利用されたのですね? すべての要件を満たしましたか?
Hello, how long has your withdrawal been pending if I may know ? Is this your first selection ? I see that you are also going through verification if I understand correctly, so you will have to pass it successfully first to make a withdrawal. If I read you correctly, you also played with the bonus, yes ? Did you meet all the requirements ?
I will wait for your answer.
Hi, yes. Today I went through verification and they finally sent me an email saying that they were proceeding with the payment. At the same time I verified the account and I already had it, so great! I was a bit scared while I was going through verification for fear that they would put up obstacles but finally it's ok!
Hola si. Hoy mismo he estado pasando la verificación y por fin me han enviado un correo diciendo que procedian al pago, en el mismo momento he verificado la cuenta y ya lo tenia, asi que genial! Un poco cagado mientras pasaba la verificación por miedo a que pusieran inconvenientes pero alfin ok!
As they say, "patience brings roses" and I'm sure glad it turned out well after all you wrote. So you got a good report at the beginning of the week and I hope that this trend will only continue.
Do you think you will continue to play here ? 🙂 🎉☘️
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