Yes. I played again yestreday so i'm waiting for a 300 e withdrawal now
実は、300e はそこに含まれていないからです。
May I ask, though, if you got paid the full amount in your complaint already?
Just asking to know if the complaint can be closed now, you know.
Because the 300e is not included there, actually.
I don't think there is an answer to that. You will have to keep track of your withdrawal and wait for the casinos to approve and send it to you. They haven't said anything to you yet?
If we can't get your money, we'll try to help you with the complaint you have open.
カジノ グルでカジノのレベルを確認する方法を教えていただけますか? それは非常に高いレベル、高い、低いです...どこでプレイするのが良いかを決めるためにいくつかのカジノをチェックする必要があります
I got paid today, thank you.
May I know in casino guru how to check the level of a casino? That is very high level, high, low ... I have to check some casinos to decide where is better to play
Mi hanno pagata oggi vi ringrazio.
Posso sapere in casino guru come si fa a controllare il livello di un casino ? Cioè livello molto alto, alto , basso ... devo controllare alcuni casinò per decidere dove sia meglio giocare
ヒント :
私は 200 ポンドを引き出し、198.60 ポンドを受け取ったので、1.40 ポンドの費用がかかりました。支払う金額としては小さいものですが、賞金が支払われて本当にうれしいです。
注意: 出金が拒否された場合、その旨を確認するメールが送信されます。メールには「ヒント: 銀行振込を使用してお金を引き出すことができます」と記載されているので、よく読んでください。
これは、これまでデビット カードの使用に問題があった場合に、お金を引き出す方法に関する大きなヒントになります。
Funds received in my bank just now .
I decided to do a international bank transfer this time around and it was successful .
Tip :
If you gave issues withdrawing money from Tikitaka casino using your bank debit card( visa)
Like I did
Then try selecting a international bank transfer as this has worked for me
It to 5 continus days( 4 working)
I withdrew £200 gbp and I have received £198.60 so it's cost me £1.40 - a small price to pay I'm just glad I have been paid my winnings.
Note: when you are declined a withdrawl they send you a email confirming the fact, read the email as it says "Hint you can withdrawl money using bank transfers ".
This is a big clue on how to withdraw money if you have been previously having problems using your debit card!.
Hope this works for all of you.
Good luck with getting your money.
Once you have done so , think about depositing with TikiTaka
カジノ グルでカジノのレベルを確認する方法を教えていただけますか? それは非常に高いレベル、高い、低いです...どこでプレイするのが良いかを決めるためにいくつかのカジノをチェックする必要があります
I got paid today, thank you.
May I know in casino guru how to check the level of a casino? That is very high level, high, low ... I have to check some casinos to decide where is better to play
Mi hanno pagata oggi vi ringrazio.
Posso sapere in casino guru come si fa a controllare il livello di un casino ? Cioè livello molto alto, alto , basso ... devo controllare alcuni casinò per decidere dove sia meglio giocare
こんにちは。カジノについて知っておくべきことは、ほとんどすべてレビューに書かれています。カジノ自体の横には、 安全性指数があります。これは、カジノがどの程度安全であるかを反映する数値です。また、安全性指数自体には、私たちが考慮する内容と、カジノにその評価を与えることにした理由の説明があります。
Hi, almost everything you need to know about a casino is written in the review. Next to the casino itself you have the Safety Index, which is a number that reflects how safe we think the casino is. Also in the safety index itself you have a description of what we take into account and why we decided to give the casino the rating it has.
Also, I would definitely also look at the user reviews or complaints for a given casino to get an overview of what the players are dealing with and maybe what is the most common problem or vice versa if the players are satisfied with the casino.
Of course it doesn't have to be immediately conclusive, but it can help to make decisions. This is to say that the higher the safety index is, the more prone the casino is to having fewer problems. On the other hand, I am not saying that none can occur even in the best casinos.
So try to look at everything that is necessary and decide accordingly.🙂
ヒント :
私は 200 ポンドを引き出し、198.60 ポンドを受け取ったので、1.40 ポンドの費用がかかりました。支払う金額としては小さいものですが、賞金が支払われて本当にうれしいです。
注意: 出金が拒否された場合、その旨を確認するメールが送信されます。メールには「ヒント: 銀行振込を使用してお金を引き出すことができます」と記載されているので、よく読んでください。
これは、これまでデビット カードの使用に問題があった場合に、お金を引き出す方法に関する大きなヒントになります。
Funds received in my bank just now .
I decided to do a international bank transfer this time around and it was successful .
Tip :
If you gave issues withdrawing money from Tikitaka casino using your bank debit card( visa)
Like I did
Then try selecting a international bank transfer as this has worked for me
It to 5 continus days( 4 working)
I withdrew £200 gbp and I have received £198.60 so it's cost me £1.40 - a small price to pay I'm just glad I have been paid my winnings.
Note: when you are declined a withdrawl they send you a email confirming the fact, read the email as it says "Hint you can withdrawl money using bank transfers ".
This is a big clue on how to withdraw money if you have been previously having problems using your debit card!.
Hope this works for all of you.
Good luck with getting your money.
Once you have done so , think about depositing with TikiTaka
それで、最終的に引き出しプロセス全体にどれくらいの時間がかかったか教えていただけますか? 🙂
Great, I'm glad you got the money. I see that you also have useful information, or a tip for players. If the casino also advised you in the email, that should be the case and they should help players in such situations.
So can I know how long the whole withdrawal process took in the end? 🙂
Hello 5 days, because I called them back and they replied: sorry for the delay, we are in the final checks and soon you will receive your money (30 euros)
Ciao 5 giorni, perchè li ho richiamati e mi hanno risposto : scusate il ritardo, siamo nelle verifiche conclusive e presto riceverà i suoi soldi ( 30 eur )
ところで、セーフティ インデックスについてはどうでしょうか? 何か質問はありますか? これは非常に複雑なトピックであり、私たちはプレイヤーの安全を守りたいと考えているため、ただ質問しているだけです。
Just to note, the post you replied to was for the other player.
But don't worry about that. We appreciate the details!
What about the Safety Index, though? Do you have questions, perhaps? Just asking because it is a very complex topic and we love to help players stay safe.
As I played and won at a roulette, the money did not go to my account, I sent a screenshot of the time of the win and I am waiting two days for the money to be credited, when I contacted them they tell me that the relevant department has not reviewed it.. I have read other reviews that it is a fake company but I am curious to see if they will come in
Καθώς έπαιξα και κέρδισα σε μια ρουλέτα τα χρήματα δεν πέρασαν στον λογαριασμό μου,έστειλα screenshot την ώρα το κέρδος και περιμένω δύο μέρες να πιστωθούν τα χρήματα,σε επικοινωνία μου λένε ότι το αρμόδιο τμήμα δεν το έχει εξέτασει..έχω διαβάσει και άλλες κριτικές ότι είναι fake εταιρεία αλλά είμαι περίεργος να δω αν θα μπουν
Hi, that's quite strange but I guess there can be such a technical error, I've seen it a couple of times. When you sent them screenshots, I would wait a little bit longer and if they don't let you know what happened to your bet, then I would file a complaint.
Will you try to hang on a little longer?
In the next communication they told me that the waiting time could take a month until the money is deposited and I said are we serious?? a month? I can't do anything but I just want to see how long it will take and if they actually deposit the money.
Σε επόμενη επικοινωνία μου είπαν ότι μπορεί ο χρόνος αναμονής να πάρει και μήνα μέχρι να μπουν τα χρήματα και λέω είμαστε σοβαροί??ένα μήνα?δεν μπορώ να κάνω κάτι όμως απλά θέλω να δω πόσο θα διαρκέσει και αν όντως βάλουν τα χρήματα
1 回の賭けであれば、1 か月待つのも望ましくないと思います。その場合、おそらくもっと早く苦情を申し立てるでしょうが、ゲーム プロバイダーまたはカジノからの決定を待つ必要があることは依然として言えます。
If it's one bet, I don't think waiting a month is what I would want either. In that case I would probably open a complaint sooner, although I will still say that we would also have to wait for a decision from the game provider or the casino.
But if you go for it definitely let me know.
I'll be patient for five days because we're only talking about a bet.
Θα κάνω υπομονή πέντε μέρες γιατί μιλάμε μόνο για ένα στοιχημα
ここで高く評価されている他のカジノ、たとえば Winspirit は、このようなことはしていません。実際、彼らはあなたの入金した賞金をそのままボーナスに回すという詐欺的な方法を採用しています...そして、ボーナスしかない場合、プレイできるゲームを数個に制限し、ボーナスを現実のものにするために、すべてのゲームで RTP が非常に低く、非常に高い乗数を設定しています。これは詐欺です。
私の経験では、Tiki Taka は詐欺サイトではないようでした。むしろその通りです。
There are many negative reviews of this tiki take casino. in the meantime they were able to promptly refund my deposit with a small win of 33 eur.
Which other casinos that are highly rated here like winspirit have not done. In fact they have a scam method that takes your deposit winnings and puts them directly into the bonus... and when you only have the bonus they limit you to just a few games to play and to make the bonus real there is a very high multiplier with all games at a very low rtp. This is a scam.
In my experience, Tiki Taka did not appear to be a scam site, on the contrary.
Ci sono molte recensioni negative di questo tiki take casino'. intanto loro sono stati capaci di rimborsarmi tempestivamente il deposito con una piccola vincita 33 eur.
Cosa che altri casinò che qui sono supervalutati come winspirit non ha fatto. Anzi hanno un metodo truffa che prendono le tue vincite del deposito le mettono direttamente nel bonus... e quando hai solo il bonus ti limitano a soli pochi giochi a cui giocare e per rendere reale il bonus c'è un moltiplicatore altissimo con tutti giochi a rtp bassissimo. Questa è truffa.
Tiki Taka a mia esperienza non mi è apparso un sito truffa, anzi.
What do you mean that they have refunded you your deposit, though?🤔
Could you tell us what exactly happened there, please?
I really don't understand it, because you said that they pay you your winnings as well, so how come they refunded your deposit? 🤷♀️
I got lost here, really.
話を戻します。残念ながら、彼らは毎日私の口座をチェックして私をからかっていますが、お金が入金されているのを見ていません。メールでも知らせましたが、誰が苦情を申し立てることができるでしょうか? 嘲笑に腹が立っています。私はそれを手に入れることはできないとわかっています
I came back to the subject, unfortunately they make fun of me every day that they check my account but I don't see any money being put in, I also informed them by email, how can anyone file a complaint? I'm getting angry about the mockery, I know I'm not going to get it
Επανήλθα επί του θέματος, δυστυχώς με κοροϊδεύουν κάθε μερα ότι ελέγχουν τον λογαριασμό μου αλλά λεφτά δεν βλέπω να μου βάζουν,τους ενημέρωσα και με email,πώς κανείς καταγγελία?για την κοροϊδία νευριάζω,ξέρω ότι δεν πρόκειται να τα παρω
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com