- キャプチャが正確な時間とともに表示されたときのスクリーンショットを撮っていただけますか。また、タイムゾーンも教えてください(UTC がベストです)
- また、使用しているドメインも確認できる画面全体のスクリーンショットを撮っていただけると助かります。
- ログインしているアカウント。
- IP アドレスも見つけられると助かります。
これらの要素に基づいて、より複雑であっても潜在的な問題を追跡できる可能性があります。100% の成功を約束することはできませんが、少なくとも何が問題であるかを突き止めることはできます。
さらに、Cookie の削除やブラウザの変更などの基本的なことについてもアドバイスできるかもしれませんが、これらの情報があれば本当に助かります。
Well, this problem arises quite too much times in the last few days, I mean with captcha.
We try to solve this issue but it is not so easy as it looks.
In this matter we could use a little help and we will need some information form so we can try to fix it.
Can you please provide me:
- Can you take a screenshot when captcha appears with exact time and also tell us the time zone (the best it would be in UTC)
- Also it would be helpful to make a screenshot with whole screen where we see also the domain you use.
- Which account you are logged in.
- Ip address would be great too if you are able to find it.
Based on these factors we maybe can track potential problem even though it is more complex. I do not promise 100% success but at least we can try to find out what can be the problem.
Also, did you use VPN?
I know it is lot of questions but I suppose, without that we won't move further.
Additionally, I can maybe advise you with basic things like- deleting cookies, changing browsers but these info would be really good to have.
Thank you for your assistance. 🙂