VPN を使いましたか? カジノでは使えないのが普通なので、聞いています。
And did you use a VPN ? It's common that it can't be used in casinos so that's why I'm asking.
VPN を使いましたか? カジノでは使えないのが普通なので、聞いています。
And did you use a VPN ? It's common that it can't be used in casinos so that's why I'm asking.
The thing is that I didn't use it, I work in Europe, they said that I played from Germany, all this could have happened but they didn't say when so that I could at least check where I was at that time
В том и дело что не пользовался им, я работаю по Европе, сказали что я играл с Германии, это всё могло быть но не сказали когда чтобы я хоть проверил в это время где я был
役に立つとは約束できませんが、少なくとも試してみることはできます。前述したように、VPN は禁止されていることが多いため、このような場合に VPN を使用できるかどうかカジノに確認することを強くお勧めします。
Well but according to what I've seen Germany shouldn't be a restricted country.
I would probably recommend in this case to open a complaint and our team would look into the situation and assess everything necessary.
Do you think you'll go for it ?
I don't promise it will help but you can at least try. I would definitely recommend checking with the casino if you can use a VPN in such cases because as I mentioned, it is often prohibited.
That's the thing, VPN, they said it most likely only because I played from different countries, but that doesn't mean that I use VPN, my job is such that I can change up to 6 countries in a year, and they used it as a violation since VPN is not allowed, well, it didn't exist, and they didn't even give me information about what date they were talking about, I buy things on a card in each country and there, in addition to the name of the stores, there is naturally an address, so it's pretty easy to prove, let them tell me the dates and I'll show a printout from a bank account💳where I was on those dates and it will be clear from the purchases, they asked for a ticket, but we have a team, we travel by car between countries and naturally what kind of ticket can I show them, and I'll file a complaint through you
Так в том и дело VPN это они сказали скорее всего только потому что я играл с разных стран, но это не означает что я пользуюсь впн, у меня работа такая что за год могу сменить до 6 стран, а они это использовали как нарушение так как впн нельзя, ну так его и не было, а мне даже не дали информацию про какую дату говорят, я в каждой стране закупаюсь на карту и там по мимо названия магазинов есть естественно и адрес, по этому доказать довольно просто пускай скажут числа а я покажу распечатку с банковского счета💳где в эти числа я был и по покупкам будет ясно, они просили билет, но у нас команда мы ездием на машине между странами и естественно какой билет я могу им показать, а жалобу оформлю через вас
それはわかりますが、制限されている国からプレイした場合、1 年に複数の国を訪問すると問題になることがあります。また、ほとんどのカジノは、身を守るためにそのような情報を公開しないので、理解できます。ただし、VPN をオンにできることを確認するまでは、VPN の使用はお勧めしません。常に、プレイヤーに不要な問題を引き起こすだけです。
I understand that, but if you played from a restricted country, it can be a problem when you say you visit several of them in a year. Also, most casinos don't disclose such things to protect themselves, so I understand. But I don't recommend using a VPN until you've verified that it's possible to have it turned on. It's always just going to cause unnecessary problems for the players.
So we'll see what our team finds out.
Let us know if you have anything new.
私はVerde Casinoで20ユーロから3000ユーロの賭け金で勝ちました。
さて、私の質問ですが、このような問題を知っている人はいますか、あるいは Verde Casino での経験はどのようなものですか?
I won at Verde Casino with a stake of 20€ - 3000€.
Now I'm a little "afraid" to pay the money into my bank account (Volksbank) because I've heard that you could get into legal trouble and face high fines, etc.
Now to my question: Does anyone know of such problems, or what is your experience with Verde Casino?
Until I am sure, I will not pay out the money.
Thank you and kind regards
ich habe bei Verde Casino mit einem Einsatz von 20€ - 3000€ gewonnen.
Nun habe ich aber etwas "Angst" das Geld auf mein Bankkonto auszuzahlen (Volksbank) da ich gehört habe, man könnte rechtliche Probleme bekommen und hohe Strafen etc.
Nun zu meiner Frage: Kennt jemand solche Probleme, bzw. wie ist eure Erfahrung mit Verde Casino?
Bis ich mir nicht sicher bin, werde ich das Geld erstmal nicht auszahlen.
Danke und liebe Grüße
こんにちは!まずはお祝い申し上げます。素晴らしい勝利でしたね 🙂。
私の理解する限りでは、あなたは GGL ライセンスのないカジノから出金しようとしていることを心配しているようです。このフォーラムによると、ドイツのプレイヤーは毎日そのようなカジノでプレイし、出金しているようです。あなたの国で罰金関連の複雑な問題を話した人を私は覚えていません。
代わりに、他のプレイヤーに直接質問した方がいいかもしれません。多くのプレイヤーがカジノに関する法的事項を議論している特定のスレッドがあります。私の記憶が正しければ、ドイツ人が最も活発に議論していた人の 1 人でした。
私がこれまでに遭遇した法的な事例は、おそらくドイツのオンラインニュース記事で言及されたもので、有効な現地ライセンスなしでオンラインカジノを使用したために違法行為で起訴され罰金を科せられたプレイヤーの事例が 1 件だけありました。頻繁に起こるとは言えません。
Hi there! First, I'd like to congratulate you - nice win 🙂.
As far as I understand, you seem to be worried that you are about to withdraw from the casino without the GGL license. According to this forum, I'd say, German players play and withdraw from such casinos daily. I do not recall anyone from your country sharing fine-related complications.
Perhaps you would like to ask a fellow player directly instead. There is a specific thread in which many players are discussing legal matters related to casinos. Germans were one of the most active, if the memory serves me correctly.
Use this green link to access the thread 👈 and then use the reply button to ask someone in particular. I hope this idea helps you somehow.
I believe I have only come across one legal case, which was probably mentioned in some German online news article, wherein a player was charged for breaching the law and fined for using an online casino without a valid local license. I would not say it happens often.
こんにちは。当社のシステムでは、同じ管理を行っているところは見つかりませんでした。私が見た限りでは、Sister Casino にはそのようなところがないので、存在するかどうかはわかりません。
しかし、なぜそれを見つけたいのでしょうか、これで快適にプレイできますか、そして似たようなものを探したいですか? 🙂
Hi, I haven't found any that have the same management in our system. Sister Casino doesn't have one from what I've seen so I'm not sure if one exists.
However, why would you want to find one, are you comfortable playing in this one and would you want to look for a similar one ? 🙂
こんにちは、残念ながら、Verde Casino は、書類が有効ではないと言って、支払いを拒否するためにあらゆる手段を講じています。グローバル レベルの多国籍企業との雇用契約書のコピーでさえ受け入れる他のサイトに送ったのと同じ書類ですが、居住証明として有効ではないと言われました。そこで、Vodafone の固定電話契約書のコピーを送りましたが、よく聞いてください、これも居住証明として有効ではありません。支払いを拒否する言い訳にすぎません。さらに、なぜ彼らがいかなる種類の書類も要求しなかったのかは誰にもわかりません。
Hello, unfortunately, Verde Casino does everything to not pay, saying that the documents are not valid. The same documents that I sent to other sites that accepted even a copy of the employment contract with a multinational company at a global level, they say that it is not valid as proof of residence, so I sent a copy of the Vodafone landline contract, listen, listen, this too is not valid for residence. So only excuses for not paying. To top up, who knows why they didn't ask for any type of document
Salve purtroppo verde casino fa di tutto per non pagare dicendo che i documenti non sono validi.gli stessi documenti poi che ho mandato agli altri siti che hanno accettato’addirittura la copia del contratto di lavoro con una azienda multinazionale a livello mondiale dicono che non è valida come prova di residenza allora ho mandato la copia del contratto della linea fissa di Vodafone,udite udite anche questa non è valido per la residenza.quindi solo scuse per non pagare.per ricaricare chissà come mai non hanno chiesto nessun tipo di documento
Did they say why they are not valid though?
It could easily be just because the document is not in the right format or of a good quality.
Please try to check that out with the support and let us know.
In case you won't be able to get verified, our complaint team will surely try to help and get it solved.
Yes I have already sent all the documents clearly visible and in real size just to avoid any problems.
But I am always told the same thing that they are not valid and are not good, I sent the document issued by the municipality for residency, a telephone bill, the work contract but nothing, I am always told the same thing then the next day I am told that the problem is another document, well 😅 I send all the documents again and the next day always the same thing
Si ho già mandato tutti i documenti ben visibili e dimensioni reali giusto per non avere problemi.
Pero mi viene sempre detta la stessa cosa che non sono validi e non vanno bene, ho mandato il documento rilasciato dal comune per la residenza una bolletta telefonica il contratto di lavoro ma niente mi viene detta sempre la stessa cosa poi il giorno dopo mi viene detto che il problema è un’altro documento bene 😅 mando tutti i documenti di nuovo e il giorno dopo sempre stessa cosa
通常、ほとんどのカジノでは、プレイヤーに PDF 形式で書類を送信するよう求めます。つまり、これが当てはまる可能性があるということです。
Usually most of the casinos ask players to send the documents in a PDF format. So this could be the case, I meant.
What format did you send them in?
The one for the residence and the current account in pdf..
normal format documents but the problem is that they tell me that they are not really valid as documents.
On other sites immediately taken and verified here no there is always a problem even with the sheet left by the municipality it tells me that it is not valid but how can it not be valid I do not understand I sent I do not know how many times the ATM is front and back but nothing is not valid for them then you try to write to them and they say not sent then after sent but not valid.
I'm sorry but these are the documents, I don't know what else to send honestly and we've been going on like this for a month now
Quello per la residenza e del conto corrente in pdf..
i documenti in formato normale però il problema è che mi dicono che non sono proprio validi come documenti.
Su altri siti subito presi e verificati qua no c’è sempre un problema anche con il foglio lasciato dal comune mi dice che non è valido ma come fa a non essere valido non capisco ho mandato non so quante volte il bancomat sia fronte e retro ma niente non è valido per loro poi provi a scrivergli e dicono non mandati poi dopo mandati ma non validi.
ce mi scusi però i documenti questi sono non so più che altri mandare sinceramente e andiamo avanti così da un mese ormai
そうするには、 このリンクを使用してください。
Then I would really like you to file a complaint here with our team, and we will investigate the matter.
Just use this link to do so, please.
I am sure that together we'll find a solution to the issue.
必要に応じて、VPN を自由に使用してください。ぜひお試しいただき、成功したかどうかをお知らせください。
Does it give you some kind of error, or the link just doesn't open at all?
Feel free to use VPN if needed. Try that, please, and let us know if you were successful.
I open the link but nothing opens and it's as if it wasn't there.
I tried to copy and move on google to test but nothing
Si apro il link ma non si apre nulla e come se non ci fosse.
ho provare a copiare e spostare su google per provare ma nulla
キャッシュと Cookie をクリアしてみてください。その後、リンクを開いてください。念のため、 ここに再度投稿します。
提出できない場合は、苦情チームまでメールをお送りください。 complaints@casino.guru 。
Try to clear the cache and cookies. Then open the link. I will post it again here, just in case.
If you are unable to submit it, please write an email to our complaint team at complaints@casino.guru.
Let us know how it goes, please.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com