「親愛なるkosos 様、あなたの苛立ちはよくわかりますが、カジノ側は主張を裏付ける賭けの履歴を私たちに提供してくれました。あなたの主張を証明する裏付けとなる証拠を提供できない場合、争点となった資金は返金され、あなたはそれを無事に引き出せたので、私たちはこの苦情を却下する以外に選択肢はありません。ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。手続き中のご協力に感謝いたします。今後、このカジノや他のカジノで問題が発生した場合には、お気軽に苦情解決センターまでご連絡ください。私たちがお手伝いいたします。」
I believe that your complaint resolver said that clearly at the end of your complaint thread:
"Dear kosos, I understand your frustration but the casino has provided us with a betting history to support their claims. If you cannot provide us with any supporting evidence that would prove your claim, we have no other choice but to reject this complaint as the disputed funds have been returned and you successfully withdrawn them. Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate your cooperation during the process. If you ever encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to reach out to our Complaint Resolution Center. We're here to help. "
So, please feel free to provide any evidence you have if you don't agree with the final decision, of course.
I am really sorry that you feel this way about us, as we always try to help players be fairly treated by online casinos, and we always aim for fair play.
In your case, after the investigation of all the provided information by our whole team of specialists, the decision was made, and that is why your complaint was rejected. Please feel free, as I said, to reopen your case by providing any further evidence that will show that the casino was not right.