ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Winnita Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
おはようございます。WINNITA で問題があります。ここ 1 週間、クレジットを付与する代わりに、書類の品質が良くないと言われ続けています。それとは別に、同社の Web サイトの利用規約には、1000 ユーロを超える賞金に対して書類の提出を求めることがあると記載されています。300 ユーロを付与するはずですが、書類に関していつも同じ回答をするため、クレジットが付与されません。すべての書類は公開されており、今回の場合は詐欺だと思います。同じことが起きた人はいますか? この場合、どうすればよいですか? 起こっていることは正しくないということですか? 本当にありがとうございます
Good morning I have a problem with WINNITA! For a week now, instead of giving me credit, they have been telling me that the documents are not of good quality! Apart from that on their website the terms and conditions say that they can ask for documents on a win of over 1000 euros! They should give me 300 but instead they always give me the same answer for the documents, so they don't give me credit! All documents are visible and I believe it is a scam in this case! Has the same thing happened to anyone there? And what should I do in this case? That what's happening isn't right? A thousand thanks
Buongiorno ho un problema con WINNITA ! Da una settimana invece di farmi accredito mi dicono sempre che i documenti non hanno buona qualità! A parte che sul loro sito ai termini e condizioni dicono che loro possono chiedere i documenti su una vincita di oltre 1000 euro! A me devono darmi 300 ma invece mi danno sempre la stessa risposta per i documenti, così non mi fanno l'accredito! Tutti i documenti sono visibili ed io credo che sia una truffa in questo caso! A qualcuno li è capitato la stessa cosa? E che devo fare in questo caso? Che non e giusto quello che succede? Grazie mille
残念ながら、利用規約には、一定額以上勝った場合にのみ KYC が実施されると記載されている箇所が見当たらなかったので、今のところはこの点については脇に置いておきます。
カジノは通常、プレイヤーの身元を確認するために KYC (顧客確認プロセス) を実行する必要があり、これが正しく通過すると支払いが成功します。したがって、サポートに協力してみる必要があります。この時点で、同じ写真や画像を送り続けても、あまり進展しないだろうと言いたいです。私が間違っていなければ、サポートは品質が低いと主張しています。
Hey there!
I'm glad you haven't kept this issue private. Let's talk this through to find a way out. 🙂
Sadly, I didn't find a part in their Terms and Conditions that said that only when you win more than a certain amount will the KYC be conducted, so I will put this aside for now.
Casinos usually need to fulfill the KYC (Know your customer - verification process) in order to confirm the player's identity, which results, if passed correctly, in a successful payment. Thus, you need to try cooperating with the support. At this point, I'd like to say that if you keep sending the very same pictures or photos to them, you won't get too far. If I'm not mistaken, the support claims their quality is of a low grade.
Have you tried providing them with a better version of the same documents?
In my opinion, your situation stands like this - the casino won't pay you unless you pass the verification. Because of that, it's crucial to follow the instructions given and provide the documents in a proper way and decent quality. No one can do this on your behalf, so keep sending the very same versions, yet expecting a different outcome does not sound like a solution.
Feel free to share the exact casino response along with a list of documents and formats you have tried so far, please.
I'd say it's concrete and should prove constructive. Do you agree?
Let's try that. 🙏
ありがとうございます。しかし、チャットでの回答はいつも同じだったので、最後に 1 つのドキュメントとカードのセルフィーのみを送信しようとしたところ、ようやく成功しました。より目立つように 70 枚の写真と 100 枚のセルフィーを撮影しました。幸いうまくいきました。ありがとうございました。
Thank you, but since the answers in their chat were always the same, the last time I tried to send only 1 document and the card is also the selfie and it was finally successful! I will have taken 70 photos and 100 selfies for better visibility! Luckily it went well! Thanks again !
Vi ringrazio, ma siccome le risposte della loro chat erano sempre le stesse l'ultima volta ho provato mandare solo 1 documento e la carta è anche il selfie ed è andata a buon fine finalmente! Avrò fatto 70 foto e 100 selfie per una visibilità migliore! Meno male che è andato bene ! Grazie ancora !
同じプロセスを経験する可能性のあるプレイヤーに何かアドバイスはありますか? 単なる好奇心から聞いています。 ひどい経験だったに違いありません。予防策を少しでも広めたいです。 🙂
It worked eventually, didn't it?
Oh, that's a relief! 🙌🚀
I had no idea it took you so many attempts, but I'm really glad you finally made it.
Do you perhaps have some tips for players who might go through the same process? I'm just asking out of curiosity. It must been a terrible experience, and I'd love to spread a bit of prevention. 🙂
Who knows, someone might find it handy.
こんばんは!winita でプラチナ レベルに到達しました!これで、すべての入金に対して 70% のボーナスなど、さまざまな特典を受けることができます!このキャンペーンを有効にするかどうか尋ねたところ、一部のセグメントのみがキャンペーンの一部であるとの返答がありました (明らかに私は対象外です)!しかし、私にこの権利があると書かれているのに、なぜ彼らは私にそれを拒否するのでしょうか?
Good evening! I reached platinum level on winita! I am now entitled to many things including 70% on every deposit! When I asked if I wanted to activate this campaign, they replied that only some segments are part of this campaign (obviously I'm not)! But if it is written that I have this right, why do they deny it to me?
Buonasera! Su winita ho raggiunto il livello platino! Ho il diritto ora a tante cose fra quale 70% su ogni deposito! Nel momento che ho chiesto volevo faccio attivare questa campagna mi hanno risposto che solo alcuni segmenti fanno parte di questa campagna ( ovviamente io no)! Ma se è scritto che ho questo diritto perché me lo negano?
このような場合、プレイヤーは必ずこの問題についてサポートに相談してください。VIP レベルを誰に付与するかはカジノの判断に委ねられているため、弊社では一切お手伝いできません。
In such cases, players should always discuss this with their support regarding this issue. We cannot be of any help, as it is only up to the casino to determine to whom they give any VIP level.
Have you confronted them yet?
もちろん、すでに 3 回長い会話をしましたが、答えはいつも同じです。私はユーザー セグメントの一部ではないということです。なぜ誰も答えてくれないのかという私の質問に、私は何をすべきでしょうか。
Of course I've already had 3 long conversations but the answer is always the same! That I am not part of the user segment! To my question why no one gave me an answer! What do I have to do?
Certo ho già avuto 3 conversazioni lunghe ma la risposta è sempre quella! Che non faccio parte dal segmento di utenti! Alla mia domanda del perché nessuno non mi ha dato una risposta! Che devo fare?
すでにお伝えしたように、残念ながら、私たちには何もできません。カジノ側が許可しない場合は、本当に申し訳ありません。特に VIP ステータスに達した場合は、このようなことは起こらないはずだとわかっています。
状況全体を説明するレビューを書いていただければ、他のプレイヤーにカジノの行動について知らせることができ、何を期待すべきかをよりよく理解するのに役立つかもしれません。ご希望の場合は、 こちらにリンクがあります。
As I already told you, unfortunately, we cannot do anything about it. If the casino doesn't allow you to, I am really sorry. I know that this kind of thing shouldn't happen, especially if you reach VIP status.
You are very welcome to write a review describing the whole situation so other players can be informed about the actions of the casino, and maybe it'll help them better know what to expect. Here's the link to do so, if you wish.
Let us know if anything changes, please.
Thank you for the reply! However, I am very sorry about this situation! It doesn't seem right to me that someone spends money to get to a certain level, then receives a response like that, without even a justification as to why! Then the link doesn't open to write! Thanks again, but I don't think I'll get a positive response from them! And I've been trying to ask for a justification for a month! And since I reached platinum level, coincidentally I no longer have any bonuses available! This is the gift from lotus for those who have reached the platinum level! No bonuses, no promotions, and obviously the 70% campaign on every deposit that is written on this level is not there for ME!! Really disappointing!!!
La ringrazio per la risposta! Comunque sono molto dispiaciuta per questa situazione! Non mi sembra giusto che uno spende i soldi per arrivare ad un certo livello,poi riceve una risposta del genere,senza nemmeno una giustificazione del perché! Poi il link non si apre per scrivere! Grazie ancora, ma non credo avrò una risposta positiva da parte loro! E da un mese che provo chiedere una giustificazione! Che poi da quando ho raggiunto il livello platino,guarda il caso non ho più nessun bonus disponibile! Questo è il regalo da parte loto per quelli che hanno raggiunto il livello platino! Niente bonus,niente promozioni, ed ovvio la campagna del 70% su ogni deposito che è scritto su questo livello ,non c'è per ME!! Davvero delludente!!!
I surely understand your frustration and disappointment, of course. It is not ok at all, in my opinion as well, but sometimes we really do have our hands tied even though we would like to help.
何かご意見はありますか? お気軽にお尋ねください。
I would be furious too.
Look, I've been thinking. We have a team of dedicated specialists ready to resolve players' disputes. It's completely free of charge, the only thing needed is your cooperation. There is however a catch, specifically in this case. The complaint process determines whether the casino has or has not acted unfairly, our approach is that casinos are free to decide who is eligible for a bonus or special offer, simply because this is something players are given for free. I feel your situation is not that easy. If I'm not mistaken, you've been playing and depositing continuously to reach a certain level because of its advantages, at this point, I'd say, it's quite similar to issues with deposit bonuses for instance.
So, if you want this whole situation to be reviewed by our specialists, feel free to submit the request here 👈
There is a fair chance it won't be accepted for the aforementioned reasons, however, there are no risks or consequences. I can't promise a solution, but I would try that.
If you need to see some examples, browse the complaint site 👈
Any thoughts, perhaps? Just ask.
おはようございます。私も winnita で問題を抱えています。私は勝ち、出金のみのために検証を行いました。私はスーパー VIP なので、迅速な出金の権利があります。3 日後、テストに合格しました。検証合格通知が届きました。私は「やったー、異教徒」と思いました。しかし、24 時間後には他の書類も求められました (注: チャットでは何も助けてもらえません)。彼は他の書類をアップロードしましたが、1 日後には書類がダメでした。その後、もう一度試しましたが、6 日目ですが、まだ検証を待っています。後で支払われることは間違いありませんか? これに関して良い経験はありますか? 助けてくれてありがとう
Good morning, I also have problems with winnita. I win, I do the verification to have only withdrawal. I'm super VIP, so I'm entitled to quick withdrawals. After 3 days I pass the test. The verification pass notification arrives. I think, hurray pagan. But no, after 24 hours they also ask for other documents (nb. They don't help you with anything in chat). He uploaded other documents, after a day the documents were no good. Then, I try again, now SIXTH day, still waiting for the verification. Can I be sure that they will pay later? Do you have any positive experiences with this? Thanks for help
Buongiorno anche io ho problemi con winnita. Vinco , faccio la verifica per aver sol prelievo. Sono super vip , quindi ho diritto a prelievi rapidi. Dopo 3 giorni supero la verifica. Arriva notifica di superata verifica. Penso , evviva pagano. Invece no, dopo 24 ore chiedono anche altri documenti (nb. In chat non ti aiutano su nulla ). Caricò altri documenti , dopo un giorno i documenti non vanno bene. Poi , riprovo , ora SESTO giorno , attendo ancora la verifica. Posso essere sicura che dopo pagheranno ? Avete esperienze positive su questo ? Grazie per aiuto
Look, they drove me crazy for 10 days! Send your identity card front and back! The photo taken on the flat surface! Then your card with which you load the deposits front and back! (the visibility six numbers must be the first 4 and last 6 if I'm not mistaken! Then a photo or selfie with these 2 documents in hand that are visible! Then they pay you
Guarda che io per 10 giorni mi hanno fatto impazzire! Manda la tua carta identità davanti e retro ! La foto fatta sulla superficie piana! Poi la tua carta con quale carichi i depositi davanti e retro!( la visibilità sei numeri devono essere i primi 4 e ultimi 6 se non sbaglio! Poi una foto o selfie con questi 2 documenti in mano che siano visibili! Poi ti pagano
But what other documents are needed? Then...you see that it doesn't matter whether you're a VIP or not! They only recognize rights to certain segments of users! So, quick withdrawals....forget it, 70% on every deposit.....forget it....! However, let me know if you have this right after they pay you! Thank you
Ma poi che altri documenti servono?? Poi ....vedi che non conta che sei vip o no! Riconoscono i diritti solo ad alcune segmenti di utenti! Quindi,prelievi rapidi....scordati,70% su ogni deposito.....scordati....! Comunque fammi sapere se per te dopo che ti pagano hai questo diritto! Grazie
おはようございます。私も winnita で問題を抱えています。私は勝ち、出金のみのために検証を行いました。私はスーパー VIP なので、迅速な出金の権利があります。3 日後、テストに合格しました。検証合格通知が届きました。私は「やったー、異教徒」と思いました。しかし、24 時間後には他の書類も求められました (注: チャットでは何も助けてもらえません)。彼は他の書類をアップロードしましたが、1 日後には書類がダメでした。その後、もう一度試しましたが、6 日目ですが、まだ検証を待っています。後で支払われることは間違いありませんか? これに関して良い経験はありますか? 助けてくれてありがとう
Good morning, I also have problems with winnita. I win, I do the verification to have only withdrawal. I'm super VIP, so I'm entitled to quick withdrawals. After 3 days I pass the test. The verification pass notification arrives. I think, hurray pagan. But no, after 24 hours they also ask for other documents (nb. They don't help you with anything in chat). He uploaded other documents, after a day the documents were no good. Then, I try again, now SIXTH day, still waiting for the verification. Can I be sure that they will pay later? Do you have any positive experiences with this? Thanks for help
Buongiorno anche io ho problemi con winnita. Vinco , faccio la verifica per aver sol prelievo. Sono super vip , quindi ho diritto a prelievi rapidi. Dopo 3 giorni supero la verifica. Arriva notifica di superata verifica. Penso , evviva pagano. Invece no, dopo 24 ore chiedono anche altri documenti (nb. In chat non ti aiutano su nulla ). Caricò altri documenti , dopo un giorno i documenti non vanno bene. Poi , riprovo , ora SESTO giorno , attendo ancora la verifica. Posso essere sicura che dopo pagheranno ? Avete esperienze positive su questo ? Grazie per aiuto
Nothing! Before getting to this level there were always promotions, bonuses! Now no longer! And my 70% deposit isn't there either! We see that those who reach the platinum level are punished not rewarded! And it's better that others know too! Then the assistance is terrible!
Nulla! Prima di arrivare a questo livello erano sempre le promozioni, bonus! Ora non più! E nemmeno il mio 70% sul deposito non c'è! Si vede che quelli che arrivano al livello platino vengono puniti non premiati! E meglio che sappiano anche gli altri! Poi la assistenza è pessima!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com