Has your password been recovered?
Anyway, try to use words, please. Such posts are truly meaningless, don't you agree?
ゲームプロバイダーのEvolution / ezugi / netentはこれとは何の関係もありません。
Betstar555.com はあなたのカジノであり、ゲームプロバイダーではなく、あなたの権利に基づいて通知する必要があります。
Games providers Evolution / ezugi / netent nothing to with this.
They will tell you to contact betstar555.com
Betstar555.com is your casino you must tell them under your rights and not the games provider.
dude, you know they did it to me. I said it was 1050 usd and I clicked on refund and they wanted me to make a deposit of 10 euro first with cryptocurrency. As a result I continued to play and of course I lost everything. The casino was sunrise.
φηλε ξερεις τη μου εκαναν εμενα.το πειγα 1050 usd και παταω αναλυψη και θελανε να κανω πρωτα καταθεση 10 ευρο με κρυπτονομησμα .με αποτελεσμα να συνεχηζω να παιζω και φυσικα τα εχασα ο΄΄λλα.το καζινο εινε το sunrise.
Hi, did the casino have any reason why they didn't pay you the money ? In such cases if you have a problem with the casino you can try to contact us, but it's not best to keep playing with the funds because it takes a few days to withdraw them. When you lose it, it is hard to help. 😕
It’s not their email. Where did you find it?
This license issuer doesn’t answer at all.
賭博会社への苦情に関して助けが必要な方は、Aldrigspela@Outlook.com までご連絡ください。
If anyone needs help with a complaint to a betting company contact me at Aldrigspela@Outlook.com
Has previously worked with gambling companies.
Om någon behöver hjälp med ett klagomål till spelbolag kontakta mig på Aldrigspela@Outlook.com
Har tidigare jobbat med spelbolag.
彼らからたくさんのメールを受け取りました。私の 100 ユーロはどこにありますか?
I received many emails from them. Where is my 100 euros?
Thank you Romi 😉
although they are the worst in the history of gambling. They replied to my email exactly after 15 months and they never replied back
うーん、1 つの返信を得るのに 15 か月かかり、それで終わりだったんですね。本当にメッセージを伝えていますね。🤔
話がそれますが、これは Antillephone のライセンス機関に関することでしょうか? ゲーム プロバイダーについての言及も見かけたので、直接お聞きしたいです。何か見逃していたらごめんなさい。
Hmm, so it took 15 months to get a single reply, and then it was over. That truly sends a message. 🤔
Just to stay in the play, is it about the Antillephone licensing authority? I also spotted a mention about the game provider, so I would rather ask you directly. Sorry if I missed something.
Yes about the antillephone licensing authority. They asked me for an evidence to show that the casino is wrong, and i did send them an answer on january 2024. Until this day, they never said anything although i have sent them many reminders
本当に混乱してしまいました。15 か月と言っていたのに、2024 年 1 月と言っている。🤷♀️ 可能であれば、もっと具体的に言ってください。そうすれば、私たちは本当に理解できます。ありがとうございます。🙂
Now you have me really confused. You said 15 months, and now you're saying January 2024.🤷♀️ Try to be more specific, if possible, so we can really understand it. Thank you.🙂
15 months ago, i submitted a complaint to them. In january 2024, they answered my complaint and asked for screenshots and evidence.
Yeah right, and nothing since the last your reply. I think that speaks volumes about authority and God knows if they'll get back to you and answer you again or not. At least it would be good to know if they're investigating because it's either or.
However, we can't do more than wait, so I guess that's how I would sum it up. 😕
しかし、カジノに搾取されていると感じた場合は、Aldrigspela@Outlook.com までご連絡ください。私が支援できるかどうかを評価します。
払い戻しに関するサポート: Aldrigspela@Outlook.com
注: これは、責任あるゲームの払い戻しに関するものであり、サードパーティの支払いとは関係ありません。
If anyone have gambled away net deposits they would wish to have reimbursed there is a chance for that.
It will need some work though.
But if you feel like any casino have exploited you, more than welcome contacting Aldrigspela@Outlook.com and I will do a evaluation if I would be eligible to help.
As It's very time consuming and being very busy I can only pick a few.
For refund help: Aldrigspela@Outlook.com
Some references below, I have a whole archive with sucessful refunds which you can ask for references. Some are under settle of agreement and can't be shown. But this is just to give an example.
Note: It has nothing with third party payments to do rather regarding responsible gaming-refund.
I contacted you via email and you asked for money without even doing anything! Help me and if i get the refund , i will give you a huge commission
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com