あなたからのメールはないと思います 🙂
No email from you I believe 🙂
Try sending again.
For help with refunds and with references.
あなたからのメールはないと思います 🙂
No email from you I believe 🙂
Try sending again.
For help with refunds and with references.
いかなる種類の認証も必要としないカジノを見つけました。勝ったらすぐに引き出すことができます。また、入金不要のフリースピン 100 回と初回入金の 100% ボーナスも獲得できます。
リンク: Vavada カジノ
I found a casino that does not require any kind of verification. You simple win and withdraw immediately. You also get 100 no deposit free spins and 100% bonus on your first deposit.
Simple register and tell me about your experience . You will thank me later.
link: Vavada Casino
No offence but why helping others start gambling when you yourself know the consequences.
I would suggest anyone to not join through that link and stop gambling altogether. Put your money in your own pockets not casinos.
Just my take.
私は他の人のギャンブルを手助けしているわけではありません! どういう意味ですか? 私はただ、さまざまなカジノで自分のアカウントの確認に苦労したので、他の人に同じ思いをさせないようにそう言っただけです。
I am not helping others gamble ! What kind of words are you talking about??i just said that because i suffered with the verification of my accounts at different casinos, so that people won’t feel the same.
i encourage everybody to block your account because you are a scammer who steals people’s money by pretending to help them with refunds , and i have the screenshots that prove my case
また、このフォーラムで「証拠」を広く公開して喜んで送ってください。なぜダメなのですか? 私たちが数回メールを交換しただけで、それだけだということはわかっています。お金がないなら支払わないでくださいとさえ言いました。
Its enough to see the way you type. And I don't believe a "scammer" would stay active in this forum and reply to you after "scamming you". Doesn't make any sense sorry.
You emailed me asked for help for your gambling addiction and asked for refund. When I told you it comes with a charge you were angry/surprised. Time is money.
If that's scam to you be my guest.
Also, gladly send any "proof" in this forum wide openly. Why not? I know for a fact we only exchanged a few emails and that's it I even told you to not pay if you cant afford it.
Have your opinions, but lying is odd.
All your words makes no sense . You don’t know what you are talking about . I won’t waste my time talking with someone like you
That's a good answer when you dont have an answer.
Don't leave a cliffhanger, post your "screenshots".
You just lost your credibility. Now I will assume every post of yours is a lie and so should others.
And you sending links to casinos so you can gain money out of others.
Now that makes NO sense.
あなたのような子供っぽい人に信用を失うことはありません。何度も言いましたが、あなたは助ける前にお金を要求して人々を騙しています!! あなたが助けられるとは思えません。あなたはただお金を取って「効果がない」と言うだけです。単純で簡単です。私があなたを暴露したから私を攻撃しているだけです🙂
I will never lose my credibility to a childish person like you. As i mentioned many times, you are scamming people by asking for money before even helping them!! I don't even think that you can help. You just take the money and say " it did not work". Simple and easy. You are just attacking me because i exposed you 🙂
To clarify, never do I guarantee refunds, what I offer is my consultancy in writing an email for refunds nothing wrong in charging for that. I do have over hundreds of references of approved refunds.
You just admitted that you dont know if I could help, so you're guessing. Earlier you said I scammed you and that you got proof when I asked you to send proof openly here you changed the subject, when I caught you lying. If that's not a loss of credibility I dont know what is. Liars dont go well anyones throat.
Have a good evening.
どうしたの?? 君が私を個人的に騙したなんて一言も言ってないよ! 頭がおかしいのか? 仕事をする前に金を要求するのは詐欺だって言ったんだ! 集中して、そのバカな赤ん坊みたいな小さな頭から抜け出せ
What is wrong with you?? I never mentioned that you scammed me personally! Are you crazy man? I said asking people for money before doing the job is scamming! Focus and get out of your stupid baby little mind
That's a good answer when you dont have an answer.
Don't leave a cliffhanger, post your "screenshots".
You just lost your credibility. Now I will assume every post of yours is a lie and so should others.
And you sending links to casinos so you can gain money out of others.
Now that makes NO sense.
Until I found this post, I just wanted to let you know that this forum is not here for your propositions. Yet, the more I read what you are capable of, the less I think you are in line with our forum guidelines.
I see you hardly as an addition to this community, and so I'm restricting you from the forum.
Take care, hopefully you'll fit somewhere else.
私はトリチウム カジノに騙されました。出金リクエスト後に私のプレーヤー アカウントが無効にされ、トリチウム カジノ側からひどく騙されたと感じました。彼らは私の正当な賞金 3500 ドルをロックしました。私は 6 年間 Versus Odds カジノに入金していますが、今のような思いをしたことはありません。ライセンスは Antillephone BV によって発行されたので、次の宛先にメールを送りました: complaints@gaminglicences.com....nobody回答しました…トリチウムは規制されていますか?苦情はどこに送ればよいですか?誰か助けてくれませんか?
I have been scammed by tritium casino, they deactivated my players account after request of withdrawal,I fell very much cheated from side of tritium casino. They locked 3500 my fair winnings. I made deposits to Versus Odds casino's from 6 years and I never fell that like now., the license was issued by Antillephone B.V., so I sent email to: complaints@gaminglicences.com....nobody has answered… do they regulate tritium ? Where should I send complaint? Can anyone help me?
thanks in advance
こんにちは。カジノでのこの状況については本当に申し訳なく思っています。確認したところ、この状況はまだデータベースにありませんので、データ チームに引き継いで、完全な調査に取り掛かっていただきます。
そこで発生した問題について、もう少し詳しく教えていただけますか? 出金をリクエストしたのはいつですか? また、カジノ側からアカウントをブロックした理由について説明を受けましたか?
Hello there. I am really sorry about this situation at the casino. As I can see, we don't have it yet in our database, and I will pass it on to our data team so they can start working on its full review.
May I ask you to provide some more details about the issue you experienced there, please? When exactly did you request the withdrawal, and did the casino give you any explanation about the reason for blocking your account?
We will surely try to help you out, and we will be waiting for you to give us some more information.
Tritium Casino でのお客様の出金リクエストが現在処理中であることをお知らせします。当社の財務チームは、お客様のリクエストが迅速かつ効率的に処理されるよう、懸命に取り組んでいます。"
このメールがあなたの元に届き、元気でいらっしゃることを願っております。 残念ながら、ゲーム ライセンス チームから、あなたの Tritium Casino アカウントに関する通知を受け取りました。
誠に残念ではございますが、お客様の Tritium Casino アカウントは即時永久に閉鎖されることをお知らせいたします。また、お客様のアカウントに関連する保留中の賞金は、当社のゲーム ライセンス契約に定められた諸条件に従い、無効となります。
この件に関してご質問や詳しい説明が必要な場合は、お気軽に弊社のカスタマー サポート チームまでお問い合わせください。弊社はお客様をサポートし、このプロセス中に必要なサポートを提供します。
アンティレフォン NV
ライセンスおよび紛争解決 8048/JAZ"
トリチウムが金曜日から ANTILLEPHONE NV に応答できないのは奇妙です。トリチウムのサポートが最高水準について書いているのがおかしいです。私のプレーヤー アカウントが再開され、正当な賞金が戻ってくることを願っています。
I requested the withdrawal on 9 May 7.00AM I have copy of e-mail
"Dear djdark4,
We wanted to inform you that your withdrawal request at Tritium Casino is now in the processing stage. Our finance team is diligently working to ensure that your request is handled promptly and efficiently."
It was my 3rd request withdrawal , the previous two after 24 hours was successfully done . This time I got e-mail on 11 May 12.09 AM so more than 24 hours 🙂
"Dear Darius,
We hope this email finds you well. We regret to inform you that, unfortunately, we have received notification from the gaming license team regarding your Tritium Casino account.
As per the regulations set forth by the gaming authorities, we are obligated to adhere to strict guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of all our players. It has come to our attention that your account has been reported for gambling-related issues across the license, and as a result, we are required by law to take immediate action.
With a heavy heart, we must inform you that your Tritium Casino account will be permanently closed with immediate effect. Additionally, any pending winnings associated with your account will be voided as per the terms and conditions outlined in our gaming license agreement.
We understand that this news may come as a disappointment, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our primary concern is to maintain a responsible gaming environment and uphold the highest standards of player safety and security.
If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this matter, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you and provide any necessary assistance during this process.
Once again, we extend our apologies for the necessity of this action and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Best regards,
Tritium Casino Customer Support"
I tried a few times contact with support Tritium about deactivation my players account without reason but I didnt get answer so
I wrote to the Gaming License of Curacao that I feel scamed by Tritium. I never wrote to Tritium about Gambling addicted. Yesterday I sent e-mail again and I got answer
"Dear Sir:
We sent your mail for review to the operator last Friday. They have confirmed that they will further investigate and provide for details and/or justifications.
License & Dispute Resolution 8048/JAZ"
It is strange that tritium can not answer to ANTILLEPHONE N.V. from Friday. It is funny when tritium support write about highest standards. I hope my players account will be reopen and I get back my fair winnings.
続行する場合は、 このリンクに従ってください。サポートが必要な場合は、いつでもお手伝いいたします。
Hello and thank you for describing the issue. Do I understand correctly that you have stated in other casinos with the same license your gambling issues and closed some accounts because of this?🤔
To tell you the truth, I reckon you should file a complaint for this casino here with our team, so they will have a chance to look into it and decide whether the casino acted right or not.
If you wish to proceed, please follow this link to do so. In case you need any assistance, we'll be here, ready to help.
私のプレイヤー アカウントは KYC によって完全に検証されています。私はギャンブル依存症についてカジノ Tritium のサポートにメールを書いたことはありません。彼らにはそのようなメッセージやメールはありません。ボーナスも使用していません。そのため、彼らは私のプレイヤー アカウントをブロックし、引き出しをキャンセルする方法を見つけたと思います。どうか私を助けていただければ幸いです。
Continue my players account is fully veryfied by them KYC. I never write to support of casino Tritium about gambling addicted. They dont have that messages or e-mails. I didnt use there bonuses too. So I think they found a way to block my players account and cancel my withdrawal. I hope you may help me, please.
Thanks in advance
2週間Antilephone NVから回答を得られず、私のプレーヤーアカウントは1か月前から理由もなく無効になっています。どうしたらいいのかわかりません。キュラソーのこのライセンサーに問い合わせれば、すべてのプレーヤーが同じ問題を抱えているはずです。
I didnt get answer from Antilephone NV from 2 weeks, my players account is deactivated from one month without reason. I dont know what can I do . Has every player the same problem by contact this licenser of Curacao;-/
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com