CASINO Guruの親愛なる友人の皆様: 2024年5月22日水曜日
2020年に新規プレイヤーとして、そしてパンデミック中に暇つぶしをしていた私にとって、グルがAsk Gamblersと並んで最も頼りになる情報源になった日のことを今でも覚えています。私はオンラインカジノを楽しみのはけ口として、そして安全で安心なギャンブルを楽しむ場所として使い続けています。また、オンラインカジノが公平かつ偏見や詐欺や策略なしに運営される方法に関するガイドラインを理解しています。
大変申し訳ありませんが、多くの苦情があるにもかかわらず、HitnSpin をレビューして 9.5 を付けた理由がわかりません。確かに、私も同じ評価を付けたかもしれませんが、彼らの出金プロセスはひどい惨事であり、資金を引き出す時点で非常に懸念される慣行と顧客に過度のストレスを与えるという問題を引き起こします。多くの重大な苦情は、このカジノが顧客から賞金を差し押さえ、顧客が引き出しを行うのを妨げる不明瞭な指示、オプション、および広範な障害を提供するという重大な不正行為を行っていることを強調しています。Casino Guru が、他の読者や私のような初心者のカジノ プレーヤーのために HitnSpin からの賞金と引き出しを確保することに実際に成功していることもわかりました。その点について、私はあなたを非常に賞賛します。これは、あなたがこの業界で提供している多くの素晴らしい影響力のあることの 1 つにすぎず、あなたが有効で信頼できる情報の主要な情報源である理由です。
私は HitnSpin から 600 ドルの賞金を受け取ろうと 3 週間以上、もう 1 か月近くも試みていますが、さまざまな障害があり、さまざまな情報に明確な有効なバリエーションがほとんどなく、技術的な問題が繰り返されています。このような状況に遭遇したのは初めてで、この業界がどのような業界であるかを非常に悪く認識させ、数千人、さらには数百万人が楽しんでおり、悪意を持って運営されていない合法的なサイトで働いている世界中の多くの人々を雇用しているため、非常に悪いイメージと認識を汚すことになるので、私は動揺しています。
さまざまな担当者に連絡しましたが、技術的な問題で拒否されたという明確な回答は得られませんでした。この技術的な問題について質問し続けていますが、処理中であり、2 週間前から発送中であると伝えられているのに、明確で一貫した回答は得られていません。これは受け入れられません。私は、最悪の欺瞞的な方法で虐待され、誘導され、もてあそばれていると感じています。
Casino Guru 困惑していて、どうしたらいいか分からないので、どうか助けてください。現在、カナダへの銀行振込はできないようになっています。カナダは選択肢に表示されなくなり、出金をやり直すように言われ続けています。現在、実際のボーナスの購入に使用したことが確認されているクレジットカード (Canadian Tire Mastercard) にさえ、賞金や現金を引き出す方法はありません。賞金を確保するために、この問題の解決策を確保するのにご協力をお願いします。これはフェアプレーではありません。
Casino Guru 様、この件についてご留意いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Dear Friends at CASINO Guru: On Wednesday, May 22, 2024
I can remember the very day Guru you became my most coveted reliable source along with Ask Gamblers as a new player in 2020 and someone that was killing time during the pandemic . I continue to use online casinos as an outlet of enjoyment and a place to enjoy my time of gambling secure, safe and also with the understanding that are guidelines in how an online casino is to operate fairly and without prejudice or in any fraudulent or manner of trickery.
It's saddens me after 4 years of playing online casino and winnings into the thousands that I successfully earned THROUGH ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINING PLAYTIME AND learning the process of withdrawing FROM those CREDIBLE SITES exciting winnings on various other platforms that provided clear and concise guidelines on how to withdraw successfully.
I am very sorry but I wonder how you reviewed HitnSpin and given it a 9.5 even though there are numerous complaints. Yes maybe I would have given them the same but their withdrawal process is a diabolical disaster and brings into question some very concerning practices and customer undue stress at the point of withdrawing their funds. The numerous significant complaints highlight that this casino has significant gross exercises of withholding winnings from their customers and providing unclear directions, options and extensive roadblocks that challenge their customers from making their withdrawals. I even see casino Guru have actually been engaged successfully with securing winnings from HitnSpin and withdrawals for some of your other readers and novice casino players like me. I commend you very much for that and that's just one of the many great impactful things you provide in this industry and why your a leading source for valid and reliable information.
I have been trying to get my 600 US winnings from HitnSpin for well over 3 weeks almost a month now with various roadblocks with very little clear valid variations of different information with them repeating technical difficulty. This is the first time I have ever encountered anything like this and it upsets me because it taints a very bad image and perception of what I know this industry is not which is enjoyed by thousands- even millions and employs so many people around the globe who work at legitimate sites that don't operate with ill intent.
I started my withdrawal process on the 5th of May and after an extensive verification process that included me sending selfies with myself and my ID card and credit card in which I paid for my bonus along with my IDs and numerous other iterations of verification I made my withdrawal to my credit card. Then I was told that there are technical difficulties and we cannot withdraw to any of our cards. Then I withdrew through the bank transfer and asked my bank to rep stay on the line with me and to help me fill in the information in which we filled in the correct information and I did my withdrawal.
The money then sat in my account for a week and then finally it came to the status of being processed in which on numerous occasions I was told by various reps in which I have actual screengrabs and copies of being told that it's coming do not worry do not worry it's coming. This has been going on since the 10th of May.
After that since the 10th of May and waiting and being told almost every other day that it's on its way and that it's with the third party and the third party has the funds I log in and yesterday I see the $600US that I've been trying to withdraw since the 5th of May back into my account with a status of Withdrawal rejected on my profile.
Upon contacting various reps I'm being told no specific clear answer that it's being rejected for technical difficulties. I keep asking about these technical difficulties and I am not getting any clear consistent answer when they have been telling me that it's being processed and that it's on its way for the last two weeks. This is unacceptable. I am feeling abused, led on and played with in the worst deceitful way.
Casino Guru I'm asking you please for your help here as I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. They currently have switched that you can't do Bank transfers to Canada Canada no longer comes up as a selection and they keep telling me to do my withdrawal over and there is no feasible way that I currently can withdraw my winnings and cash even to the credit card - Canadian Tire Mastercard which they verified that I bought the actual bonus with. I would love your help please in securing some resolution of this matter to secure my winnings. This is not fair play.
Thank you kindly in advance for your attention to this matter Casino Guru. It is greatly appreciated.