このカジノを試してみようと思い、ボーナスなしで入金してプレイし、少しお金を勝ち取りました。確認書類を 2 回送信しましたが、もう保留状態にはなっていませんが、現在 4 日目なので、すぐに何か連絡があることを願っています。
Thought I would give this casino a try so I deposited and played without the bonus and won a bit of money,I sent in my verification documents twice and it's not sitting in pending anymore but it's day 4 now so hope to hear something soon.
Update...I went on the chat after writing this review and said good reviews mean alot when deciding to try a new casino so I received the money in a timely manner so I would like to give this casino a positive review.