さらに、 1Win カジノのボーナス セクションに記載されているボーナスは 1 つもありません。
I guess that you used some of the bonuses listed on our website, what happened after that, please?
I can't comprehend what went wrong, anything related to the rules pleases?
Every bonus is provided with at least basic rules associated with each bonus, the rest - "full terms apply" must be checked in the casino's terms and conditions.
Furthermore, there is not a single bonus listed in the 1Win Casino bonus section.
I will wait for further explanation, to make sure I understand.
Hi there,
I'd like to say that many complaints were successfully solved in the end, so I hope yours will be one of them.
テレグラムの公式 1win チャンネルと、ブラジルおよびその他の国の 1win 関連会社で利用できるバウチャーを使用しました。
私は合計 R$510.00 を稼ぎました (いくつかの通貨で、すでにレアルに変換されています) が、私が引き出しを要求したところ、彼らは私を禁止しました.
Good afternoon
I used the vouchers that are available on the official 1win channels on telegram and by 1win affiliates in Brazil and other countries.
Used Russian, Brazilian, Indian, American and other currencies to place bets.
There are no rules about limiting voucher usage, even their site support said they couldn't ban me.
I made a total of R$510.00 (in several currencies, already converted to real) but they banned me when I requested to withdraw them.
if there is no rule for the use of vouchers, why ban users claiming to have broken a rule when they did not?
boa tarde
eu utilizei os vouchers que são disponibilizados nos canais oficiais da 1win no telegram e pelos filiados a 1win do Brasil e de outros países.
Utilizava moedas russas, brasileiras, indianas, americanas e outras para fazer as apostas.
Não existem regras sobre limitações de usos de vouchers, até mesmo o suporte do sites deles disseram que não poderiam me banir.
Fiz um total de R$510,00 ( em diversas moedas, já convertidos para o real ) mas me baniram quando solicitei o saque delas.
se não existe regra para o uso de vouchers pq banem os usuários alegando terem quebrado uma regra sendo que não quebrou?
Then came a casino guru employee saying that I'm wrong to bet using only vouchers, so 1win should stop making them available!
Aí veio um colaborador da casino guru dizer que estou errado em apostar usando apenas vouchers, então a 1win deveria parar de disponibiliza-los!
テレグラムの使用と、公式カジノ チャネル以外で提供される特別なアフィリエイト オファーの受け入れには注意してください。
Since you have not submitted a complaint I do not fully understand, when and where exactly you got in touch with the casino guru employee.
Sadly, it is very dangerous to use multiple coupons no matter where you get those because normally it is strictly against the rules to use more bonuses at the same time.
Be careful using telegram and accepting special affiliate offers provided outside the official casino channels.
If you feel that you were treated unfairly though you play following all terms, you can submit the complaint, and our team will look into it.
1勝 -19359663
1Win カジノで 6 日が経過しました。お金はまだ来ておらず、1win カジノは 48 時間以内にお金が来るという返事をしていません。 6日経ちましたが、まだお金が来ていません。返事もありません。
Money withdraw problem
1win I'd -19359663
It's been six days at 1Win Casino. The money has not come yet and 1win casino is not giving any reply saying that the money will come in 48 hours. Now it has been six days but still my money has not come and they are not giving me any reply
少し待ったほうがいいと思います。奇妙に感じるかもしれませんが、このスレッドを閲覧すると、このカジノが最良の選択ではないことがすぐにわかります。カジノはまだあなたと連絡を取り合っているので、幸運だと考えることができます.カジノは丸 14 日間、アカウントとゲーム履歴を確認し、賞金を送金できます。だからこそ待ったほうがいいと思います。
I guess that you should wait a bit. It may feel strange, but if you browse this thread you'll soon find out that this casino is not the best choice and you can consider yourself lucky because the casino is still in touch with you. We allow casinos 14 full days to verify the account, and gaming history plus send the winnings, you see? That's why I feel you should wait.
If you come across any issues, let us know of course. I hope your withdrawal will proceed soon!
私はすでに電話でサポートと話しましたが、小さなスペルミスのためにそこにあるお金を引き出す必要はありません (Hormail) viliam.v@casino.guru助けてください
Hello, I need to change my email
I already spoke with support with a call and nothing I need to withdraw the money I have there for a small spelling error (Hormail) viliam.v@casino.guru help me
Olá preciso fazer a alteração do meu e-mail
já falei com suporte com ligação e nada preciso sacar o dinheiro que tenho lá por um pequeno erro de ortografia (Hormail) viliam.v@casino.guru me ajuda
As far as I can see, Nick is taking care of your complaint. Just wait for an update, please.
I guess that's for the moment.
私は今年の初めに 1win で旅を始めました (その評判を認識していなかった、私の重大な間違いでした)。
私は約 5,000 ユーロの預金をしており、定期的にプレイしていて、現在、アカウントには約 9/10,000 ユーロありますが、いくつかのオープンベットがあります。
1 月 13 日に出金手続きを進めるために必要な書類一式を送信しましたが、1 か月以上セキュリティ部門からの返信がありませんでした。さらに皮肉なことに、明らかな理由もなく、約 2 日前に私のアカウントがキャンセルされました。
他のプレイヤーが応答を得るためにどのような方法をとったか知りたいです (私はすでに苦情を申し立てていますが、1win からはまだ応答がなく、1win サポート プラットフォームに何十回も連絡を取ろうとしましたが、うまくいきませんでした)。
Good afternoon everybody,
I started my journey with 1win at the beginning of this year (not being aware of its reputation, serious mistake of mine).
I was making deposits of around 5 thousand euros, I was playing regularly and currently the account has around 9/10 thousand euros but with several open bets.
On the 13th of January I sent my complete documentation in order to proceed with withdrawals, after more than a month I received no response from the security department. Even more ironic was the cancellation of my account about two days ago for no apparent reason.
I would like to know the method other players followed in order to obtain a response (I have already started a complaint, still no response from 1win and I have tried dozens of times to contact 1win support platforms but without success).
Are there certain legal channels in order to proceed with this situation that plagues me on a daily basis?
Thank you in advance for your time
Boa tarde a todos,
Inicei a minha jornada com a 1win no início deste ano (não estando ciente da reputação do mesmo, grave lapso meu).
Fui realizando depósitos a rondar os 5 mil euros, fui jogando regularmente sendo que atualmente a conta tem cerca de 9/10 mil euros mas com diversas apostas abertas.
Dia 13 de Janeiro enviei a minha documentação completa de forma a proceder com levantamentos, passado mais de um mês nenhuma resposta obtive por parte do departamento de segurança. Mais irónico ainda foi o cancelamento da minha conta há cerca de dois dias sem motivo aparente.
Gostaria de saber o método que outros jogadores prosseguiram de froma a obter resposta (já inicei uma reclamação, ainda sem resposta da 1win e já tentei dezenas de vezes entrar em contacto com as plataformas de suporte da 1win mas sem sucesso).
Existem determinados canais legais de forma prosseguir com esta situação que vem-me atormentado diariamente?
Obrigado desde já pelo tempo dispensado
私は別のサイト (rajabets.com) で同様の状況にあり、1 か月以上前に文書を送信しましたが、今日までチェックされていません (出金もブロックされています)。この種のカジノ/ブックメーカーで賭けをするリスクがあることを念頭に置いてください.そのうちの1つは詐欺に遭っており、これは非常に頻繁に発生します.私が言いたいのは、出金をブロックしたり、資金を無効にしたり、すぐに口座を閉鎖したりするサイトは悲しいことに普通のことです。これらの大きな金額を入金する場合は、適切に規制されたヨーロッパのブックメーカー、特にギャンブル委員会の下で運営されているブックメーカーのみを使用する必要があります。これは私が苦労して学んだ教訓です。あなたはすでにカジノの第一人者に苦情を申し立てているので、今できることは待つか、規制当局にも苦情を申し立てることだけです
I'm having a similar situation with another site (rajabets.com), sent my documents more than a month ago and they are unchecked to this day (withdrawals are also blocked). Have in mind there are risk of betting with these kind of casinos/bookies, one of them is being scammed which happens really often, that's why it's a good idea to avoid Curazao casinos/bookies as much as possible. What I want to say is that sites blocking your withdrawals and voiding your funds or right away closing accounts is sadly normal, if you are going to deposit these big amounts you should only use properly regulated european bookies, specifically those operating under the Gambling Commission, this is a lesson I learned the hard way. Since you already filed a complaint with casino guru, all you can do now is wait or file a complaint with their regulator too
提案されているように、Casino Guru で苦情を申し立てることは、問題に対処する 1 つの方法です。あなたがそれを作ったのは良いことです。
親切なアドバイスですが、少なくともカジノのスコアと苦情に注意してください。苦情に費やすよりも、サイトの調査に時間を費やす方がよい 🙁.
Hello Covaneiro,
as suggested, filling the complaint here on Casino Guru is one way to address the issue. It's good you've made it.
Now we have to wait for whether the casino decides to cooperate.
Just a kind piece of advice, pay attention to the casino's score and complaints, at least. It's better to invest time inspecting the site than spend on complaints 🙁.
アカウントが引き落とされてから 20 日以上経ちましたが、まだ受け取っていません。 kyc ドキュメントを送信してから 14 日以上が経過しましたが、1win からメッセージが返されませんでした。なぜですか?私の ID は 25489663 です。
It has been more than 20 days since my account has been withdrawn, but I still haven't received it. It’s been more than 14 days since I sent the kyc document, but 1win didn’t reply me any message, I still can’t get my money, why?My id is 25489663.
I noticed you already submitted a complaint so please give our team some time to look into it.
1win アカウントのメールアドレスを変更する 登録金 I
今日は 24 時間待って、ステータスを尋ねました
どうすればいいのかわからない 助けてくれてありがとう
Hello please I would like you to help me
change the email address of my 1win account the gold of my registration I
inadvertently inserted another email
address in places of mine I spoke with
customer service yesterday I was told to
wait 24 hours today I asked for the status of
my request they still tell me in 24 hours I
don't know how to do thank you for helping me
I'm sorry to say that, but we can't help you with this at the moment. You should remind yourself to the casino again once in a while. Maybe, they are just busy. I'd love to help you, but sadly we are not the casino's employees.
Keep us posted about your progress - give it a few days more. If the issues can't be solved by the casino, come back, and we shall see.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com