Thank you for the screenshots, unfortunately we can not see any discussion here. Just the information that you have failed the verification. Have they explained what was the reason for that? Some document they did not accept, have you got any clue? When exactly have you sent the withdrawal request and the verification has started, please? We just need to know some more details, in order to help you out, you see.🤷♀️
1 週間前に plinko から x1000 を受け取りました。0.2 ドルしか賭けていないにもかかわらず、私にとっては素晴らしい勝利でしたが、悪くはありませんでした。あの勝利が得られるとは予想していませんでした。 BC.game は私がよくプレイする最高のカジノの 1 つです
I got x1000 from plinko a week ago, it's a great win for me, even though I only bet $0.2 but it's not bad. I didn't expect to get that win. Bc.game is one of the best casinos that I often play
Every win is great, I would say, so congratulations. Were you able to withdraw the money, how long did it take, if I may ask?
なぜそうなったのか、何が起こったのかをカジノに手紙で伝えましたか? 明らかに、書類の一部が不備だったのかもしれませんので、何が原因なのかを尋ねるのが最善でしょう。
Did you write to the casino why this is so and what happened ? Obviously, maybe some of the documents weren't in order and it would be best to ask to find out what caused it.
Try it and let me know.
はい、そうしました。KYC 会社に連絡するように言われ、連絡先を尋ねましたが、待つように言われ続けます。
yes i did it says to contact the kyc company and i asked for the contact and they just keep telling me to wait.
theres no way my documents werent in order. i play multiple casino and i know what im doing.
当然ですが、すでにそこに書き込んでいるので、誰かがあなたに連絡を取るまで待たなければなりません。重要なのは、カジノに KYC を解決するために 14 日間の猶予を与えていることです。それまでに何も解決されず、まだ認証されていない場合は、必ずお知らせください。
Obviously, you'll have to wait until someone gets to you since you've already written there. Importantly, we give casinos 14 days to resolve KYC, so if nothing is resolved by then and you're still not verified, be sure to let us know.
Also if you have an update feel free to let me know, hopefully it will be resolved as soon as possible and the casino will let you know what's going on.
I'll be waiting.
BC Game がプレイヤーのお金を盗んでいます。画像でわかるように、ゲームサイトは 330 米ドルを不明なアドレスに引き出しましたが、私が入金に使用したアドレスは、私が 99 米ドルを引き出したアドレスです。ゲームサイトが不明なアドレス (入金に使用しなかったアドレス) にお金を送る可能性はないので、BC Game が盗んでいると思います。
BC Game stealing player money. As you can see in the picture. The gaming site withdrawn 330usdt to unknown address while the address that I use to deposit is the one that I withdrawn 99usdt. I think BC Game stealing it because there's no chance that the gaming site send the money to unknown address (the one that didn't use for deposit).
単なるミスでしょうか? つまり、何が起こったのかは言えませんが、カジノが名前を危険にさらして、あからさまにプレイヤーから金を盗むとは考えられません。それはあまり意味がありません。成功するカジノを立ち上げるにはどれだけの労力とお金が必要か想像してみてください。ですから、収入を得るための最良の方法が、そのような大金を盗むことだとは思えません。とにかく、スクリーンショットには「不明なアドレス」は見つかりませんでした。
Could it be just a simple mistake? I mean, can't say what has happened, but I doubt any casino would risk its name just to steal on players so openly. It would not make much sense. Just imagine how much effort and money one needs to start up a successful casino, so I'm not convinced the best way to gain income would be to take such a lover sum. Anyway, I didn't find any "unknown addresses" on the screenshots.
How about asking the casino for a proper explanation? Can you do that?
I think the best way to get to the bottom of your concern is by engaging in a dialog with the casino.
このアドレスを使用してゲーム アカウントに金額を入金したことは一度もありません。しかし、確認なしで正常に引き出されました。どうしてでしょうか?
I never use this address to deposit any amount to my gaming account. But it successful withdrawn without any verification. How???
This is the conversation with their consultant. they act like it's my faults while they're withdrawn the money to that unknow address. It's a big scam.
they are a scam i agree with you.
but its your asset and you need to protect it
このアドレスを使用してゲーム アカウントに金額を入金したことは一度もありません。しかし、確認なしで正常に引き出されました。どうしてでしょうか?
I never use this address to deposit any amount to my gaming account. But it successful withdrawn without any verification. How???
This is the conversation with their consultant. they act like it's my faults while they're withdrawn the money to that unknow address. It's a big scam.
こんにちは。最初の引き出しとは異なるアドレスがあるようですが、それがどのように可能なのかわかりません。この引き出しを確認したり、そのようなことはしませんでしたか? 家族や友人があなたのアカウントにアクセスしたり、そのようなことをしたりしていませんか?
Hi, I see that there is a different address than the first withdrawal, but I'm not sure how that is possible. You didn't confirm this withdrawal or anything like that ? Do any of your family or friends have access to your account or something like that ?
Anyway, I saw you filed a complaint so we'll see what our team finds out. I hope everything gets resolved as soon as possible.
それで、事件全体の解決を待って、私たちのチームが何を考え出すかを見てみましょう。できるだけ早く解決されることを願っています。 🙂
So let's wait for the resolution of the whole case and see what our team comes up with. I hope it will be solved as soon as possible. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com