Thank you for the information.
So I can see that it has been few days since your first one, and hopefully you will be able to receive the money soon.
Did you get any information from the casino about how long it could possibly take?
彼らは私にメールを書いてきました。彼女は、私の 3 回の引き出しが正常に処理され、引き出しには最大 5 営業日かかる可能性があることを確認しました。しかし、Web サイトにログオンすると、まだ処理待ちと表示されます。うまくいけば、すぐにお金が手に入ります。
They wrote me an e-mail. She confirmed that they successfully processed my 3 withdrawls and the withdrawls could take up to 5 business days. But when I log on to the website - it says its still waiting to be processed. Hopefully I Will have the money soon.
私も 10 月 30 日の 3 回の出金が処理されるのを待っています。それ以降の出金は問題なく完了しました。ただし、以前の出金は依然として技術的な問題によるものと説明されています。
I am also waiting for my 3 withdrawals from October 30th to be processed. Other subsequent withdrawals went through without issue. However, the previous ones are still explained by technical problems.
何を期待すればいいのか本当にわかりません…まだ待っています。ワールド ドローが処理されたことを確認するメールが送られてきましたが、アカウントにログインしてもまだ処理されていません。
really dont know what to expect… im still waiting. Although they sent me an e-mail confirming the worhdrawls has processed. But when I log on to my account it still hasnt processed.
彼らは私にメールを書いてきました。彼女は、私の 3 回の引き出しが正常に処理され、引き出しには最大 5 営業日かかる可能性があることを確認しました。しかし、Web サイトにログオンすると、まだ処理待ちと表示されます。うまくいけば、すぐにお金が手に入ります。
They wrote me an e-mail. She confirmed that they successfully processed my 3 withdrawls and the withdrawls could take up to 5 business days. But when I log on to the website - it says its still waiting to be processed. Hopefully I Will have the money soon.
So I'm curious how it will turn out when the casino has told you one thing but you see another in your account. So let's wait for the time the casino gave you and if they don't send you the money, be sure to let them know. I firmly believe that everything will turn out well.
Hi, I see that there are more of you players who are waiting for money, so if the casino announces technical problems, let's give them some time to fix it. Of course, be sure to let us know how the withdrawals are going or if the technical problems have been fixed. They will probably have some kind of payout order as well, so you will have to be patient and hopefully the money will come in as it is supposed to.
Be sure to let me know if anything changes.
VIP エージェントとの会話から、カジノでのステータスが依然として「確認中」であるにもかかわらず、次回技術的な問題が発生したときに資金が引き出されたという情報を受け取ったことがあります。
From conversations with a VIP agent, I once received information that the funds were withdrawn by them - despite everything that their status in the casino is still: "we are checking", next time that they have a technical problem.
So talking to them is pointless because you can't even find out what the real reason is why these payments are not being made.
支払いが行われない理由が次々と変わるので、だんだんと希望を失ってきています。他のカジノでも同じようなことが起こっていることも知っています。そのうちの 1 つでは、私の引き出しがキャンセルされ、資金がプレーヤー アカウントに返還されることさえありませんでした。
Casino Guru が状況の解明に協力してくれることを願うばかりです (ずっと前にも支払いが遅れたことがあり、この件は報告すると脅したところ、突然、支払いが一瞬で行われたため)。
I'm slowly losing hope because they keep changing the reasons why these payouts haven't been made. I also know that similar actions are happening in their other casinos. On one of them, they canceled my withdrawal and did not even return the funds to my player account.
We can only hope that Casino Guru will help clarify the situation (because a long time ago they also delayed the payment and I threatened them that the matter would be reported and suddenly the payments were made in an instant).
also it doesnt make any sense. They say they have tecnical problems. But its Only at tecnical problem when you withdrawl - but no problems with deposits! What a joke!
but you have withdrawl from this betsite before without any problems?
はい、引き出しはたくさんありました。以前は、ちょうど 3 時間後に問題なく入金されていました。その後、この 3 回の支払いは停止しましたが、その後の支払いは引き続き届きました。ただし、現在は 1 件の引き出しも処理されていません。
Yes, I had lots of withdrawals. Previously, they came without any problems after exactly 3 hours. Then these 3 payments stopped, but later payments continued to arrive. However, now not a single withdrawal is processed.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com