So have you started the verification already, or they didn't ask you to do so yet?
So have you started the verification already, or they didn't ask you to do so yet?
こんにちは。すでにやりました。2か月で3000ユーロしか引き出せませんでした。制限は7000ユーロと言われていますが、それは嘘です。それ以上のお金を入金したり、1日に500ユーロ以上引き出すことはできません。出金は最大3回までで、有効になるまでに時間がかかります。私のレベルは最低まで下がり、最終的にはギャンブル中毒者のようになってしまいました...... すべてのプレイヤーに、このカジノや他の同様のカジノから逃げることをお勧めします。入金することしかできませんが、出金する時になると、お金を使わせようとあらゆる困難を伴います。このカジノのスコアを最低まで下げていただければと思います。ありがとうございます。
Hello, I already did it but I was only able to withdraw €3000 in two months, although they say the limit is €7000 that is a lie as you cannot deposit more money and cannot withdraw more than €500 daily, 3 active withdrawals maximum with the delay in making them effective, my level dropped to a minimum and in the end like a good gambling addict...... I recommend all players to flee from this casino, and other similar ones, you can only deposit money but when it comes time to withdraw it they will put up all the difficulties to try to get you to spend it. I hope you lower the score of this casino to a minimum, thank you.
Hola ya lo hize pero solo pude retirar 3000€ en dos meses, aunque digan que el limite sean 7000€ eso es una falsedad al no ingresar mas dinero y no poder retirar mas de 500€ diarios 3 retiros activos maximo con el retraso en acerlos efectivo mi nivel bajo al minimo y al final como buen ludopata...... Recomiendo a todos los jugadores que huyan de este casino, y de otros similares, solo puedes ingresar dinero pero a la hora de retirarlo pondran todas las dificultades para intentar que lo gastes. Epero que bajeis la nota de este casino al minimo gracias.
In 2 years you may have it, in the end I ended up spending it, if you can hold out, go withdrawing €1500 a month (what they will leave you) and don't spend anything else, if you want to play, play at another casino.
En 2 años quizas lo tengas, yo al final termine gastandolos, si puedes aguantar ves retirando 1500€ al mes (lo que te dejaran) y no te gastes nada mas, si quieres jugar juega en otro casino.
こんにちは 14.2。00:01 に Casina カジノで出金をリクエストしましたが、まだ処理中で、ライブ サポートでは、まだ待つように言われています。どのくらい待つべきかわかりません。
Hello 14.2. At 00:01 I requested a withdrawal at the casino Casina and it is still being processed and the live support still says I should be patient. I don't know how long one should be patient.
Dobrý den 14.2. V 00:01 jsem požádal na casinu Casina o výběr a stále se zpracovává a živá podpora stále píše, že mám být trpělivý. Nevím jak dlouho má být člověk trpělivý.
こんにちは。すでにやりました。2か月で3000ユーロしか引き出せませんでした。制限は7000ユーロと言われていますが、それは嘘です。それ以上のお金を入金したり、1日に500ユーロ以上引き出すことはできません。出金は最大3回までで、有効になるまでに時間がかかります。私のレベルは最低まで下がり、最終的にはギャンブル中毒者のようになってしまいました...... すべてのプレイヤーに、このカジノや他の同様のカジノから逃げることをお勧めします。入金することしかできませんが、出金する時になると、お金を使わせようとあらゆる困難を伴います。このカジノのスコアを最低まで下げていただければと思います。ありがとうございます。
Hello, I already did it but I was only able to withdraw €3000 in two months, although they say the limit is €7000 that is a lie as you cannot deposit more money and cannot withdraw more than €500 daily, 3 active withdrawals maximum with the delay in making them effective, my level dropped to a minimum and in the end like a good gambling addict...... I recommend all players to flee from this casino, and other similar ones, you can only deposit money but when it comes time to withdraw it they will put up all the difficulties to try to get you to spend it. I hope you lower the score of this casino to a minimum, thank you.
Hola ya lo hize pero solo pude retirar 3000€ en dos meses, aunque digan que el limite sean 7000€ eso es una falsedad al no ingresar mas dinero y no poder retirar mas de 500€ diarios 3 retiros activos maximo con el retraso en acerlos efectivo mi nivel bajo al minimo y al final como buen ludopata...... Recomiendo a todos los jugadores que huyan de este casino, y de otros similares, solo puedes ingresar dinero pero a la hora de retirarlo pondran todas las dificultades para intentar que lo gastes. Epero que bajeis la nota de este casino al minimo gracias.
If you still have problems with your withdrawal, you can reopen your complaint, thanks to which the casino would receive black points and its safety index would be lowered if the casino does not resolve your situation. But it would be good to reply to our team.
Anyway, is your money still coming in, although obviously with a delay, or has it stopped?
こんにちは 14.2。00:01 に Casina カジノで出金をリクエストしましたが、まだ処理中で、ライブ サポートでは、まだ待つように言われています。どのくらい待つべきかわかりません。
Hello 14.2. At 00:01 I requested a withdrawal at the casino Casina and it is still being processed and the live support still says I should be patient. I don't know how long one should be patient.
Dobrý den 14.2. V 00:01 jsem požádal na casinu Casina o výběr a stále se zpracovává a živá podpora stále píše, že mám být trpělivý. Nevím jak dlouho má být člověk trpělivý.
今後 1 週間以内に資金を調達できない場合は、ご連絡ください。対応方法を検討いたします。
Hi, I would wait a bit longer, apparently from what you can read here the casino is not the fastest. It was also a weekend and that is not counted in the withdrawal processing as many casinos do not handle such things at that time.
If you don't manage to get the money within the next week, get in touch and we'll see what can be done.
May I know if this is your first withdrawal or not? Did the casino also require verification documents from you?
Ahoj, ešte by som počkal, zrejme podľa toho čo si tu môžeš prečítať tak kasíno nie je úplne najrýchlejšie. Taktiež bol aj víkend a ten sa neráta do procesovania výberu keďže veľa kasín vtedy nerieší takéto veci.
Ak by sa ti nepodarilo do ďalšieho týždňa dostať peniaze tak sa ozvi a uvidíme, čo sa bude dať robiť.
Môžem vedieť, či je to tvoj prvý výber alebo nie? Potrebovalo od teba kasíno aj dokumenty na overenie?
Hi, yes, this is the first withdrawal. And they didn't ask for any documents from me. I check my email and spam and the last thing I see is that I applied for a withdrawal. I think the support is writing to me like a robot.
Ahoj ano toto je první výběr. A žádné dokumenty po mě nechtěli kontroluji email i spam a poslední věc co tam je, že jsem zadal o výběr. Na podpoře mi připadá, že odepisuje robot.
Of course, you will probably have to wait for the withdrawal. I know it's not the most pleasant thing, but unfortunately there's probably nothing more you can do for now. We'll see if you get a confirmation email saying that the casino has already sent you the money.
I hope so. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
Samozrejme tak potom budeš musieť naďalej zrejme čakať na výber. Viem, že to nie je najpríjemnejšie ale bohužial nič viac sa zrejme zatiaľ nebude dať robiť. Uvídíme, či ti príde nejaý potvrdzovací email o tom, že ti kaśino už poslalo peniaze.
Dúfam, že áno. Budem ti držať palce. 🤞
Hi Jaro, I couldn't withdraw more, I spent it.
It is very difficult to have the money there for two months and know that I will not be able to withdraw it all at once or withdraw a large amount, I just want to say that everyone who plays at Casinia will suffer the same problem as me, you will have to have a very large willpower because the terms and conditions are abusive regarding withdrawals and the VIP level, which will always go down when you win a certain amount of money because it only goes up by the amount of your income, that is why they take so long to make the withdrawal, they wait for your level to drop to the minimum and you can only withdraw 500, 500, and 500 per month.
Hola Jaro, no pude retirar mas, me lo gaste.
Es muy dificil tener ahi el dinero dos meses y saber que no podre retirarlo de golpe o retirar una cantidad grande, solo quiero decir que todos los que juegan en casinia sufriran el mismo problema que yo, tendra que tener una fuerza de voluntad muy grande pues los terminos y condiciones son abusivos en cuanto a los retiros y el nivel vip, que siempre va a vajar cuando ganes una cantidad de dinero porque este solo sube por el monto de tus ingresos, por eso ellos tardan en realizar el retiro esperan a que tu nivel baje al minimo y solo puedas retirar 500, 500, y 500 al mes.
So if you have lost the money and spent it, then it will not be possible to help you. I always advise players, no matter how long it takes, to never cancel or gamble with their money because sometimes that may be exactly what the casino wants. We always try to help players in these situations, but not responding to a complaint is also not the best thing to do. Then an issue like this comes up and you find yourself in a situation like this.
It's probably best to take a lesson from this and know that you can always contact us. 😕
彼らは最悪のカジノです。彼らは間違いなく全員嘘つきです。私は 1000 ユーロ以上を失いましたが、1 ユーロもボーナスも受け取りませんでした。最悪なのは、彼らが私にボーナスをくれたと言って私をあざ笑っていることですが、私は結局受け取っていません....... このページを見たら逃げてください...これは詐欺です。このクソみたいなところでお金を失わないでください。スピナンガか betonred に行ってください。本当です!!!!! 私も通報します
更新: 20ユーロ入金後、20FSを受け取りました。何だと思いますか? Rise of Merlinゲームのワンラインで20FSでした。つまり、0.2セント、20セントもらったということです。1ラインで20FS、賭け金は0.01セントです。人生でこんなひどい目に遭ったことはありません。誰かこのカジノを閉鎖できるなら、閉鎖してください。詐欺です。
This is the worst casino I have ever played. I deposited over 1000 euro in different deposits and I never got a single euro .. the games never give free spins or bonus.... The casino has no return rate to the player .. literally only one time after I deposit 50euros I won like 60euros and then lost everything again. They never give bonuses to the player like other casinos does. Only one time yesterday they emailed me that I got a 15 euros bonus in my account.. mind it was yesterday at 11pm and I saw it today on 10am in the morning... When I logged in the bonus wasn't there. I seek help at live chat where they said that they had no idea of what's happened...and later they emailed me that the bonus was cancelled???? After they said sorry and emailed me that they gave me 50 FS with 20euros deposit.... As I logged in again I saw that they where 20 FS..with 20 euros deposit..
They are the worst casino they are all liers for sure. I lost over 1000 euros never got a single euro or any bonus. The worst is that they mock me too by saying that they gave me bonus that i never got anyways....... IF U SEE THIS PAGE. RUN...ITS A SCAM . Don't lose your money in this crap. Go to spinanga or betonred. Foreal!!!!! I will report them too
UPDATE: I got the 20fs after my 20 euros deposit.. guess what it was?? it was 20 FS with ONE LINE in the rise of Merlin game ...that means they gave me 0.20cents 20FUCKIN CENTS. 20 FS WITH ONE LINE WHICH BET IS 0.01 cents ..... I swear to god I ve never seen that crap IN MY LIFE . if someone can close this casino pls do. They scam people.
こんばんは。このカジノは市場で最も詐欺的です。スロットは彼らがコントロールしています。なぜなら、あなたはゲームプロバイダーではなく彼らのサーバーに接続しているからです。ゲーム自体の読み込みが遅れていることや、ゲーム中に流動性が失われていることからそれがわかります。さらに、後で出金を完了できたとしても、ゲームを完全にコントロールされ、わずかな賞金、存在しないボーナスシンボル、利益ゼロのゲームが延々と続きます。明らかに AAMS カジノではありませんが、彼らの不正行為をコントロールできない可能性はあるのでしょうか? そして、イタリアでブロックされる可能性はないのでしょうか?
Good evening, this Casino is the most fraudulent on the market. They have control of the slots because you are not connected to the game provider but to their server, you can tell by the delay in loading the game itself and during the games you lose fluidity. Furthermore, if you manage to complete a withdrawal later you are inserted into a total control of the games, miserable winnings, non-existent bonus symbols, infinite zero-profit games. Obviously it is not an AAMS casino, but is it possible that there is no control of their misdeeds? And is there no possibility of having it blocked in Italy?
Buonasera,questo Casino' e' il piu' fraudolento sulla piazza. Hanno il controllo delle slot perche' non sei collegato al provider dei giochi ma a un loro server,si puo' capirlo dal ritardo di caricamento del gioco stesso e durante le giocate si perde fluidita'. Inoltre se riesci a perfezionare un prelievo successivamente vieni inserito in un controllo totale delle giocate,vincite misere,simboli bonus inesistenti,giocate a zero guadagni infinite. Ovvio che non e' un casino'AAMS,ma e' possibile che non esista un controllo delle loro malefatte?e non esiste la possibilita' di farlo oscurare in Italia?
彼らは最悪のカジノです。彼らは間違いなく全員嘘つきです。私は 1000 ユーロ以上を失いましたが、1 ユーロもボーナスも受け取りませんでした。最悪なのは、彼らが私にボーナスをくれたと言って私をあざ笑っていることですが、私は結局受け取っていません....... このページを見たら逃げてください...これは詐欺です。このクソみたいなところでお金を失わないでください。スピナンガか betonred に行ってください。本当です!!!!! 私も通報します
更新: 20ユーロ入金後、20FSを受け取りました。何だと思いますか? Rise of Merlinゲームのワンラインで20FSでした。つまり、0.2セント、20セントもらったということです。1ラインで20FS、賭け金は0.01セントです。人生でこんなひどい目に遭ったことはありません。誰かこのカジノを閉鎖できるなら、閉鎖してください。詐欺です。
This is the worst casino I have ever played. I deposited over 1000 euro in different deposits and I never got a single euro .. the games never give free spins or bonus.... The casino has no return rate to the player .. literally only one time after I deposit 50euros I won like 60euros and then lost everything again. They never give bonuses to the player like other casinos does. Only one time yesterday they emailed me that I got a 15 euros bonus in my account.. mind it was yesterday at 11pm and I saw it today on 10am in the morning... When I logged in the bonus wasn't there. I seek help at live chat where they said that they had no idea of what's happened...and later they emailed me that the bonus was cancelled???? After they said sorry and emailed me that they gave me 50 FS with 20euros deposit.... As I logged in again I saw that they where 20 FS..with 20 euros deposit..
They are the worst casino they are all liers for sure. I lost over 1000 euros never got a single euro or any bonus. The worst is that they mock me too by saying that they gave me bonus that i never got anyways....... IF U SEE THIS PAGE. RUN...ITS A SCAM . Don't lose your money in this crap. Go to spinanga or betonred. Foreal!!!!! I will report them too
UPDATE: I got the 20fs after my 20 euros deposit.. guess what it was?? it was 20 FS with ONE LINE in the rise of Merlin game ...that means they gave me 0.20cents 20FUCKIN CENTS. 20 FS WITH ONE LINE WHICH BET IS 0.01 cents ..... I swear to god I ve never seen that crap IN MY LIFE . if someone can close this casino pls do. They scam people.
残念ながら、ボーナスに関しては、カジノはプレイヤーにボーナスを提供しない権利を持っていますが、一方で、入金ボーナスのメールが送られてきた場合、それは問題ではないはずです。あるいは、受け取ったらボーナスを与えるべきです。あなたは何も勝てなかったようですから、このカジノでは RTP はおそらくあなたにとって最適ではないでしょう。
Hello, I see you have quite a negative casino experience which is pretty sad.
Unfortunately, when it comes to bonuses, the casino has the right not to offer bonuses to players, but on the other hand, if they send you an email for a deposit bonus, it shouldn't matter, or they should give it to you once you've received it. I see that you didn't manage to win anything, so the RTP probably won't be the best for you in this casino.
So this casino is definitely not for you anymore and I would probably play somewhere else.
That's perhaps my recommendation for you. 😕
こんばんは。このカジノは市場で最も詐欺的です。スロットは彼らがコントロールしています。なぜなら、あなたはゲームプロバイダーではなく彼らのサーバーに接続しているからです。ゲーム自体の読み込みが遅れていることや、ゲーム中に流動性が失われていることからそれがわかります。さらに、後で出金を完了できたとしても、ゲームを完全にコントロールされ、わずかな賞金、存在しないボーナスシンボル、利益ゼロのゲームが延々と続きます。明らかに AAMS カジノではありませんが、彼らの不正行為をコントロールできない可能性はあるのでしょうか? そして、イタリアでブロックされる可能性はないのでしょうか?
Good evening, this Casino is the most fraudulent on the market. They have control of the slots because you are not connected to the game provider but to their server, you can tell by the delay in loading the game itself and during the games you lose fluidity. Furthermore, if you manage to complete a withdrawal later you are inserted into a total control of the games, miserable winnings, non-existent bonus symbols, infinite zero-profit games. Obviously it is not an AAMS casino, but is it possible that there is no control of their misdeeds? And is there no possibility of having it blocked in Italy?
Buonasera,questo Casino' e' il piu' fraudolento sulla piazza. Hanno il controllo delle slot perche' non sei collegato al provider dei giochi ma a un loro server,si puo' capirlo dal ritardo di caricamento del gioco stesso e durante le giocate si perde fluidita'. Inoltre se riesci a perfezionare un prelievo successivamente vieni inserito in un controllo totale delle giocate,vincite misere,simboli bonus inesistenti,giocate a zero guadagni infinite. Ovvio che non e' un casino'AAMS,ma e' possibile che non esista un controllo delle loro malefatte?e non esiste la possibilita' di farlo oscurare in Italia?
Hi, I think you may be suspicious about the casino, but I'm also of the opinion that if you're talking about similar things, it would be better to have some proof to lodge a complaint.
Checking the games would be very difficult and not at all as easy as the players might think. Have you tried contacting the game provider on which games this is happening?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com