残念ながらまだです。サポートは常に処理中であると言っていますが、何も起こりません。期待し続けます! 🙏
Unfortunately not yet. Support always tells me that it is being processed but nothing happens. I keep hoping! 🙏
Nein leider noch nicht. Support sagt mir jedesmal das es bearbeitet wird aber es passiert nichts. Ich hoffe weiter! 🙏
Request money by bank transfer and you will receive it within three days and every 24 hours he can request 500 euros
Geld per Banküberweisung anfordern und Sie erhalten es innerhalb von drei Tagen und alle 24 Stunden kann er 500 Euro anfordern
3つお願いがあります!マスターカードで 1 つ、銀行振込で 2 つ。どれも編集されていません。私は非常に大きな勝利を収めました。それを得るには数か月かかります。もし私がそれを手に入れたら、私はカスタマーサービスにたくさん書いています。
I have three requests! One by Mastercard and two by bank transfer. None is edited. I got a very big win, it will take months to get it. If I ever get it I write a lot to customer service, hope it helps!
Ich habe drei Anträge! Einen per Mastercard und zwei per Banküberweisung. Keiner wird bearbeitet. Ich habe einen sehr großen Gewinn erzielt, es wird Monate dauern diesen zu bekommen. Wenn ich es überhaupt kriege. Ich schreibe sehr viel an den Kundendienst, hoffe es hilft!
Have you filed a complaint somewhere or just written to customer service?
Hast du denn irgendwo eine Beschwerde eingereicht oder nur dem Kundenservice geschrieben??
私は Guru... と AskGamblers に苦情を申し立てましたが、今では定期的にお金を受け取っています... ただし、銀行振込のみです
I filed a complaint with Guru... and with AskGamblers and now I'm receiving money regularly... but only via bank transfer
Ich habe eine Beschwerde bei Guru ... und bei AskGamblers eingereicht und erhalte jetzt regelmäßig Geld ... aber nur per Banküberweisung
Casino Guru は、14 日間待つことをお勧めします。
Casino Guru recommends that you should wait 14 days and at greatwin you should have good nerves
Casino Guru empfiehlt, dass Sie 14 Tage warten sollten, und bei greatwin sollten Sie gute Nerven haben
3つお願いがあります!マスターカードで 1 つ、銀行振込で 2 つ。どれも編集されていません。私は非常に大きな勝利を収めました。それを得るには数か月かかります。もし私がそれを手に入れたら、私はカスタマーサービスにたくさん書いています。
I have three requests! One by Mastercard and two by bank transfer. None is edited. I got a very big win, it will take months to get it. If I ever get it I write a lot to customer service, hope it helps!
Ich habe drei Anträge! Einen per Mastercard und zwei per Banküberweisung. Keiner wird bearbeitet. Ich habe einen sehr großen Gewinn erzielt, es wird Monate dauern diesen zu bekommen. Wenn ich es überhaupt kriege. Ich schreibe sehr viel an den Kundendienst, hoffe es hilft!
Hey, if you fear something is wrong, you can always submit the complaint right here. It's for free, we only require cooperation. Use this link to create one.🙂
Find out more about what to expect here.
Keep us posted!
更新: 今日 (土曜日)、Mastercard への最初の支払いを受け取りました。銀行口座に関する他の 2 つの要件は、まだ保留中です。それではお待ちしております。いずれにせよ、Mastercard の支払いはうまくいきました。
Update: I received my first payment to the Mastercard today (Saturday). The other two requirements for the bank account are still pending. So we're waiting. In any case, Mastercard payout worked for me.
Update: Ich habe heute (Samstag) meine erste Zahlung auf die Mastercard erhalten. Die beiden anderen Anforderungen auf das Bankkonto stehen noch aus. Also warten wir hab. Bei mir hat Mastercard Auszahlung jedenfalls funktioniert.
Hi, I'm glad to hear you're almost there. If you ever feel something might be uncertain, let us know.
ご心配いただきありがとうございます!評価していただきありがとうございます。 Trustpilot があなたに送った内容を知りたいと思っていることは隠しません。レビューを送信するのを手伝ってあげたいと思います。
メールを再送していただけますか?私の連絡先は radka@casino.guru です
Hello Oluja!
Thank you for your concern! We appreciate you tried to rate us. I won't hide we are all interested to see what Trustpilot sent you, and I'd like to help you submit the review since you already made that effort.
Could you resent me the email, please? My contact is radka@casino.guru
Alternatively, paste any notification to the post directly. Thank you in advance.
I deleted the emails from them and logged out from their website..they wrote that my review was suspicious, and then I wrote to them that it was not suspicious and they wrote that the software does not match, etc..nonsense, I wrote the review from Croatia because I stayed there for a couple days .. and that I have to verify something blah blah I have something that I copied and sent to my sister to see because she is also a member there..
Ja sam obrisala emailove od njih i sa njihove sam de stranice izlogovala ..napisali da moja recenzija sumnjiva a onda sam im ja napisala da nije sumnjiva i napisali da softer ne odgovara itd ..gluposti ja sam pisala recenziju iz Hrvatske jer sam tamo boravila par dana ..i da moram vettifikovati nešto bla bla imam nešto što sam kopirala i slala sestri da vidi jer i ona je tamo član..
クロアチアにいて、そこから接続していることを彼らに説明しようとしましたか?少なくとも、次回はそれらを避けるようになるでしょう。 🙂
that's weird from them, did you try to explain to them that you were in croatia and connecting from there? At least you'll know to avoid them next time. 🙂
I deleted the emails from them and logged out from their website..they wrote that my review was suspicious, and then I wrote to them that it was not suspicious and they wrote that the software does not match, etc..nonsense, I wrote the review from Croatia because I stayed there for a couple days .. and that I have to verify something blah blah I have something that I copied and sent to my sister to see because she is also a member there..
Ja sam obrisala emailove od njih i sa njihove sam de stranice izlogovala ..napisali da moja recenzija sumnjiva a onda sam im ja napisala da nije sumnjiva i napisali da softer ne odgovara itd ..gluposti ja sam pisala recenziju iz Hrvatske jer sam tamo boravila par dana ..i da moram vettifikovati nešto bla bla imam nešto što sam kopirala i slala sestri da vidi jer i ona je tamo član..
Now I only have this, which sqm copied and sent to my sister, as it was nonsense, they asked me to print that my review was suspicious
Imam sada samo ovo šta sqm kopirala i sestri slala kako je bezvzeznobsta subtrazili ispisati da je moja recenzija sumnjiva
元のメールを開いて「転送先」をクリックし、次のメールを挿入していただけますか: radka@casino.guru.
Thank you for the printscreen. I was, however, asking for the original email to be resent to me.
Could you open the original email and hit "forward to" then insert the email: radka@casino.guru.
That would be awesome!
Do you understand what I mean? Furthermore, how exactly is your sister involved in the suspicious review? Care to explain to me, please?🙏
削除しなければ、喜んであなたに転送したのに.. 私の妹は何年もオンラインカジノをしていました.. 彼女はあなたのことを教えてくれました..あなたのためのレビュー
I would have gladly forwarded it to you if I hadn't deleted it .. my sister played online casino for years .. she told me about you .. she got involved so I told her what they want now .. after I wrote a review for you
Rado bi ti proslijedila da ga nisam obrisala ..moja sestra godinama je igrala online casino ..ona mibje za vas rekla ..uključena je tako da sam joj ja rekla sta oni hocedu sada..nakon što sam ja bila za vas napisala recenziju
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com