I got this answer:
Your account was closed by risk department.
No reason was given for this decision.
I got this answer:
Your account was closed by risk department.
No reason was given for this decision.
これはどのくらいの期間続いていますか? よろしければ、引き出しをリクエストしたのは正確にはいつですか?
How long is this happening for? When exactly have you requested your withdrawal, if I may ask?
すべては日曜日に始まりました。私は出金を注文しませんでした。アカウントからログアウトされ、再度ログインできませんでした。アカウントが 48 時間ブロックされ、その後永久に閉鎖されたという情報を受け取りました。
It all started on Sunday. I didn't order a withdrawal. I was logged out of my account and couldn't log in again. I received information that the account was blocked for 48 hours and then that it was closed permanently.
If you haven't been given any reason why this happened and you have the money and you don't think you have done anything wrong or violated anything, then I would recommend filing a complaint.
It is important that our team investigates what happened and without some concrete answers we would just be digging. So I would definitely go ahead and open a complaint.
What do you think? 🤔
Hey, what specifically happened please ? Why the casino took your money and closed your account, could you describe it ? I'm sure that would be helpful and we'll see if we can help you.
I'll be waiting for your answer.
This casino is a real scam. They closed my account for no reason and stole over $2000. I want to warn all players so that they do not become victims of these thieves from hugowin. Don't repeat my mistakes and don't play hugowin
Это казино настоящие мошенники. Они без причины закрыли мой аккаунт и украли более 2000 $. Хочу предупредить всех игроков, что бы они не стали жертвами этих воров из hugowin. Не повторяйте моих ошибок и не играйте в hugowin
This casino is a real scam. They closed my account for no reason and stole over $2000. I want to warn all players so that they do not become victims of these thieves from hugowin. Don't repeat my mistakes and don't play hugowin
Это казино настоящие мошенники. Они без причины закрыли мой аккаунт и украли более 2000 $. Хочу предупредить всех игроков, что бы они не стали жертвами этих воров из hugowin. Не повторяйте моих ошибок и не играйте в hugowin
これは本当に、非常に不快な状況のようです。弊社の苦情チームがこの問題についてお手伝いできることを願っています。そういえば、可能な限り苦情を更新していただけますか? そこには追加情報が必要です。
This sounds like a very unpleasant situation, really. I hope our complaint team will be able to help you with this issue. Speaking of which, could you please update your complaint whenever possible? Some additional information is needed there.
Did the casino close your account after you tried to withdraw, perhaps?
私の状況の最新情報です。ここの苦情解決担当者の助けにより、Hugewin は私が入金した金額を承認し、私のアカウントに入金してくれました。そして、今日早朝に 5 倍の金額を引き出すことができました。そして、その変更により、同じ金額 (現在は入金額の 10 倍) の 2 回目の出金を申請しました。最初の出金はすでに受領済みなので、2 回目の出金で問題が発生することはないと思います。ですから、入金に関する最初の問題を除けば、Hugewin での私の経験は非常に良好です。
Just an update to my situation. Through the help of the complaint resolution reps here, Hugewin honored the deposit I made and credited my account. I was then able to withdrawal 5x the amount earlier today. And with the change from that, I just submitted a second withdrawal for the same amount (now 10x my deposit). The first withdrawal was already received, so I don't anticipate any issues with the second. So, besides my initial issue with my deposit, my experience with Hugewin has been pretty darn good.
あなたの意見がそのようなものであったことを嬉しく思います。私は、良い経験をしたすべてのプレイヤーを心から嬉しく思います。もちろん、あなたの場合のように、時には困難が伴いますが、最終的にこのような結果になったのであれば、私は興奮しています。最初の引き出しと同様に、2 回目の引き出しも成功し、すべてが順調に進むことを願っています。お金があなたの口座に入金されたら、必ず私に知らせてください。
ところで、ここでプレイし続けますか? 🙂
So I'm glad your opinion is like that, I'm honestly happy for every player who has a good experience. Of course sometimes difficulties accompany it, as in your case, but if in the end it's like this, I'm thrilled. I hope that just like the first withdrawal, you will get the second one and everything will go smoothly. Be sure to let me know when the money lands in your account.
By the way, will you continue to play here ? 🙂
Yes, money was received. And, yes, I have continued playing with no issues so far.
それは本当に素晴らしいです。更新ありがとうございます。このカジノについてあなたの体験をレビューに書いてみませんか?他の人にとって本当に役立つかもしれません。 こちらがリンクです。😉
That is really great, thank you for the update. What about writing a review for this casino describing your experience? It could be really helpful for others. Here's the link.😉
こんにちは。あなたの UR を確認したところ、当時は苦情が保留中だったため、苦情が解決されたときに誤って拒否されたことがわかりました。すぐに修正し、ユーザー レビューを承認します。
Hello again. I have checked out your UR and found out that due to your complaint pending at that time, it was mistakenly rejected when the complaint got resolved. I will make sure to fix it right away an approve your user review.
Also if you'd like to edit or update some of your reviews in the future, you can easily do so thru the "edit review" feature.😉
Thank you for your understanding. Have a great day.
苦情担当者はどうしたのですか? ピーターは先週、1 週間で 4 件の苦情に対応しました。つまり、1 週間の勤務時間全体で 15 分程度しかかかっていません。これでいいのでしょうか?
What is wrong with your complaint specialist? Peter for the past week responded for 4 complaint for the whole week. So he spend like 15 minutes for the whole working week. Is it ok?
The whole complaint team handles hundreds of complaints every day, and they take their job really seriously and try to help out with every case in the best possible way. Of course, we are all just humans, right? So please have some patience, and your case will be handled in the same individual way as others.
No thanks, you already supported the rushbet casino to keep my finances that I was requesting for withdrawal and you did not want to give them to me if I did not give my financial data here in Mexico, a person who tries to obtain financial data from another is punished with jail. person and with the attitude in which they put themselves that is called extortion and is considered serious and if they did not like my comment I only told the truth without giving the name of their partner who, apart from calling me a woman when I am a man, the decision was to give him the decision in favor of the casino that's why I made that comment
No gracias ya ustedes apoyaron al casino rushbet a qué se quedara con mis finanzas que estaba solicitando de retiro y no me los quisieron dar si no daba mis datos financieros aquí en México se castiga con la cárcel a una persona que intenta obtener datos financieros de otra persona y con la actitud en la que se pusieron eso se llama extorsión y se considera un de gravedad y si no les gustó mi comentario solamente dije la verdad sin dar el nombre de su compañero que aparte de decirme mujer cuando soy hombre si decisión fue darle la desicion a favor del casino por eso realice ese comentario
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com