Axle sorry, I can't find anything with which bonus I played
Achse sorry,ich kann nichts finden mit welchen Bonus ich gespielt habe
Axle sorry, I can't find anything with which bonus I played
Achse sorry,ich kann nichts finden mit welchen Bonus ich gespielt habe
ということは、あなたの履歴には何もないということですね? では、カジノ側が指示したロールオーバーを完了したにもかかわらず、ある時点で資金の上限が設定され、それ以上引き出せなくなるのはなぜなのか、と疑問に思います。
So you don't have anything in your history, do you? Then I guess I would ask how is it possible that they cap your money at a certain point and you can't withdraw any more even though you have completed a rollover that the casino told you to do.
I find this quite strange and would probably resort to lodging a complaint as I announced to get our team to take a more in-depth look at the whole situation.
What do you think?
Hello, yesterday after work I looked at the entire history of the whole month again, there is nothing there. I was also able to request the payout normally, otherwise that is not possible if the bonus has not been used. Yes, I would like to file a complaint, what do I have to do? Thanks for the help
Hallo,ich habe mir gestern nach Feierabend nochmal die ganze Historie vom ganzen Monat angeschaut,es ist nichts da. Ich konnte auch die Auszahlung normal beantragen,das geht sonst nicht wenn der Bonus nicht umgesetzt ist. Ja ich möchte eine Beschwerde einreichen,was muss ich machen. Danke für die Hilfe
I had already written emails to Snatchcasino, the last one yesterday with a request for a copy of the winnings because I can't find them. I never get an answer, it's all strange
Ich hatte auch schon Mails geschrieben an Snatchcasino ,die letzte gestern mit der Bitte um eine Kopie des Gewinnes da ich diesen nicht finden kann.Ich bekomme nie eine Antwort,es ist alles merkwürdig
Sorry, I forgot something, when I played with a bonus I won almost 400 euros and then the balance changed from bonus money to real money. Then I looked at my profile and yes, I played with real money for around 200 euros. I can't say exactly, but this win is also nowhere to be found in the history. It's all very strange
Sorry was ich noch vergessen habe,als ich mit Bonus gespielt habe hatte ich einen Gewinn von knapp 400 Euro und danach stellte sich das Guthaben von Bonusgeld auf Echtgeld um. Danach schaute ich in meinem Profil und ja, ich spielte dann mit Echtgeld so ca. 200 Euro. So genau kann ich das jetzt nicht sagen,aber auch dieser Gewinn ist nicht zu finden in der Historie. Das ist alles sehr komisch
ご興味がございましたら、 このリンクをタップして、ここに提出してください。⬅️
また、苦情自体から何を期待できるかについての役立つガイドも追加します- 苦情解決情報と手順
More and more is being added, so I'm starting to get quite confused.
And that's why a complaint is probably the best step.
If you are interested, just tap on this link and file it here. ⬅️
I would also add a guide which might be helpful as to what to expect from the complaint itself- Complaint Resolution Information and Instructions
I hope this will be resolved as quickly and fairly as possible.
わかりました。ありがとうございます。夜勤が終わったらそうします。もう混乱していますが、何が起こったのかはわかっています。Snatchcasino からの回答は期待していません。彼らはそれを明らかにする気はないと思います。それではまた。ありがとうございます。
OK, thank you very much, I'll do that after my late shift. I'm already confused, but I know what happened. I don't expect an answer from Snatchcasino, I don't think they're interested in clarifying it. See you then, thank you
Ok,vielen Dank das mach ich nach meiner Spätschicht in Ruhe.Ich bin auchschon verwirrt,aber ich weiß ja was gewesen ist. Mit einer Antwort von Snatchcasino rechne ich nicht, ich glaube die haben kein Interesse das zu klären.Bis dann,danke
Sure, if you have time you can go for it. We'll see how they're going to handle it. From what I've seen, they're trying to resolve the complaints, so hopefully it'll turn out well. 🙂
I hope that it can be clarified, because as I said, I can't play this game with a bonus and get the jackpot without being guaranteed. Thank you very much
Ich hoffe das es geklärt werden kann,denn wie gesagt,mit Bonus kann ich dieses Spiel nicht spielen und schon garniert den Jackpot holen können.Vielen Dank ersteinmal
I understand, let's see what our team will find out and where it will go. I'll keep my fingers crossed. 🤞
Hi, yes, let's see. I've never had any problems there, payouts are very quick and otherwise I like it. I have no idea why it's like this now. I've had this jackpot before, but I played without a bonus and got the winnings. I'll wait and see
Hi,ja schaun wir mal . Ich hatte ja nie Probleme dort,Auszahlungen gehen sehr schnell und sonst gefällt es mir auch. Ich habe keine Ahnung warum das jetzt so ist.Ich hatte schoneinmal diesen Jackpot, aber ich hatte ohne Bonus gespielt und den Gewinn auch bekommen.Ich warte mal ab
That's probably the most sensible thing to do. I hope that everything will be sorted out soon when you say that the casino is basically cool and you can enjoy your time here.
Yesterday I looked through all my progress again. I had something similar last year, but I didn't do anything because I was too stressed at work. I didn't even think about it anymore and I'm going to leave it like that now. If I don't get the money, then that's the way it is. I've definitely got my money back, but you can't just put up with everything. I hope you have a nice weekend.
Ich hatte gestern nochmal meine ganzen Verläufe durchgeschaut,ich hatte vergangenes Jahr auch schon soetwas,aber da hab ich nichts unternommen weil zuviel Stress auf Arbeit war.Da hab ich auch garnicht mehr dran gedacht und das lass ich jetzt auch so. Wenn ich das Geld nicht bekomme dann ist das so,meinen Einsatz habe ich allemale raus,aber man kann sich ja nicht alles gefallen lassen. Ich wünsche ein schönes Wochenende.
I agree, you can't leave it just like that and maybe you have to fight a little bit. If the only thing you sacrifice is time, then I don't think it's so bad. We'll see what comes out of it in the end. I hope it turns out well.
Hello, yes I hope so too and it seems that others feel the same as me. Wait and see, grin. Have a nice week
Hallo,ja das hoffe ich auch und es scheint ja anderen auch so zu gehen wie mir. Abwarten und Tee trinken grins.Wünsche eine schöne Woche
Thank you and I wish you an equally successful week with good news. 😉
I requested a withdrawal on July 11. The documents have been verified, but KYC asks me to send the bank statement with the address.
I don't receive a statement by post ..... I've already sent a statement that I downloaded from the bank's app, a screenshot of the payment, a screenshot of the statement, a screenshot of my bank details .... and I've already said in my email that I don't have this statement with the address, but their response is always that I have to send this document.
Desde 11/07 solicitei saque . Os documentos foram verificados, porém o KYC solicita o envio do extrato do banco com o endereço.
Não recebo extrato pelos correios .....já mandei extrato que peguei no aplicativo do banco, print da tela com o pagamento, print da tela do extrato, print da tela dos meus dados do banco .... e já falei no e-mail que não possuo este extrato onde consta o endereço, mas a resposta deles sempre é que tenho que enviar este documento.
ご興味がございましたら、 このリンクをタップしてください。⬅️
Hello, I see you have a problem with fully verifying yourself in the casino. This problem has plagued many players and I understand that in some countries you don't have a chance to get such a document with all the information.
However, have you tried calling the bank to see if it would be possible if you can't get it through the app ?
Alternatively, if you can't verify and the casino keeps telling you the same thing, you can lodge a complaint with us and our team will try to help you.
If you are interested, just tap on this link. ⬅️
So do you think you'll try to resolve it or will you ask for help ?
I was playing at the snatch casino, I had entered a bonus, I was winning, the spins had not ended, it still kicked me out and I entered again and I had neither money nor bonus
επαιζα στο σνατσ καζινο ειχα μπει μπονουσ κερδιζα δεν ειχαν τελειωσει η περιστροφες ακομα με πεταξε και ξανα μπηκα μεσα και δεν ειχα ουτε χρηματα ουτε μπονους
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com