So basically you forced them to write down how they gonna schedule your payouts? Im curious if they will keep their deadlines! Fingers crossed 🤞.
So basically you forced them to write down how they gonna schedule your payouts? Im curious if they will keep their deadlines! Fingers crossed 🤞.
当カジノの管理者は、個別のスケジュールに従って支払いを行う権利を留保していることをお知らせします。1 回の取引の最小額と最大額、およびこの取引の時間を設定します。これらは、出金方法、アカウント レベル、またはその他の関連要因によって異なる場合があります。
500 EURは2024年5月31日に完了します
360 EURは2024年6月5日に完了します
Now the have wrote this to me
We would like to inform you that the administration of our casino reserves the right to make payments according to an individual schedule. Set the minimum and maximum amounts for one transaction, as well as the time for this transaction. They may differ depending on the method of withdrawal, your account level, or other relevant factors.
The Finance Department processes all of your withdrawals based on the status of your account and your direct activity.
500 EUR will be completed 31.05.2024
360 EUR will be completed 05.06.2024
これは私にとっては有望に思えます。どう思いますか?🤔 彼らが言うとおりに行動し、すぐにお金が手に入ることを祈るばかりです。前向きな姿勢を保ち、結論を出さないようにしてください。私はきっと祈りを捧げ、良い知らせを待ちます。🤞
So this actually sounds promising to me. What do you say?🤔 Let's just hope they will do as they say and you will be able to get your money soon. Try to stay positive and not draw any conclusions. I will surely keep my fingers crossed and wait for the good news.🤞
弊社財務部門が 500 ユーロの引き出し支払いを処理しました。
ご質問がございましたら、カジノのライブチャットまたはメールでお問い合わせください。 kyc@snatchcasino.com 。
Snatch Casino の財務部門チーム。
a very strange casino now it apparently works to withdraw the money.
Hey Camilla Semmelhack,
Our Finance Department has processed your 500 EUR withdrawal payment.
If you have any questions, please contact our casino's live chat or email kyc@snatchcasino.com.
Snatch Casino's Finance Department team.
On the other hand, you have obliviously made it through all the requirements, and I'm assuming you'll get the money quite soon. I think you were great.
The casino, on the other hand, is a bit unorganized, perhaps? 😀
Just let us know when you get the money, just to be sure all is well.
have written several times and sent photos. They mess with account numbers that are not mine, they ask over and over for the same thing. I continue on the same thread except they see how long the cross bridge is. but here you have a small fraction of the long dialogue
is there something missing? Have I submitted all the documents? it said that it was approved.
there are too many zetos. hi, I have submitted all the verifications that the casino wants, I have submitted them and everything is from today and yesterday, so the information are fresh
trying to withdraw money and wondering if my details are correct.
「私のものではない口座番号をいじっている」 - これについてもう少し説明していただけますか?正しく理解できているか自信がありません。🤷♀️
"They mess with account numbers that are not mine." - Could you explain this further, please? I am not sure that I understand it correctly.🤷♀️
I thought that in your previous post you said that your withdrawal had been processed. Am I mistaken?
彼らはあなたの口座番号を見逃すことはないと思います。彼らから送金を受けたことがありますか?Snatch のプロフィールで銀行口座の詳細を確認しましたか?
I think they wont miss your account number. Have you ever received transfer from them? Did you check your bank details in your profile at Snatch?
I spoke with the support again and they said I should not worry funds will be processed shortly. However I will text to their support via email and ask for a schedule. I have a huge balance now, so I wanna know how long gonna be to withdraw all.
As i sad now theygiving thewrong number the one they give is wrong but today I received 500 euros so I told them this was wrong. but it's not ok, they ruin the whole gaming experience
現在、3 件の引き出しが保留中です。最も古いものは 22/05 のものです。しかし、苦情を 2 週間待った場合、合計残高 6500 ユーロを受け取るまでにどのくらいの時間がかかりますか? できるだけ早く資金を受け取りたいのですが、彼らの規則では、すでに資金があるはずです。
There, this is from Snatch’s website.
Curently 3 withdrawals are pending, the oldest from 22/05. However if I wait two weeks with my complain, how long gonna be to receive the total balance of €6500? I would like to have my funds asap, even with their rule I should have it already.
こんにちは。弊社のデータ チームは、新しい規約に従って、このカジノでの最大キャッシュアウトに関する情報を修正しました。情報提供に改めて感謝いたします。
Hello. Our data team has fixed the information about the maximum cash out at this casino according to the new terms. Thank you again for the information.
Do you have any updates regarding your withdrawal, perhaps?
もっと具体的に教えていただけますか? 問題は解決しましたか?
Could you be more specific, please? Have you solved the issue there?
苦情を更新していただけますか? 問題が解決され、お客様が代金を受け取ったかどうかを知りたいと思っています。この確認によってのみ、お客様のペンが定期的に閉じられるのを防ぐことができます。
完了するには、 このリンク👈 を使用してください。ありがとうございます 🤔
Hey there!
Could you please update the complaint? We are really eager to find out whether the issue has been resolved and you have gotten the money. Only this confirmation keeps your pen from regular closure.
Please, use this link👈 to get it done. Thanks 🤔
I played with a bonus (with a deposit), when I noticed that the bonus had been played out (the amount of money changed in the game) I looked and I could now continue playing for real money. Then I won 1500 euros, jackpot. I requested a withdrawal but only got 500 euros because the bonus had supposedly not been played out. That could be a guarantee because then I could request a guaranteed withdrawal. Strangely enough, I found the 1500 euros guaranteed in the game history, I searched through it several times. Now I have requested another 450 euros (new winnings) and have been waiting for three days, and have not received any response to my inquiries. Serious is different
Ich habe mit Bonus ( mit Einzahlung)gespielt,als ich mitbekam das der Bonus abgespielt war ( der Geldbetrag änderte sich im Spiel ) schaute ich nach und ich konnte jetzt um Echtgeld weiter spielen. Dann hatte ich einen Gewinn von 1500 Euro, Jackpot. Ich habe eine Auszahlung beantragt aber nur 500 Euro bekommen weil angeblich der Bonus nicht abgespielt war.Das kann garniert sein denn dann könnte ich die Auszahlung garniert beantragen. komischerweise finde ich die 1500 Euro garniert im Spielverlauf,ich habe diesen mehrmals durchsucht. Jetzt habe ich wieder 450 Euro ( neuer Gewinn) beantragt und warte schon drei Tage,bekomme auch keine Antwort auf meine Anfragen. Seriös ist anders
こんにちは、少し奇妙ですが、カジノには引き出しを解決するために 14 日間の猶予を与えていると思います。あなたの説明からすると、あなたはまだ始まったばかりなので、何も変わらない場合はカジノはあなたと話をしないでしょうが、必ず最新情報を伝えてください。
Hi, a bit strange, but I would say that we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal. From what you describe you are still at the beginning so if nothing changes, the casino won't talk to you, then definitely give an update.
Do I understand correctly that no winnings have arrived yet ?
Hello, well, I'm just starting out. I got 500 euros out of the 1500 and they're keeping the 1000 euros. I can't get an answer to my questions there, unfortunately. In the meantime, I've won another 450 euros, which went into my account today. I find that very strange too and I was furious.
Thank you for the quick response, I don't think I'll get the 1000 euros, which I don't think is right.
Greetings Elke
Hallo,naja ich bin am Anfang ja.Also von den 1500 habe ich 500 Euro bekommen und die 1000 Euro behalten sie ein. Ich bekomme keine Antwort dort auf meine Fragen,leider.Mittlerweile habe ich wieder 450 Euro gewonnen,die sind heute auf meinem Konto eingegangen. Ich finde das auch sehr merkwürdig und ich war stinksauer.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Reaktion,ich denke die 1000 Euro bekomme ich nicht was ich nicht richtig finde.
Gruß Elke
If the casino doesn't get back to you and you don't get any explanation as to why you didn't get your money, and you don't even receive it, and you have no idea what to do, then you can file a complaint.
I'm wondering if it's a good idea to play now that you have some problems but I see that you already got some money, so I wonder if the issue really isn't that you had a bonus applied and it had some max win and that's why you only got what you got.
Could you please screenshot what the bonus looked like, because if you activated it, it will probably be clear to me why this situation occurred.
I played with a bonus but I used it because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to win because the game doesn't work with bonus money. There is absolutely nothing in the game history because you could see there whether you were playing with real money or bonus money. I'll just write to them and say I want a copy of the winnings.
Ich habe ja mit Bonus gespielt aber den habe ich umgesetzt denn sonst wäre es nicht zu dem Gewinn kommen können da das Spiel mit Bonusgeld nicht funktioniert. Im Spielverlauf steht absolut nichts denn da könnte man sehen ob mit Echtgeld oder Bonusgeld gespielt wurde. Ich schreibe die einfach mal an das ich eine Kopie von dem Gewinn haben möchte
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com