とにかく、出金が承認されたとのことなので、それは良いことだと捉えています。カジノのアカウントも認証済みですか、それともまだ認証を求められてないのですか? 1 週間経つと気分が悪くなるのは当然ですが、辛抱強く待ってください。何も変わらずカジノから返信がない場合は、当社にご連絡いただければお手伝いいたします。
Hi, certainly not the most pleasant situation you've found yourself in.
However, I noticed right away that you have already filed a complaint and have responded to Nick, so we'll see how the case goes from here.
Anyway, your withdrawal was approved you say, so I would see that as a positive. Do you also have a verified account with the casino or have you not been asked to do so yet ? Obviously I wouldn't have the best feeling after a week, but try to be patient and if nothing changes and the casino doesn't reply, you can contact us and we will try to help you.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the money will show up in your account soon. ☘️☘️😊