hi mate would you be able to e-mail me as i need some support on santeda stuff. my e-mail is rav12@hotmail.co.uk
hi mate would you be able to e-mail me as i need some support on santeda stuff. my e-mail is rav12@hotmail.co.uk
これでうまくいきましたか? 私の取引はオープンバンキングで、Clear Pay 経由の銀行で、FCA に登録されています。明日電話して、失ったお金の返還を依頼するつもりでした。
did you get much luck with this? my transactions were open banking and they are a bank through Clear Pay, who are FCA registered. My plan was to call up tomorrow and try to request to send the money back that I lost..
hey buddy, have a look at my posts, i'm trying to get some money back from santeda. can you share an e-mail to my e-mail address rav12@hotmail.co.uk
If you manage to find Andreas email please let me know, Goldenbet have replied to my emails via the email thread, when i added the UK gambling commission they started replying in separate emails, so they're definitely not operating legally, i've also asked them to reply in thread and they're playing dumb or reciting some other pre written message, i'm going to add action fraud in, the curacao commission (think with the UKFC in the thread they're likely to take a look) and the relevant authorities from sweden, spain and australia (they have previous charges from each nations authorities) if goldenbet don't reply, i'm hoping these authorities will, and i'll send them screenshots of each email) it's not about the money for me at this stage now, it's about these clowns facing up to charges for what they knowingly do
i'd also recommend filing complaints with the uk gambling commission too, they'll ask for information but will most likely be the best bet as far as them facing repercussions, their email is info@gamblingcommission.gov.uk
sounds like we're both fighting the same people, drop me an e-mail at rav12@hotmail.co.uk and let's work together
can we connect? i've lost close to 100k on mystake and i'm trying to claim in back with no luck. my e-mail is rav12@hotmail.co.uk
私の取引はすべて銀行振込で、Santeda、Falcora、TransferOp の銀行を見つけることができました。すぐに全員に電話して、FCA、NCA、FOS の措置を取ると脅すつもりです。そうすれば、Santeda に連絡を取らせることができるかもしれませんが、この段階では誰も知りません。キャサリン ジョーンズは、私が尋ねるたびに同じメールを送ってきます。要するに、私はギャンブルのためにお金を盗んだのですが、これらの英国の銀行はマネー ロンダリング計画の一部なのです。
I cannot find his e-mail anywhere.
I'm requesting a credit report on Santeda Intl. and luckily I know a few well established people in Cyprus so I've started asking questions but the registered address is a small flat.. smells so fishy.
All of my transactions were via bank transfers and I've managed to locate the banks for Santeda, Falcora & TransferOp. I'm gonna call them all shortly and threaten with FCA, NCA and FOS action.. maybe they will then get Santeda to contact me f*ck knows at this stage.. Katherine Jones just sends me the same e-mail every time I ask. bottom line is, I stole money to gamble with and these UK Banks are part of this money laundering scheme.
こんにちは、ジョッドさん。これでうまくいきましたか? 銀行が私のお金を取り戻せなかったため、私も Mystake、GoldenBet、FreshBet と戦おうとしています。
Hi Jodd, any luck with this? I am also trying to fight Mystake and GoldenBet, FreshBet after the banks failing to recover my money.
それはキプロスの灯台の近くの住所ですか? それも追跡しました。彼らは複数の異なる支払い処理業者も使用しています。Goldenbet の Nikotpf マーチャントがいました。私は Nikotpf マーチャントのいくつかのバリエーションも追跡しました。そのうちのいくつかはデフォルトの会社の住宅住所につながり、その前は英国のデジタルオフィスの住所につながりました。私は FOS と UKGC で彼らを脅しましたが、彼らは態度を強めていますが、タグ付けされたメールに直接返信しません。いずれにせよ、私はすべてのメールスレッドを UKGC に転送したので、彼らは困っています。彼らからもお金が手に入るといいのですが、うまくいけば FOS が通るでしょう。この Andreas にも直接連絡を取りたいです。
Is that the address near the lighthouse in cyprus? I've tracked that too, they also use multiple different payment processors, i had a Nikotpf merchant from goldenbet,i've tracked a few variations of nikotpf merchants too, a couple lead to a default company housing address, and previously to a digital office address in the UK. I've threatened them with FOS and the UKGC, they're doubling down on their stance but won't reply directly to emails with them tagged in, i've forwarded all my email threads to the UKGC either way so they're fucked, would be nice to get my money from them too though, hopefully the FOS comes through. I'd like to contact this Andreas directly too.
let's maybe share experiences mate? i'm feeling really low about all of it and could do with having someone to chat to? my e-mail is rav12@hotmail.co.uk maybe we can arrange a teams call or so and try make a group to fight these people..
Casino Guru は他のサイトと同様に行動する必要があります。
Dear Radka, I will strongly disagree with you.
Casino Guru needs to take action like other sites are doing.
I will not talk about laundering transactions through incorrect merchant codes, which is illegal.
The most important thing is that these incorrect codes bypass self-exclusion systems that addicted players have put in place, leaving them completely vulnerable.
So here the casino guru must take action and protect troubled and addicted players.
Αγαπητή radka θα διαφωνήσω μαζί σου κάθετα.
Πρέπει το καζίνο γκουρού να αναλάβει δράση όπως κάνουν και άλλοι ιστότοποι.
Δεν θα μιλήσω για ξέπλυμα συναλλαγών μέσω λανθασμένων κωδικών εμπορων κάτι που είναι παράνομο.
Το σημαντικότερο είναι ότι μέσω αυτών των λανθασμένων κωδικών παρακάμπτονται συστήματα αυτό αποκλεισμού που έχουν τοποθετήσει οι εθισμένοι παίκτες με αποτέλεσμα να είναι εντελώς ευάλωτοι.
Εδώ λοιπόν το καζίνο γκουρού πρέπει αναλάβει δράση και να προστατεύσει τους προβληματισμούς και εθισμένους παίκτες.
仕組みは理解しているつもりですが、すでに述べたように、厳しさは状況によって異なるため、一般的な罰則を結論付けることはできないと思います。他のプレイヤーが最終受取人を呼ぶときに使用していた「shall 会社」は、特定の市場へのアクセスや支払いサービスの提供にのみ使用できます。通常は最も制限が厳しい市場ですが、より寛容な市場では完全に欠落している可能性があります。これは、追跡または監視できないものです。
If that's the case, I'm concerned that our perspectives may not align. As I explain, we have no legal background or position to pursue anything. We are an independent third-party mediator; honestly, I have no idea what you think the others have been doing about that, but only players as the final consumers may actively pursue anything in particular.
I belive I understand the mechanism, yet as I told you already the severenity depends on may aspect and thus I belive it is not possible to conclude some general punishment. These "shall companies," as I saw other players use to call the final recipient, may only be used to access/provide payment services only to specific markets—usually the most gambly restrictive, yet may be missing completely for more benevolent markets. This is something we are unable to track or monitor.
There is no action we can take, and especially vulnerable players must do their best not to play in casinos outside their home region not to put the national exclusion at risk. Even though I understand that's usually the main problem.
Kindly consult with a lawyer to have some idea of what can be done. Perhaps you will find a working way.
私は、Casino Guru の立場と、不適切な商人コード、国際銀行法、法的擁護に関わる問題への対応におけるその限界を理解しています。しかし、このスレッドで他のユーザーが提起した懸念に同調しなければなりません。
Casino Guru はカジノを直接宣伝することはありませんが、プラットフォーム上で不正なマーチャント コードを使用しているカジノが存在すると、意図せずしてそのカジノに信頼性を与えてしまう可能性があります。違法行為に対して断固たる姿勢を取らずにこれらのカジノをリストに載せると、これらの運営が容認されているか、見過ごされているという印象を与えてしまいます。
カジノを分類してレビューするプラットフォームとして、Casino Guru は倫理的な慣行に対する意識を高め、擁護する独自の立場にあります。銀行や法的機関のような権限はないかもしれませんが、ギャンブル コミュニティでは影響力のある発言力を持っています。これらの有害な慣行に従事するカジノに対して反対の立場を取ることで、大きな変化をもたらすことができます。
Dear Radka,
I understand Casino Guru's position and its limitations in dealing with issues involving improper merchant codes, international banking laws, and legal advocacy. However, I must echo the concerns raised by other users in this thread.
While Casino Guru may not directly promote casinos, the presence of casinos using fraudulent merchant codes on your platform can inadvertently lend them credibility. By listing these casinos without taking a firm stance against their illegal practices, it creates the perception that these operations are tolerated or overlooked.
The issue here goes beyond international banking complexities. Fraudulent merchant codes are not just a technicality—they directly harm vulnerable individuals. By bypassing self-exclusion systems, these casinos exploit addicted players, undermining safeguards meant to protect them. This is a critical point that cannot be ignored.
As a platform that categorizes and reviews casinos, Casino Guru is uniquely positioned to raise awareness and advocate for ethical practices. While you may not have the authority of banks or legal institutions, you have a voice that carries weight in the gambling community. Taking a stand against casinos engaged in these harmful practices could make a meaningful difference.
2023年11月から2024年4月の間に、私は£90,000以上を入金しましたが、その多くは家族から奪ったものでした。私は友人に嘘をつき、今では私の記録にCAT6 Cifasマーカーが付けられてしまいました。MyStake、FreshBet、GoldenBet(すべてSanteda Internationalが運営)からチャージバックを試みた後、私の銀行口座の1つが閉鎖されました。これらのリクエストは拒否され、私はMyStakeに2024年2月にアカウントを閉鎖するように依頼し、彼らはそれが永久に閉鎖されたことを確認しました。しかし、彼らは後にこれについて嘘をつき、私がそれを証明する文書を持っているにもかかわらず、それは単なるタイムアウトだと言いました。CasinoGuruも私の主張を拒否しました。ギャンブル依存症について言及しておらず、損失のためにやめたいとだけ言っていたからです。
私は FOS に苦情を申し立てているところですが、支払いの責任は Santeda International にあるため、資金の回収については楽観視していませんし、彼らが協力してくれるとは思えません。
内訳は次のとおりです。預金の 75% は Santeda International に直接送られ、残りの資金は次の企業に送金されました (各社の裁量によります)。
TransferOp 決済ゲートウェイ
ファルコラ ファイナンス (MyStake & FreshBet)
私が懸念しているのは、すべての取引が英国登録企業で FCA の認可を受けている Noda WL Pay を通じて処理されたことです。FCA がなぜこれを許可できるのか、不思議です。
さらに、Santeda、TransferOp、Ryker、Falcora が使用する銀行口座はすべて英国に登録されており、Modulr FS や ClearBank といったよく知られた金融機関も含まれています。他の 2 つの口座は FX 取引会社の口座のようで、1 つは個人口座のようです。
FCA 規制、金融法、銀行、コンプライアンスに詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら、この活動が合法かどうかについてご意見をお聞かせいただければ幸いです。私はキュラソー島で運営されている会社よりも、英国を拠点とする会社を希望しています。
最後に、Santeda の登録住所は、ギャンブル ライセンスを発行する別の会社である Sadekya の所在地でもあることに気付きました。実際、多くのギャンブル会社がそこに拠点を置いているようです。
私は、お金を取り戻せなかった場合にこれらの会社に対して行動を起こすつもりなので、完全な信用報告書も要求しました。FOS が役に立つとは到底思えません。
Hello everyone,
I hope you're all doing well.
I’m a compulsive gambler who registered with GAMSTOP to try to control my behavior. Despite this, I found MyStake and its related sites and started gambling again. I took out loans, used credit cards, and even sold personal items to fund my addiction—things many of you might be familiar with. I acknowledge that my situation is the result of my own actions, and I take full responsibility.
Between November 2023 and April 2024, I deposited over £90,000, much of which I took from family members. I lied to friends, and now, I've ended up with a CAT6 Cifas marker on my record. One of my bank accounts was closed after I attempted chargebacks from MyStake, FreshBet, and GoldenBet (all run by Santeda International). These requests were declined, and I asked MyStake to close my account in Feb 2024, which they confirmed was permanently closed. However, they later lied about this, stating it was just a time-out, even though I have documentation proving it. CasinoGuru also rejected my claim, as I didn’t mention I had a gambling problem, just that I wanted to stop due to my losses.
I’m in the process of filing a complaint with the FOS, though I’m not optimistic about recovering any funds since it’s Santeda International responsible for payouts, and I doubt they will cooperate.
While I recognize that my actions are my own, I can’t help but wonder if what Santeda International is doing is actually illegal.
Here’s the breakdown: 75% of my deposits went directly to Santeda International, and the remaining funds were sent to the following companies (depending on their discretion):
TransferOp Payment Gateway
Ryker Development (GoldenBet)
Falcora Finance (MyStake & FreshBet)
What concerns me is that every single transaction was processed through Noda WL Pay—a UK-registered entity licensed by the FCA. I’m curious, how can the FCA allow this?
Additionally, the bank accounts used by Santeda, TransferOp, Ryker, and Falcora are all registered in the UK, including Modulr FS and ClearBank, which are well-known institutions. The other two accounts seem to be from an FX exchange company, with one even appearing to be a personal account.
If anyone here has knowledge in FCA regulations, financial law, banking, or compliance, I would greatly appreciate your insights on whether this activity is legal. I’d much rather pursue a UK-based company than one operating out of Curacao.
Lastly, I noticed that Santeda’s registered address is also the location of another company, Sadekya, which offers gambling licenses. In fact, it seems like many gambling companies are based there.
I’ve also requested a full credit report because I plan to take action against these companies if I can’t recover my money. I have very little faith the FOS will be of help.
And just to clarify, for those who say it’s all my fault—I know. I take full responsibility. But I believe the UK has systems in place to protect people like me who struggle with addiction, and in cases like mine (and for thousands of others), we need support to get out of debt and rebuild the relationships we’ve damaged. We’re sorry, but trust is broken, and it’s hard to rebuild that.
Casino Guru の担当セクションをご覧ください。地元のケアセンターの連絡先情報が見つかりますので、お役に立てれば幸いです。https: //casino.guru/problem-gambling-help-centers
また、 Simon 👈 に、外部の専門家に連絡して、相談相手を見つけるよう依頼しました。休暇中にどのくらい早く連絡が取れるかはわかりません。もっとお手伝いできればいいのですが。
I recognize the gravity of this situation and would like to try providing some sort of assistance.
Kindly inspect the Casino Guru Responsible section where you can find contact information for local care centers, which I hope you may find useful: https://casino.guru/problem-gambling-help-centers
(this zone only contains information on problem gambling and safer gambling practices.)
I also asked Šimon 👈 to get in touch with our external specialist to help you find someone to talk to. Not sure how fast we will be able to establish the contact during the holidays. Well, I wish I could help you more.
Hi no did not get anywhere.. although I did get Revolut to make requests to Santeda to return the bank transfers as reported them as a scam but they must regularly clear their accounts and nothing could be recovered. I am still waiting for ombudsman to assign case handler for a complaint against Modulr who host Santeda's accounts
オンブズマンの裁定は外国企業には拘束力がありません。唯一の選択肢は弁護士を雇ってカジノ会社を訴えることです。これはより費用がかかり、長い時間を要する方法です。そのため、違法カジノに入金する際には、詐欺にあった場合に資金を取り戻せるよう、常に MasterCard/Visa を使用する必要があります。
The Ombudsman rulings are not binding to foreign companies. Your only option would be to take a lawyer and sue the casino company. This is a more expensive way and will take a long time, thats why you should always use MasterCard/Visa when depositing in illegal casinos to be able to retrieve your funds back if they scam you.
しかし、私はまだ、NovaTech Solutions Cyprus にリンクされていると思われる KTM Poland を探しています。機能する Web サイトやメール アドレスについて、何かヒントをお持ちの方はいらっしゃいますか?
I found Playwithme finally.
But I am still looking for KTM Poland which is linked to NovaTech Solutions Cyprus I believe. Does anyone here have some clue for a website/mailaddress that works?
しかし、私たちが預金している銀行は英国に拠点を置き、FCA の規制を受けています。きっとライセンスを失うことになるのでしょうか?
But the banks we are depositing to are UK based and FCA regulated. Surely they would lose their license?
Modulr is FCA registered in the UK and would have to abide by the Ombudsman decision
I complained to Modulr directly also before taking to FOS as their terms state account holders of theirs aren't able to use the accounts for illegal activities or gambling, they acknowledged the severity of Santeda operating illegally/laundering but would not refund as a '3rd party request'... then even still did not return when Revolut made requests either. Anyway I am awaiting a case handler and will see where it goes
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com