ゼロの星はまだ多すぎるでしょう。私はカジノで多くのことを経験しましたが、彼らがしないこと.スポーツベッティングでボーナスが 5 回実装された場合、クレジットはデポジットに戻され、オープンベットは単純に削除されます。
ゼロの星はまだ多すぎるでしょう。私はカジノで多くのことを経験しましたが、彼らがしないこと.スポーツベッティングでボーナスが 5 回実装された場合、クレジットはデポジットに戻され、オープンベットは単純に削除されます。
Update I have now unsubscribed and recommend it to everyone.
Zero stars would still be too much. I've experienced a lot with casinos, but what they don't do. Bonus implemented 5 times in sports betting, then the credit would be put back on the deposit and the open bets would simply be deleted.
Absolute scammers.
Hands off!!!
Zero stars would still be too much. I've experienced a lot with casinos, but what they don't do. Bonus implemented 5 times in sports betting, then the credit would be put back on the deposit and the open bets would simply be deleted.
Absolute scammers.
Hands off!!!
Update ich habe mich da jetzt abgemeldet und empfehle das jedem auch.
Null Sterne wären noch zuviel. Habe schon einiges erlebt mit Casinos, aber was die machen nicht. Bonus 5 Mal bei Sportwetten umgesetzt, danach würde das Guthaben wieder auf diecersteinzahlung gesetzt und die noch offenen wetten einfach gestrichen.
Absolute Betrüger.
Finger weg!!!
Null Sterne wären noch zuviel. Habe schon einiges erlebt mit Casinos, aber was die machen nicht. Bonus 5 Mal bei Sportwetten umgesetzt, danach würde das Guthaben wieder auf diecersteinzahlung gesetzt und die noch offenen wetten einfach gestrichen.
Absolute Betrüger.
Finger weg!!!
- 報告するものは何もありませんNothing to reportNichts zu vermelden

IviBet Casino
Gollub7923 様、不快な体験をされたとのこと、申し訳ございません。弊社ではこのようなフィードバックを真摯に受け止め、すべてのプレイヤーの皆様に公平で透明なゲーム体験を提供できるよう努めてまいります。
さらにご不明な点がある場合や、ご経験についてさらに詳しい情報をお寄せになりたい場合は、お気軽に弊社のカスタマー サポート チームまでご連絡ください。この件についてご連絡いただきありがとうございます。
さらにご不明な点がある場合や、ご経験についてさらに詳しい情報をお寄せになりたい場合は、お気軽に弊社のカスタマー サポート チームまでご連絡ください。この件についてご連絡いただきありがとうございます。
We're sorry to hear about your negative experience, Gollub7923. We take such feedback seriously and strive to ensure fair and transparent gaming experiences for all our players.
Regarding the issues you've encountered with bonuses and sports betting, we understand your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We aim to provide clear and consistent terms for all our promotions, and we will investigate this matter further to ensure that our policies are being upheld correctly.
Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate your recommendation. We will use this opportunity to review our processes and make improvements where necessary to enhance the overall experience for our players.
If you have any further concerns or would like to provide additional details about your experience, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Regarding the issues you've encountered with bonuses and sports betting, we understand your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We aim to provide clear and consistent terms for all our promotions, and we will investigate this matter further to ensure that our policies are being upheld correctly.
Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate your recommendation. We will use this opportunity to review our processes and make improvements where necessary to enhance the overall experience for our players.
If you have any further concerns or would like to provide additional details about your experience, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.